

Thursday, September 23, 2021


Call me crazy, but wouldn’t you think that those who are present day members of the political party that was responsible for slavery taking place in this country, and that even went to war to preserve the ‘right’ of one human being to ‘own’ another, would not want to keep talking about it still today. And what I find as kind of amazing is the fact that more people, especially blacks, are unable, or unwilling. to see through all of the senseless babble that these very same lying meat sacks continue to spew. And what I find as being more than a little disingenuous are the connections these politicians attempt to make, no matter how great the reach, between those things that the oppose politically, and an institution that ended over 150 years ago.

Which, of course, brings me to one of the most racist, as well as one of the most corrupt, dingbats to found wondering anywhere in the halls of the U.S. Congress. And, of course, that would be none other than ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters who, just this past Wednesday, claimed that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents apprehending Haitian migrants illegally entering the United States through the southern border is “worse than what we witnessed in slavery.” It was during a ‘press conference,’ that took place a short distance from the U.S. Capitol, that ‘Mad Maxine’ declared, “What we witnessed takes us back hundreds of years. What we witnessed was worse than what we witnessed in slavery.” And she was serious.

‘Mad Maxine’ added, “Cowboys with their reins in hand whipping black people, Haitians, into the water where they’re scrambling and falling down and all they’re trying to do is escape the violence in their country.” Democrats have seized on the images, accusing horse-mounted CBP agents of using whips to prevent migrants from attempting to cross from Mexico into Texas, a claim that agents say is patently ludicrous. And it was one agent who said, “With basic knowledge and two brain cells, anyone knows those agents use split reins. They do use them as a whip, on their horses. This helps get a quicker response from the horse to move out when needed, especially when the horse may be hesitant with groups of people or other animals.”

And so it’s once again that this racist moron makes it very clear that she cares absolutely nothing about truth, and she leaves virtually no doubt that the leftists are the party of race-centric, hate-centric plantation society mindset. ‘Mad Maxine’ doesn’t care about her constituents nor does she care about black Americans in general. They will be the ones most affected by illegal immigration. Especially now that so many small business are not coming back. Democrats are nothing if not pure evil and are busily working to turn this country into another third world shithole. The goal of the Democrat Party should now be obvious to even the most devoted of Democrat, and that goal is to destroy America as we have all come to know it.

In a way I’m kind of glad that these people as behaving as they are. Hopefully it has opened the eyes of those that have voted for those whose true agenda is, and always has been, to rob from all Americans, regardless of their color, gender, faith or sexual orientation, their freedoms and to place the government in charge of every aspect of their daily lives. It’s quite an instructive time in which we live. The Democrats are telling us that slavery wasn’t so bad, if CBP riders herding illegals is worse. Every time ‘Mad Maxine’ opens her mouth, she just proves that she is one of the dumbest people on the face of the Earth. She is dumb as a box of rocks, but her constituents have got be even dumber, if that’s even humanly possible! She is flat out nuts.  

I realize few really care what this woman says. It’s all nothing more than incoherent rambling! She seems to be saying that slavery wasn’t really all that bad. It’s no wonder that blacks continue to be stereotyped as uneducated, stupid and dumb when they have ‘Mad Maxine’ out front, speaking on their behalf. She, as well as the entire ‘Congressional Black Caucus,’ personifies black stupidity and ignorance. And just like everything else that ‘Creepy Joe’ has touched, our border situation, too, has been made to turn to sh!t! And while ‘Creepy Joe’ allows these migrants into our country without any Covid test or proof of vaccine, he’s demanding it of all Americans. It is hypocrisy and it should not be acceptable. Hope none show up in my neighborhood!

The United States, as a sovereign and free nation, is being systematically destroyed by ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden and the Democrat Party through intentionally unrestricted illegal migration with the sole intent of changing the demographics of this country for the specific purpose of trying to dramatically decrease the influence of white conservatives. It is unfortunately beyond our ability to control. We can only hope that enough of people will eventually rise up and make it known to ‘Creepy Joe,’ and the Democrat Party, that he, and they, the need to reverse course or face the political consequences. If not, the United States will come to simply cease to exist as a self-governing sovereign nation of free citizens in less than 10 years.

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