

Saturday, July 9, 2011


And the disaster that is so obviously the failed economic theory of Obamanomics just keeps on getting worse. Or maybe from its creators point of view, things couldn’t be going better. But for those among us who are not, and never have been, big supporters of socialism, it is obvious that seeing how well it hasn’t worked anywhere else that it’s ever been tried, it definitely does not appear to be working too well here either. And if this is what Barry meant by his promise of "Hope and Change" then those who were so insistent upon buying into his whole cockamamie notion, should by now be able to see quite clearly, that they most certainly got took. The Barry "Almighty" administration has now been hit with, what would under normal circumstances be devastating, employment figures released on Friday which showed that there were only 18,000 new jobs added in June. And since that number reflects just 17 percent of the projected figure, I'm sure this too came as something that was totally unexpected, as is everything else, to Barry’s team that has anything to do with the economy. It is the second month in a row that the figures for new jobs have been said to be "shockingly" low, in May they stood at just 25,000 new posts. But shocking to whom exactly? And why? What has this corrupt administration really done that would actually encourage any amount if serious job growth? Ah, that would be NOTHING! The result of these figures is that unemployment has now ticked up a notch from 9.1 percent to 9.2. And on top of that, 272,000 Americans have given up even looking for work, many out of pure frustration that they will never find a job again. Because the economic recovery that Barry, and members of his team, so loudly claim is presently underway, has hit a major speed bump as the unemployment numbers continue to be all bad news for the federal government and even more so for American workers. With hiring having now slowed to a near-standstill employers added the fewest jobs in nine months and the unemployment has remained firmly affixed over 9 percent. So much for that 8 percent that Barry promised us, right? But hey, it's not like he really meant it or anything. Hell he was just pulling numbers out of the air!

Now it should come as no big surprise that the Republicans, were pretty quick to blame the president and his policies for the latest round of disappointing figures, and deservedly so, linking them to a need to cut government spending as part of any deal to raise the debt ceiling. “Today’s report is more evidence that the misguided ‘stimulus’ spending binge, excessive regulations, and an overwhelming national debt continue to hold back private-sector job creation in our country," said House Speaker John Boehner. “Legislation that raises taxes on small business job creators, fails to cut spending by a larger amount than a debt limit hike, or fails to restrain future spending will only make things worse – and won’t pass the House.” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor joined in the condemnation. “These numbers serve as a warning that as we address the debt limit increase we shouldn’t do so in a way that raises taxes and impedes the ability of small businesses to create jobs and get people back to work." Barry's nonsensical answer to that criticism was that federal, state and local government workers have added to the jobless rate because they have been let go as state and local governments are pinched to balance budgets. A total of 87,000 government jobs have been eliminated in the last two months. That is merely a drop in the bucket and is small potatoes with regard to how many government jobs need to be eliminated. Then, of course, we have the esteemed Mr. Austan "Ghouls"bee, one of Barry's supposed top economic gurus, whose soon to be out the door, trying his best to put some kind of a positive spin on the newest job numbers and calling for an end to all of the "bickering" that he said has stalled economic growth. "The president has taken responsibility that we have to do everything we can," "Ghouls"bee said when asked if the White House will take the blame for Friday's poor jobs report and droned on about how, "It is his number-one priority. We wake up every day -- what can we do to get the growth rate higher?" Yeah, right. I think we all know what Barry's number one priority is and it sure ain't jobs. Frankly, it never has been about jobs!

Mr. Ghouls"bee said "hundreds of thousands of jobs if not millions" could be created if a payroll tax cut is extended, trade deals are passed, an infrastructure bank is created, a patent reform bill is approved and a deficit deal is reached. He also said that if those things happen, the unemployment rate would be 8.2 percent by the fourth quarter of 2012. "I think these numbers from last month and this month are a call to action for Washington to stop the bickering, to stop the, frankly, dangerous actions that doing nothing will have for the economy, that we should do the things that there's bipartisan agreement on that will create jobs and get the growth rate higher," Ghouls"bee said. So I gotta ask, exactly what kind of a fantasy world is this clone living in? Either that or he's smokin’ some pretty powerful shit! Look, for this guy to make such grandiose statements that have absolutely no basis in reality lays bare the gross lack of seriousness that these folks have regarding the getting of Americans back to work. It's like it's all a big joke to them. And they still seem to think that our continuing high unemployment numbers are not going to be presenting them with any kind of a real problem they’ll be forced to deal with come the election. In what has become seen as the typical condescending manner, White House press secretary Jay Carney basically told the press corps the same thing. Carney told ABC News' Jake Tapper that Americans talk to each other about their feelings of the economic situation rather than "analyze the numbers." "I don’t know where, you know, the voters that some other folks might be talking to — but — or — but most people do not sit around their kitchen table and analyze GDP and unemployment numbers," Carney said. "They do not sit around analyzing The Wall Street Journal or other — or Bloomberg to look at the — you know, analyze the numbers." I don't know, maybe they're right. But I do find it a little hard to believe. Maybe they're thinking that can take advantage of what is now a growing entitlement mentality that seems to be gripping the country. That if, between now and the election, they can only manage of get enough people dependent on the government to the point where they would vote only for those wishing to continue the policies that allow that dependence to continue, then victory is pretty much assured. It seems like kind of a screwy plan, but screwy plans have worked before.

Meanwhile, House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) said the June unemployment rate shows that Democrats are doing nothing more than to make things worse, not better: “Today's numbers are sadly not a surprise but another sign that President Obama's spending agenda did not help our jobs crisis--it made it worse. They are a reminder that 20 million Americans remain unemployed, are only working part-time, or have stopped looking for jobs altogether because they simply aren’t out there. Times are tough, and the Democrats’ refusal to tackle the major impediments to job creation is only making them tougher, for longer,” Hensarling said in a statement. Couldn't have said it any better myself. “Unemployment has now stayed above eight percent for a devastating 29 months in a row,” Hensarling noted. He blamed Barry’s economic policies for the “deficit of confidence” among job creators. “Massive spending and massive new regulations have left job creators lacking confidence in their ability to stay afloat. Our massive debt, produced in large part by the president’s signature initiatives, has forced businesses and investors to keep capital on the sidelines because they know that such debt will lead to massive taxes to pay for it. Countless job opportunities have been taken overseas.” Hensarling said the way to create jobs is to stop the federal government from spending money it doesn’t have. That’s what Republicans are trying to do, he added: “So far this year, House Republicans have passed a series of major bills to cut wasteful spending, roll back red tape, increase American energy production, and reduce our debt so that certainty can be restored and job creation can be resumed. These bills directly tackle the main causes of our economic distress, and it’s time for Senator Harry Reid and President Obama to consider them.”

The Democrats have a very specific endgame in mind here and they are focused like a laser beam on accomplishing it. They are out to create as much havoc and economic damage as is possible and with the election now only about 16 months away they'll soon be going into overdrive. The seek to bring about a complete economic collapse because they see that collapse as being the primary means for they’re being able achieve some level of political gain. What they seek to do, as I mentioned earlier, is to work to continue our downward economic spiral, speeding it up if possible, so that so many people become so completely dependent on the government for being able to maintain any semblance of a normal existence. They want people to have nowhere else to turn. And they feel very confident that through the proper use of class warfare and the proper scare tactics they will be able to convince a majority of voters to come over to their side out of fear of losing their government provided, taxpayer subsidized, “benefits.” Only time will tell if they will be successful in their endeavor. Barry most certainly have enough money and allot of free assistance from the state-controlled media complex in his effort to “convince” enough people that his way is the only way.

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