

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Poor old senile Tom Harkin, Democrat Senator from Iowa, has finally gone round that proverbial bend, either that or he must be imbibing just a bit too much Iowa corn and apparently in the liquid form. His brain, apparently, is now in the rather advanced stages of turning to mush, or is it mash. Whatever the reason, he seems to have now officially joined in the chorus of Democrat "Cut, Cap and Balance" naysayers and has now essentially set about accusing Republicans of being what he calls "dead-beat debtors," among other things. Man, is this guy clever, or what. It all came down during a Democrat press conference on Wednesday morning where old Tom was joined by some of the more stellar members of the Democrat Party. Sorry there Tom, but if you really want to see what a real dead-beat debtor looks like, just walk over to the nearest mirror. "The debate and fight is not between Democrats and Republicans. It's between some Republicans and their sort of cult fringe as I refer to them out there," Harkin said. The guy's a genius! Where does he some up with this stuff, by watching Jon Stewart? Either that or from that other mental midget, that former MSNBC star, Keith Olbermann. Either way, old Tom needs to find himself a new source for his snappy political innuendos, because he's starting to repeat himself.

Lying through his teeth, as is always the typical behavior that we have come to expect from any Democrat, poor old Tom said, "Democrats are willing to do whatever is necessary to raise the debt ceiling, not for future borrowing but to pay the debts that we racked up in the past. Which, mostly was racked up by a Republican House, a Republican Senate and a Republican President in the last 8 years. Yet, they're not willing to pay the bills," Harkin said. Well duh, of course slimy Democrats are willing to do "whatever is necessary" to raise the debt ceiling, and to make the imbecilic claim that it's the Republicans who are solely to blame for "racking" up all the debt is more than just a little hypocritical. It also shows us that old Tom's mental condition may have deteriorated much more than any of us thought. You know, it's amazing how these sleazy Democrats were able to pass legislation that effectively seizes control our healthcare without ever having read it, while at the same time telling us about all of the great and wondrous things that it would do "for us." But this time around, in the case of the "Cut, Cap, and Balance" bill, they still obviously haven't bothered to read it, but now, it’s not so much about all of the nonexistent benefits that it will provide or all of the money that it will save, as it was with Obamacare, instead it's all about the severe damage that this legislation will do to our economy, the poor and America's reputation in being able to pay its bills.

And still another act that very clearly reveals that he is most definitely suffering from what can only be described as being some sort of mental disorder, Harkin went so far as to actually label the Republican Party as being "kind of a cult" at the Capitol on Wednesday. "The sad reality is that America no longer has a two party system. One of our two parties has morphed into a kind of a cult driven by a singular fixation and obsession – preserving and expanding tax breaks for the wealthy at all costs. This so-called balanced budget amendment would make it all but impossible to raise revenues in the future," said Harkin at a press conference on the "Cut, Cap and Balance" legislation passed by the GOP-led House on Tuesday. Look, if there is a political party that has morphed into some kind of screwy cult, that would very plainly be the Democrat Party. And while spewing the standard Democrat talking points and nothing more, old Tom rambled on saying, "This would permanently lock in the benefits of special tax breaks for the wealthy as well as the outrageous 15 percent tax rate for hedge fund billionaires so millionaires and billionaires get royal treatment. It’s the middle class would be devastated by the ‘Cut, Cap and Kill’ Medicare bill." This moron truly is living in some alternate universe. Harkin is living proof that yes, ignorance truly is bliss.

1 comment:

  1. I have a nice paragraph on this old drunk in my draft for Saturday.
