

Friday, July 8, 2011


On this past Wednesday, we were once again subjected to the lunatic ravings from yet another former Democrat President, another one who simply refuses to fade away. This time, however, instead of having to put up with the inane ramblings of a senile Jimmy Carter, it was the first black president, "BJ" Clinton. Old “BJ” was out busying himself doing his best to stir up a little hate and discontent by way of using the typical Democrat tactic of doing perpetuating the perception of some imaginary racism as he spoke to a group of young and impressionable liberal “activists” at Campus Progress’ annual conference in Washington, D.C. During his rather perverse rant, old "Slick" Willie lashed out at Republicans over various proposals they are now “waging” across the nation to address, and to make just a bit more stringent, certain election rules and requirements for being able to vote. Such things as having to prove you are who profess yourself to be, prohibiting convicted felons from voting and others which raise being able to cast your vote to the level of “privilege” that it is. If you demonstrate that you are not willing to abide by the laws or society, then that privilege should be revoked. Most notably, old "Slick" tried his best to compare these efforts to the Jim Crow laws, which were implemented between 1876 and 1965 to limit African American participation in elections. A few the classic "BJ" quotes include: “There has never been in my lifetime, since we got rid of the poll tax and all the voter Jim Crow burdens on voting, the determined effort to limit a franchise that we see today,” "BJ" said at Campus Progress’s annual conference in Washington. Or how about when "Slick Willie" went on to say that Republican governors and legislators are now trying to “keep most of you [young people] from voting next time.” Or, “They [Republicans] are trying to make the 2012 electorate look more like the 2010 electorate than the 2008 electorate,” referencing the dip in youth voter turnout in the 2010 elections. “Are you fighting? You should be fighting it,” declared “BJ.” What a pathetic liar. Ya know, I bet he was laughing all the way back to whatever sick groupie it was with whom he most likely spending the night. I'm betting he was real proud of himself.

Clinton, like all Democrats, is an expert at re-writing history and all in an attempt to whitewash the fact that it was the Democrat Party who was so determined to not only prevent the black folk from being able to vote but also to strictly enforce the separate but equal nonsense. Nearly all of those who proudly called themselves segregationists were also, simultaneously, card carrying Democrats. And today Democrats are desperate to fraudulently apply the sins of their past onto those who make up their Republican opposition. “BJ” is one of those classic Democrat history revisionists who love to portray the history of our country not as it actually occurred, but how they would liked it to have occurred. If anyone were to actually take the time to even briefly glance back over the history of this nation, they would very quickly realize that those who were out to prevent blacks in this country from enjoying those blessings which God has bestowed upon us all, were not Republicans. It was, and remains so to this day, the Democrat Party which continues in the rich tradition of its rather disturbing history when it comes to the treatment of blacks in this country. The true historical fact remains that every segregationist who has ever served in the U.S. Senate has been a Democrat. Democrat senators Ernest Hollings, Richard Russell and Sam Ervin all voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Al Gore’s father, Albert Gore, voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act as did “Slick Willie’s” political mentor J. William Fulbright. And it should come as no surprise that Senator Robert “Sheets” Byrd, that icon of the Democrat Party, besides being a high ranking member of the Klan, voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act. But we’re not supposed to pay any attention to these insignificant and trivial little facts. And, AND, it was the Republicans who passed the Thirteenth Amendment freeing the slaves, the Fourteenth Amendment granting them citizenship and the Fifteenth Amendment that gave them the right to vote. Not bad for a bunch of racists, right?

In what continues to be very typical Democrat hypocritical rhetoric, our buddy "Slick Willie" went on to criticize the GOP’s push for same-day registration and similar proposals that would not allow convicted felons to vote once their probation is concluded. This latter point was addressed with a rather bizarre level of intensity, as "BJ" contended that people should not be disenfranchised ”forever once they’ve paid their price.” The former president seemed to indicate that he believes that in Florida, where Republican Gov. Rick Scott has, indeed, prevented participation from convicted felons, these moves are purely political. The reason, or so he claims, is that most of the inmates are African Americans or Hispanics who “would tend to vote for Democrats.” Yup, with sleazy Democrats, it's always got be about race. However, my sentiment is that if you're stupid enough to commit a crime which results in you're being sent to prison, then I guess your stupid enough to vote for a Democrat. Unfortunately, your decision to willfully break the law also carries with it some very specific consequences. Your decision to go against the grain so to speak, very clearly shows that you possess a blatant disregard for the laws that govern our society and that you are not willing to play by the rules. Therefore you have made a conscious decision to forfeit the privileges allotted to you and enjoyed by those of us do abide by the rules, and therefore your right to vote. It's merely the consequence of your rather questionable, to say the least, decision making process. And as always "BJ" was doing what Democrats always do when they have nothing else, he pulled out the old the race card. And unfortunately, the apparent lack of intelligence possessed by far too many of our population, as well as possessing an obvious ignorance regarding this nation's history, makes them unusually susceptible to this warped, and patently false, line of Democrat propaganda. History is a wonderful thing, but you do need to actually have some knowledge of it. Like this interesting little tidbit. The Ku Klux Klan was originally formed as a terrorist group whose mission it was, was to attack Republicans who had come into the Democratic South after the Civil War to help enforce legal equality for freed slaves. And it was also Republicans who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Reconstruction Act of 1867, both of which were signed into law by Republican president Ulysses S. Grant.

