

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


Apparently, when it comes to being both a Democrat and a liar, it’s skin color that matters not at all when it comes to the frequency with which the lies are told or the blatant absurdity of the lies being told. And it’s these days that it seems to be more of a contest, of sorts, between these characters with one Democrat seemingly trying to outdo every other Democrat. It truly is quite remarkable. And also, we seem to have now arrived at a time when there is no longer any lie that cannot, or should not, be told. In fact, it would seem that the more outrageous the lie, the better. All of which brings me to Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney, another proud black Democrat.

And it was during an appearance on Monday’s thrilling episode of MSDNC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that this lying clown, Stoney, made the idiotic claim that Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin, and his supporters, did not believe that slavery and the Holocaust were real. Apparently, besides being the co-chair of the Terry McAuliffe campaign, Stoney is, in reality, little more than another of the Democrat Party’s black overseers. So here is a guy who seems to have no problem with allowing himself to be used by a scumbag like McAuliffe, and in that capacity feels quite comfortable in spewing nonsense that he knows to be false.

Mitchell said, “How did Terry McAuliffe let Glenn Youngkin reframe the debate on education, including things like Toni Morrison’s book ‘Beloved’ becoming a flashpoint in this race with the issue of Critical Race Theory, which is not even taught in Virginia schools, but it’s become, according to most of the polls a big deal?” Stoney said, “You are correct. We have seen Glenn Youngkin sort of divide parents all throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia, pitting parents against parents, demonizing teachers, demonizing public education, and to me, that’s not the sort of governor I know that Virginians want.” You would think that he was actually talking about McAuliffe.

And it was then that this moron went on to say, “We want a governor who understands that taught about the seriousness and how barbaric slavery was featured in ‘Beloved’ is actually correct. In order for us to actually grow as a commonwealth, we have to understand that slavery was real, the Holocaust was real and unfortunately Glenn Youngkin and his supporters don’t believe so and believe that our children should not be taught the same as well.” And you know what it is that I find to be the most truly remarkable thing about this loser’s comments? It’s that he was actually able to get all the way through making them with a straight face!

And he went on to add, “At the end of the day, when you run down people lie Toni Morrison, a Nobel Prize winner, a Pulitzer Prize winner as well, that’s the sort of divisiveness that the commonwealth cannot stand for. Glenn Youngkin is ending his campaign the same way he began his campaign, on Trump conspiracy theories, dividing families and parents and running down teachers thought the Commonwealth of Virginia.” You have to wonder just what this guy is getting in return for making such a fool out of himself. And who but the most brain-dead of Democrats is going to believe him and who is it that he will actually convince to vote for his guy?

Such an accusation from a Democrat mayor whose party brought you slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, and the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). What should seem obvious, even to those like this clown Stoney, is that the Democrats have now moved the old cotton plantation to so many of our largest, and poorly run, cities, much like Stoney’s city of Richmond. And in so doing have fostered dependency, poor educational systems, and discouraged nuclear families. So just who is it, exactly, that are not only trying to erase American history, but are also trying to erase Israel? Certainly not anyone in the Republican Party! That would be the party to which this moron is a proud member.

I never owned any slaves, and this guy never picked any cotton. End of discussion. Maybe whites should learn how to vote for their own racial interests instead of putting everyone else ahead of themselves. But I seriously doubt that will never happen because there are still, for whatever reason, far too many whites who have allowed themselves to be convinced that they should feel guilty about the practice of slavery, that ended over a 150 years ago, and is something that they had absolutely nothing to do with in today’s world. But the left works overtime keeping up the false guilt to manipulate whites into voting for all manner of ‘freebies’ for minorities.

Lyndon Johnson’s ‘Great Society’ was aimed squarely at blacks. He is famously quoted as saying that he’d have blacks voting Democrat for the next two hundred years. As for the jobs, and money for education, it is almost incalculable how much money has been flung at blacks ever since. Affirmative action, racial scholarships, and diversity quotas and you end up with losers just like this moron Stoney! Blacks allow the ‘fake news’ media and the white liberals to define black culture as that of hapless victimhood requiring affirmative action and quotas in order for them to survive. Most blacks embrace victimhood looking for the proverbial handout, and not a hand up.

Blacks get high school diplomas, an item previously requiring basic reading and math proficiency, without being able to read, write or do basic math. They then get college admission based on their skin color and flunk out in far greater numbers than other groups who didn’t get in courtesy of “affirmative action”. And in case you have no awareness of current events, it’s the race crazies who now actually claim that mathematics itself is a manifestation of white supremacy. While it’s true (mostly) that government handouts are technically color blind, it’s far more blacks who need them because they can’t perform jobs that require simple literacy.

And let’s be honest, Blacks use racial politics because it works for them. Democrats use racial politics because it works for them. Pretty simple. They then turn around and say all whites are the actual racists. This imbecile, Stoney, was asked a question about a curriculum issue, and then pronounced that all supporters of a Republican candidate are “Holocaust Deniers.” His racial hatred of conservatives has him so unhinged he actually believes that. This is what you get when skin color is the only qualification for office in a majority black city and with that, the crime and decay that leads all the sane people of any “color” who can afford it to move away.

Stoney is yet another example of all that is wrong with black Politian's. To gain and keep power they must lie and distort while at the same time doing absolutely nothing for the people who elected them, based solely on their race. Stoney is an idiot if he truly believes the lunacy he’s spewing. Since he is the token Black spokesperson for McAuliffe what else would you expect from that liberal troll. He is too stupid, or simply doesn’t care that Democrats don’t give a rat’s ass about blacks, only their votes. And the black sheep, at every election all line up and continue to vote Democrat. And they likely believe all that comes out of this fool’s mouth.

Democrats are all about money and power and nothing else. And the end ALWAYS justifies the means. They get into politics to get rich, unless you are naive enough to think it is a coincidence that the Obamas, the Clintons, Al Gore, Maxine Waters, Rangel, Barnie Frank, Rahm Emmanuel, Cuomo, Harry Reid and countless others all arrived in Congress with nothing and now live in mansions. They laugh all the way to the bank while laughing at all those who were actually stupid enough to keep buying their drivel. Promising goodies to chumps and claiming the ‘Golden Rule’ motivates them, has been their ticket to an easy life for what has been decades.

Tens of millions of Americans know that the Holocaust and Slavery (primarily of Africans) are true, historical events. But we ‘don’t’ believe these were the defining events of Human History. We believe that the defining event and key turning point in Human History happened 2000 years ago, with the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We refuse to accept the Leftist notion that faith in the saving value of Jesus's sacrifice could somehow be blotted out of history by some social or political policy or historical event. As if people today have suddenly been cut off from God’s mercy and forgiveness by what some people who happened to look like us, did!!!

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