

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


The longer this continuing, and obviously orchestrated, smear campaign goes on against Judge Moore, the more transparent it becomes.  Now we have RINO Jeff Flake, the ‘retiring’ Republican Senator from Arizona, trying to do all the damage that he can as he heads toward the exit.  He recently said that if he were voting he would vote for the Democrat over Republican candidate Roy Moore who is running for the Senate in Alabama.  Anyone surprised by that statement hasn’t been paying the necessary attention over the years to this RINO creep, Jeff Flake.

It was on Monday of this week that our esteemed Mr. Flake, in expressing his feelings about the Alabama candidate on the receiving end of all manner of accusations that he sexually harassed several young women over 40 years ago, told reporters, “If this choice is between Roy Moore and a Democrat, a Democrat, for sure.”  And this boob went on to add, “I would literally — if I were in Alabama — I would run to the polling place to vote for the Democrat.”  This is the continuing kind of crap, from the ‘Establishment GOP’, that Judge Moore has found himself up against.

Flake, of course, doesn’t have a vote in the matter since he’s not a voter in Alabama.  
And soon he won’t have a say in the very body that Judge Moore, hopefully, will soon be joining.  Also not a surprise was the fact that Flake said he would also back a move to have Moore expelled from the Senate even if he wins.  And it was when asked about just such a move, and if it might become a reality, Flake said, “I don’t think it will get to that, but if it does, yes.”  If I was in Alabama and I heard that, it would only make we want to vote for Judge Moore all the more.

But, even if Moore were to step aside and quit the race, which I sincerely hope that he does not do, Alabama election law does not allow for the Republican Party to replace a candidate at this late date in the race.  Meanwhile, as Flake attacks the morality of a Republican Senate candidate, he has been mysteriously silent when it comes to the case of Democrat Senator Robert Menendez who has been fighting public corruption charges for some time, now.  But this is just another instance where this RINO is shows his true colors.  And it’s what we’ve come to expect.

Yes you could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard that Mr. Flake would be voting for a Democrat if he was in Alabama.  No, not really!  In making such a statement he simply proves why it is that so many conservative refer to him as a RINO, and why they are right.  If you're a Republican and feel so strongly that you simply cannot bring yourself to vote for Moore, then why vote for anyone?  This snowFLAKE thinks he's going to persuade Republicans to vote for a Democrat?  Does he really think the people of Alabama are that stupid?  Apparently he does.

And yes by all means, don’t vote for the guy about whom all of these nasty rumors are now being spread.  Instead, vote for Doug Jones, the Democrat, who has actually come out in support of such things as it being ok to be teaching Kindergarten students the joys of anal sex, and the legalizing of naked men to be showering with little girls.  That’s what’s now being advocated as being the ‘sane’ approach!  So folks what is comes down to, is accusations with absolutely no basis in truth or fact, at least at this point, versus what we actually KNOW about Mr. Jones.

Keep in mind that it was also Mr. Jones who made the rather bold assessment that The Trump Administration “was wrong” when it decided to rescind Title IX guidance implemented during the Obummer’s Administration on how transgender students should be able to access sex-segregated spaces, including bathrooms and locker rooms, in public schools.  And it is this guy who also said the Trump Administration “was wrong” when it announced the U.S. military could no longer afford to accommodate transgender soldiers.  Yet, he’s never been in the military.

So what the people of Alabama are going to have to base their decision on when they cast their vote on December 20, is all of noise that they’ve heard regarding Judge Moore, which up to this point can be described as being little more than fiction, and the facts of what we actually know when it comes to Democrat Doug Jones.  And if I were able to cast a vote in Alabama there is absolutely no doubt for whom I would be voting for.  And it would be Judge Moore.  Because what is being done here, against Judge Moore, is nothing short of criminal.  He deserves to win.

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