

Wednesday, March 9, 2022


Ok, so it’s according to ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden that there is simply no way we can drill our way back to cheaper gas prices, it’s just not possible. And he’s absolutely serious! Now you may recall that the last guy to make that very same claim was none other than ‘BO.’ And just it was nothing more than political bullshit then, just as it’s nothing more than political bullshit now. And how do we know that? President Trump, that’s how! Because it was after he freed up domestic drilling that the price of gas plummeted, and it was only after ‘Creepy Joe’ returned to the failed energy policy of ‘BO’ that the price of gas has once again exploded. Like no one saw that coming.

And it proves that the high that Americans are now paying at the pump are simply manufactured and brought about the Democrats’ ass-backwards approach to energy, and that the high prices have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with supply OR with supposed “greedy” oil companies. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we here in the U.S. are sitting atop more crude than any other country on the planet and what is it that ‘Creepy Joe,’ and the Democrats, want us to do with it. They want us to leave it in the ground. Is this how responsible ‘leaders’ behave? I think not, but it is how power-hungry Democrat politicians behave. No surprise there!!!

And so it was, just this past Tuesday, that our *president, ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden seemed to make very clear that he’s not really all that concerned about spiking gas prices. And he claims that there really isn’t all that much he can do about them anyway. And it was when asked by reporters about skyrocketing gas prices that ‘Creepy Joe’ responded, “Can’t do much right now.” And added, “Russia is responsible.” ‘Creepy Joe’ spoke about gas prices after exiting Air Force One in Texas for an event on veterans’ health care. When reporters asked him what his message to Americans suffering the effects of high gas prices was, he replied, “They’re going to go up."

And it was during a speech Tuesday morning at the White House that the *president appeared nonchalant about gas prices just hours after he promised to work to bring them down. He said, “I’m going to do everything I can to minimize Putin’s price hike here at home.” But when White House press secretary Jen Psaki was asked for details of the *president’s plan she did not offer many details. She said, “I’m not going to give you a nod or a wink to any specifics.” She added that, “there are a range of options on the table.” ‘Creepy Joe’ has not announced any significant changes to his existing energy policies to lower gas prices in the wake of the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

The *president pointed to his pipedream of a future economy based on electric cars and government subsidies for improving the energy efficiency of buildings as the solution. He said, “This is the goal we should be racing toward.” And he adamantly condemned calls for loosening restrictions on domestic energy prices, arguing it would not help lower gas prices. He said, “Loosening environmental regulations or pulling back clean energy investment won’t — let me expand. Won’t. Will not lower energy prices for families.” But I seem to recall that when President Trump did exactly that, that it most certainly did lower gas prices. Does ‘Creepy Joe’ think we’re stupid?

The *president argued for more electric cars and other policies promoted by the left’s ‘Green New Deal’ as the solution. He said, “But transforming our economy to run on electric vehicles powered by clean energy with tax credits to help American families winterize their homes and use less energy — that will.” Adding, “That will help.” ‘Creepy Joe’ also spoke of a global consensus together with key leaders in Europe on reducing their use of oil, and said he was working with them on “long term strategies” to do so. He said, “They have to wean themselves off of Russian oil. It’s just not tenable.” He said if we can do that no one will have to worry about the price of gas.

“Can't do much” is a good characterization of what the Biden administration is capable of. What little they actually can do, and have done, is detrimental to America. From inflation, to crime, to gas prices, to the supply chain mess, and so much more. Look at the horrific damage that has been done to America in just ONE year. President Trump produced a BOOMING America and a BOOMING world economy in one year, look what these leftwing whackos have done. We may not make it to November, and now they’re putting us in a war with Russia!!! It is dangerously close to the time for us to dig in our heels, if not we may very well lose all that we love.

Right, it’s all Russia’s fault! But it wasn’t Vlad who told ‘Creepy Joe’ to shut down the Keystone XL pipeline and to cancel domestic oil leases. ‘Creepy Joe’ created higher oil prices on the first day of his fake administration. When he lowered oil production the price shot up. Now he says raising production will have no effect on lowering the price. Democrats and leftists have been scheming for decades to raise gas prices as a scheme to ‘force’ Americans away from the internal combustion engine. Whether it’s ‘BO’ saying he wants to make “energy prices skyrocket,” or ‘Creepy Joe’ sneering that “more pain at the pump is coming,” this has been their wet dream since the 60s.

‘Creepy Joe’ is being more than a bit disingenuous here, because gas prices were skyrocketing long before Russia ever decided to go to war against Ukraine. ‘Creepy Joe’ had already shut down the Keystone Pipeline project and cut off oil leasing on federal lands, which reversed our energy independence that we had under President Trump. ‘Creepy Joe’ also added fracking regulations to make that form of producing energy too expensive as well. And it’s ‘Creepy Joe’ & Co. who continues to print money in an effort to drive up inflation. Clearly ‘Creepy Joe’ has been at war with the average American worker since the day that he took office.

‘Creepy Joe’ is nothing but a puppet of the left, doing everything in his power to destroy the American working family, while enriching socialist regimes with their hard-earned money. To the left he is a ‘hero’ and his legacy will be the destruction of the American Constitutional Republic, and the mandating of a new Socialist empire in the U.S., with Communist China leading by example. The left is the enemy of ‘We the People,’ remember that. Democrats really are idiots, they don’t get it until someone burns their home, kills their kid, murders their family or does something else that touches them directly, otherwise they don’t give a crap about Americans in general.

These freaks can't even tell you what a man or woman is much less understand economics. Let’s suppose, for the sake of supposing, that we get rid of gas burning vehicles, and we all buy (overly expensive) electric vehicles. Where in the Hell are we going to get the energy to charge them? Solar that only supplies when the sun shines? Wind that only supplies when the wind blows? Also, many of the parts on those cars are made of plastic, which is made from, you guessed it, petroleum. ‘Creepy Joe’ created the high gas prices by cutting off our domestic oil supply. He is directly responsible. Now he says to reverse that would not reduce prices. He’s a liar!

I hope the ‘Creepy Joe’ voters, I mean the few legitimate ones, are happy. Those of us on the right tried to tell them what would happen, and every one of the warnings have come to pass. A disastrous exit from Afghanistan, bans on drilling on federal lands, bans on fracking, bans on oil pipelines, or at least pipelines in America, supply chain shortages, inflation, gas prices, millions of illegals coming across the border, mandated vaccinations, more regulations just to name a few. And don’t you love how the government spends TRILLIONS of dollars and has no accountability, but they think they have the right to know why you spent $600 dollars on something?

But wait, there's more. We now have nuclear threats from Russia and ‘Creepy Joe’ is wanting to buy oil from our enemies. And, of course, China is now feeling emboldened, sensing weakness in the American *president and may yet choose to invade Taiwan. The world is a very fragile place right now, and it’s ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden that is the common denominator. The stock market is already down 10 percent this year, but it would take much for things to quickly escalate into a full-blown crash. Will the Democrats accept any responsibility for any of this? Of course not. It’s always someone else’s fault. They really are evil to the core. Absolute monsters.

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