"BJ's" words, as always, were really nothing more than a very clear attempt to tie current policies being put in place in various Red states around the nation with the horrific and racist legalities that were installed during the country’s regrettable Jim Crow era. Horrific and racist legalities that were installed, by the way, by the very Democrat Party that today seems to being trying very hard to disavow all knowledge, and bury all evidence, of its rather shady past when it comes to its treatment of black Americans. By claiming that the GOP is disenfranchising young people and minorities, "BJ," I guess, hopes that his words have the potential to inspire people within these groups to support Democratic candidates in 2012. And if, by chance, he is able to accomplish that through whatever method of trickery then those who fall for his outrageously fictional account of history will reveal to everyone watching just how truly ignorant they really are. And what's unfortunate for the rest of us is that if they allow themselves to be tricked into believing what are to obviously lies, then the fate of our country may truly lie in the hands of morons. To ever be stupid enough to buy into anything that any Democrat tells you, especially at face value, goes beyond being foolhardy, it's reckless and it is dangerous for the country. And it's a perfect example of people being too lazy to take the time to verify whether that which they are being told is actually true and not the rather skewed to the left perception what sleaze bag Democrats like "Slick Willie" would like you to believe. Democrats take a great deal of pride in being to pull the wool over the eyes of blacks in this country. And they have any number of willing accomplices to assist them in this endeavor. Not only is the state-controlled media always ready, willing and able jump into the fray to assist, but so to are most of the major players in the black community. Race baiters like Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton and Jesse Jackson cheerfully, and repeatedly, throw their people under the bus for nothing more than being able to maintain a seat at the table of the Democrat Party. I mean how sick is that?

The idiotic comments made by "BJ" come just one month after Rep. Debbie "The Dip-Stick" Wasserman, who is now in the role of being the new chair-kook of the Democratic National Committee, took the GOP to task on election law using similarly worded statements. Just like old "Slick Wille," but being much more direct in her accusations, this moron Wasserman claimed that those racist old white Republicans are doing nothing more than to aggressively push Jim Crow-like measures reminiscent of the glory days of Democrat instigated racism. According to PolitiFact, she said: “Well, I mean if you go back to the year 2000, when we had an obvious disaster and – and saw that our voting process needed refinement, and we did that in (the Help America Vote Act) and made sure that we could iron out those kinks — now you have the Republicans, who want to literally drag us all the way back to Jim Crow laws and literally – and very transparently – block access to the polls to voters who are more likely to vote for Democratic candidates than Republican candidates. And it’s nothing short of that blatant.” Is she talking about those same Jim Crow laws that were dreamt up and acted upon by Democrats? And I take exception to her calling the election of 2000 a disaster, because I would argue that the true disaster was the election that took place in 2008 for which millions of Americans are still paying a very heavy price. Americans have seen the value of their homes plummet, they now find themselves in the position of having to stretch what little disposable income they might still have much further because of growing inflation, the highest in over two years, as well as having to pay much more for both gas and groceries. Also a great many more now find themselves without the job they had before this disaster of a president was elected. And we're now hearing about how many in the White House have garnered for themselves some pretty hefty raises.

It was later on the same day that this idiot Wasserman make her imbecilic remarks that she, amid some pretty heavy criticism, lamely admitted that “Jim Crow might have been the wrong analogy to use.“ PolitiFact found her statements to be ”false” when they were tested for accuracy and reliability. Considering Wasserman’s "mistake," it is curious that old "BJ" Clinton would invoke the same inflammatory terminology just a month after the current DNC chairwoman did the very same thing. Might we have a bit of a trend going here. It is odd that those throwing around these mindless accusations around are members of the same political party who not only dreamt up those discriminatory practices referred as Jim Crow laws but rabidly enforced them. What these sociopathic malcontents are counting on, as they continue to throw around all of the baseless accusations and using some of the most incendiary and divisive rhetoric, is the notoriously short memories of most Americans. That's the way it with lowlifes, they'll make some of the most inflammatory statements and then go back and make some half-hearted apology to any of those who they "may have" offended and march off all fat dumb and happy. I'm sure all remember "Little Dick" Durbin's rants when he compared U.S. soldiers to Nazis. He too apologized to anyone whom he "might have" offended. These people are assholes plain and freakin simple. Democrats like “BJ” and this bimbo Wasserman, continually harp on the injustices of those laws that require that you prove you are who you say you are prior to being allowed to vote. Somehow they say that this too is some scheme by those on the Right to disenfranchise black votes. Let me ask you something. How many things are there that require you to prove who are who you claim to be? Hell, you can't pick something up at the Post Office without showing some kind of ID. And how many of those things are as important as voting? And you have to ask yourself, why is it, exactly, that the Democrats are so vehemently against such an idea? And finally, which political party is it that after every single election, is always facing accusations of voter fraud, not only made against it, but also proven to have taken place? How many dead folks have voted for Democrats and how many have voted for Republicans?

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