

Thursday, November 4, 2021


When it comes to black politicians, at least those who call the Democrat Party home, why is it that what’s so easy for whites to see goes totally unseen, or completely ignored, by the vast majority of black Americans? Because it’s become quite clear that it’s not one of these same black politicians of whom it can be said gives a rat’s behind about all of the crime and violence that goes on in the black community. And what’s worse, is the fact that it’s these black politicians have played nothing less than a starring role in the effort to ensure black Americans remain in poverty and convinced that they somehow ‘need’ the Democrat Party in order to survive.

And it’s these very same black politicians who are virtually no different than the black overseers of old, those who, during the days of slavery, that were promoted to that position by their then white masters, and put in charge of keeping the other slaves there on the plantation in line. These days, their new white masters have a slightly different task for them, that being to tell black Americans whatever it is that they must in order to convince them that the plantation remains the best place for them. And it’s these black politicians who seem only too happy to provide their services to the ‘party’ in exchange for, of course, a little power and prestige.

Which brings me to one of those black politicians, none other than Sheila Jackson Lee, who, during an appearance this past Wednesday on the broadcast of CNN’s “At This Hour,” hosted by one of the network’s resident bimbos, Kate Bolduan, made the rather ignorant claim that the recent Virginia gubernatorial election “was about local issues. Those were about parental issues. And unfortunately, racism raised its ugly head and the Republican candidate used it very aptly.” And she isn’t going to tie the result in Virginia “to Democrats or anything we did here in Washington.” In making such a statement Jackson Lee makes clear just how detached from realty she is.

Jackson Lee said, “I really define Virginia as a case that was about local issues. Those were about parental issues. And unfortunately, racism raised its ugly head and the Republican candidate used it very aptly. He followed the Trump playbook, use race and get a win. And that’s very sad. I’m not going to tie that to Democrats or anything we did here in Washington. I’m going to tie that to continuing to try to work to promote the beloved community that Martin King and John Lewis talked about.” So, one white guy lost to another white guy and that’s racism? Republicans elected the first black female Lt. Governor and a Hispanic Attorney General and that's racist?

Now on a bit of a side note here, regarding the network that insists upon bringing on such racist losers as Jackson Lee, it was throughout the month of October that an average of only 661,000 viewers bothered to tune in to the ‘Comedy News Network’ (CNN). Apparently, it’s one million viewers that’s considered to be the threshold for respectable viewership, and CNN is almost 35 percent below that. But then when it’s this level of drivel that is now broadcast on pretty much a daily/nightly basis I don’t suppose that should come as being all that much of a surprise. And don’t you have to wonder why it is that they continue going down this road? But, I digress.

Anyway, in getting back to the subject at hand, what’s important to keep in mind here is that this is the very same woman who thinks there are two Vietnams, working side by side, and that Neil Armstrong planted the flag on Mars. But Jackson Lee is far from being the only mentally challenged black politician, doing their best to make sure that blacks, at least the majority of blacks, remain firmly on the Democrat plantation. After all, there’s ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters, Jimmy Clyburn, Val Demings, Marcia Fudge, Al Green Gwen Moore and Frederica Wilson to name just a few. The one they all know how to do is to play the race card when all else fails.

And you can’t help but wonder, are these people serious? President Trump used race to win an election? Is this low life, tone deaf, racist, liar serious? I mean, you just can’t make this stuff up. These pathetic Democrats seem to think that they can lie right to our face, and we won’t think anything other than they’re telling us the truth. It’s absurd and insulting. This scumbag, Jackson Lee, and all of her loser friends in government need to stop with all the lies. That’s why they lost Virginia. They can’t stop lying and they refuse to accept that their policies need to change. Democrats are nothing more than corrupt, lying, racists. And black Democrats are even worse!

Democrats keep insulting people by calling them “racists.” Yet they then get upset when it’s so many of these people who feel insulted to the point where they refuse to vote for Democrats. Talk about delusional. These race pimping morons tell their lies about how all white folks do is to sit around the table brainstorming ways to screw poor blacks. Nothing Youngkin did, or said, is even remotely racist. McAuliffe lost an election that he should have won because he shot himself in the foot by choosing to side with the perverts in his state and against parents. This guy is a pathetic scumbag anyway, and he did the people of Virginia a yuge favor by imploding.

And might this racist old gasbag be able to tell us exactly what it was that President Trump did to make racism raise its ugly head? Was it the historically low Black unemployment that he brought about? Was it the unprecedented job opportunities that he made possible for so many black Americans? Or maybe it was the tax breaks that he made possible for so many black business owners? Or perhaps, it was the closing of our southern border to illegals who take jobs, and money, from minorities? Her accusations are, to put it politely, more than a little misdirected. They are also completely predictable and patently untrue. And quite typical!

It’s mind-boggling listening to these people crying racism, over and over again, when Virginia’s new Lt. governor is Black, and its new Attorney General is Hispanic. Either they know they’re lying, or they really are just that stupid. Look, Democrats lost because the people clearly want something DIFFERENT than what the Democrats want. Voters are tired of liberal rhetoric. No one gives a damn about ‘climate change’ when they can’t put a roof over their head or food on their table. How about we shut down the border and stop paying folks to stay home. This constant attempt by black politicians to blame their failures on racial issues is tiresome and just plain disgusting.

Racial division is just one of the weight bearing pillars of the Democrat Party. Without its pillars of division, envy, hate and fear, Democrats would likely gain entry to public office in numbers that would allow them to be nothing more than a nuisance. Racism is no longer a factor in the U.S. and yet dishonest Democrats persist in the use of racism in their attempt to gain votes. There are no facts which support white racism as prevalent, none whatsoever. Democrats continue to be the party of lies and deceit. Improved race relations would be devastating for the Democrat Party. Hence the determination on the part of those like Jackson Lee to keep that from happening.

Finally, it goes without saying that the Democrat party was founded to preserve the disgusting institution of slavery in the South. Democrats were responsible for the KKK, Jim Crow, segregation and brutal resistance to civil rights legislation in the 1960s. The old racists of the party lived out their last days as Democrats. These new racists seek only to divide the nation with their racist memes. They obviously want to keep blacks firmly on what is nothing less than their modern day ‘plantation.’ The Democrat Party enlists the services of these black politicians that they bribe and entice to convince voters in the black community to support Democrats and their agenda.

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