

Friday, June 23, 2017


If those Democrats who are now so loudly complaining about Nancy Pelosi think that she alone is responsible for all of their problems, then the party is in far worse trouble than even they can imagine.  Because it isn't just Pelosi, the Democrat Party has many more problems than her.  Now I agree that Pelosi is toxic, but so is Chuckie Schumer, as is ex-president ‘Slick Willy’ and wife Hitlery, as is ex-president Obummer as well as a long list of many other Democrats that would take up far too much space to list here.  Now according to most of the polling data that I’ve seen America tends to be moderate with a slight tilt toward the right.  The Democrats seem to be interested only in seeing just how far to the left they can go, and in the process they are leaving most of America behind.  It’s become painfully obvious that they clearly don't care about ‘the people’ anymore nor the present state of our country.  Their only interest appears to be returning to power any way they can and once that has been achieved to maintain that power by any and all means necessary.  So it has become all about having political power.  Now while the Republicans too have issues, that discussion is for another day.

Tim Ryan, a Democrat from Ohio, has said the Democrat Party’s “toxic” brand under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi is making it difficult for their party to connect with voters.  And it was during a recent appearance on MS’LDS’s ‘Morning Joe’ that Ryan went so far as to say, “We’ve got a lot of energy in our base, which is very exciting for a lot of us to see that on the ground.” And he went on to say, “But you’ve got to beat the Republican and you’ve got to carry this very toxic Democratic brand on your back, too. That’s a tough thing to ask a candidate running for Congress.”  I would only choose to add that when your base starts thinking it’s a good idea to assassinate members of the opposition, then maybe they have a bit too much ‘energy’.  Anyway, his comments come on the heels of an embarrassing loss in a special election in a Georgia House race, the fourth such loss since President Trump took office.  Democrats and Republicans both invested heavily in the contest, which became the most expensive House race in U.S. history.  But still, placing all of the blame on Pelosi is being more than a bit myopic.  One person cannot be made responsible for the mess the Democrat Party is now in. 

Ryan, who tried unsuccessfully to unseat Pelosi as House minority leader last fall, said that despite President Trump’s sinking approval rating, “it will be very hard” for Democrats to win back the majority in the House during the 2018 midterm elections with Pelosi in charge.  He said, “It’s going to be more challenging, certainly.”  And then he added, “You see these commercials that tie these candidates to Leader Pelosi week in and week out in the last several months. That still moves the needle.”  He continued by saying, “We can do it because it’s Donald Trump.”  And he said, “But I mean, you think, what if it was John Kasich?  What if it was Marco Rubio?  I mean, we would be in real trouble right now as a party, and we can’t forget that fact.”  From my own perspective I’m glad that it isn’t Kasich or Rubio!  And if he thinks that it’s only Pelosi that inspires distrust in the Democrat Party, then he hasn’t got a clue about what it’s going to take to ‘fix’ it.  And then it was in an interview with the New York Times Ryan put it another way.  It was then that he said, “Our brand is worse than Trump.”  Well no shit, isn’t that kind of a no-brainer?

And it was this past Wednesday night that Ryan told the Crappy News Network’s Don Lemon that it’s clear the Democrat Party has a messaging problem.  He said, “We have Donald Trump as president now.”  And he went on to say, “We’ve done something terribly wrong to make that so. And we’ve lost traditional Democratic voters that don’t see us as connecting to them, don’t see us as advocates for them. We’ve got to put ourselves in the best position possible to be able to win these races.”  He continued saying, “Look, I don’t think everybody should get a trophy in life.”  And he concluded by saying, “You get trophies because you earn them. I don’t like second place. I don’t like moral victories. I believe in the ideas of the Democratic Party. I believe in a government that could be both nimble but yet active and support social justice issues that are critically important.”  Ryan said he would rather focus on the party’s economic message than, say, the federal investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.  He said, “The economic message … is something that we’ve got to get back to.”  Adding, “There’s so many families struggling, and we’re kind of not focused on that as much as we should be.”

Sean Maloney, a Democrat from New York, put it a bit more bluntly and in language that we have all now become very accustomed to these days whenever listening to anyone in the Democrat Party.  It was Maloney who told the Washington Post, “Look, we need to win. Everything else is bullshit.”  And then said, “That’s all I’m going to say.”  And it was Kathleen Rice, another Democrat from New York, who said it’s time for Pelosi to go.  It was on MS’LSD’ that Ms. Rice was heard to say, “Nancy Pelosi was a great speaker, she was a great leader, but her time has come and gone.”  And she went on to say, “The rationale for getting new leadership is that we’re losing.”  And Rice continued by saying “Do I think it’s fair that the Republicans’ playbook over the last four election cycles has been attacking Nancy Pelosi and demonizing her? No, that’s not fair, nor is it accurate. But guess what? It works. They’re winning, so we have to address that reality.”  And then it was on the Crappy News Network’s ‘New Day’ that Ms. Rice said, with just a touch of sarcasm, “We’re not losing as badly as we did a year ago. Isn’t that great?”  And she then proceeded to answer her own question, “No!”

In a letter to her Democrat colleagues following Tuesday’s two rather humiliating defeats, Pelosi promised to put forth an economic message “we can all embrace.”  And in speaking to reporters on Thursday morning, Pelosi said she feels “very confident” she has the support of her fellow Democrats, and that the party is “united when it comes to our concern for America’s working families.”  Pelosi added, “I respect any opinion my members have, but my decision about how long I stay is not up to them.”  Ben Ray Luján, a Democrat from New Mexico and chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, sent a separate memo to members the intent of which was apparently to “motivate” them following what was described as being a ‘setback’ in Georgia.  Lujan wrote, “This is about much more than one race.”  And he went on to say, “The national environment, unprecedented grassroots energy and impressive democratic candidates stepping up to run deep into the battlefield leave no doubt that Democrats can take back the House next fall.” However, a nudist in Montana and a guy who didn’t even live in the district he was running in, in Georgia are hardly ‘impressive candidates.’ 

But as I tried to point out at the beginning, it isn't just about Pelosi, it’s about the Democrat Party’s anti-America message and leftwing agenda.  It would seem that they are ‘for’ everything that a majority of Americans are against.  They simply can’t bring themselves to understand that the American people don't want big government inserting its tentacles into every aspect of our lives.  There is nothing that Democrats wouldn't regulate, or tax, when it comes to productive U.S. citizens, and yet when it comes to lawbreakers, illegals, radical Moslems, and all of the other anti-American fringe groups they fawn over, there is NO regulation.  In essence, the entire Democrat Party is anti-America.  Since ‘I hate President Trump’ is all Democrats seem willing to offer, people will look elsewhere to satisfy their needs.  People want tax cuts, economic growth, education, and jobs choices.  Hating Trump gets them NOTHING!  Everything the Democrats are in favor of suppresses growth.  Raising taxes suppresses growth, big government suppresses growth, more regulations suppress growth.  We need to vote them out to get those things we need.  If they won't help, we need to get rid of them.

Ryan has it partially right.  Indeed, Pelosi has become rather toxic just as Obummer was wrong headed on almost every issue.  But the Democrats have now abandoned the folks who work for a living, focusing these days much more on mindless socialistic, social justice causes that nauseate the vast majority of decent people.  Yes, there is much wrong with the Democrat Party when Pelosi, Schumer, Hitlery, Wizzerman-Schultz, Obummer, and a whole host of other rabid social reformers speak about the middle class as if they actually know any of them.  When your message is less about the people who pay taxes and more about the people that don't want to get off their dead asses and go to work, you’re doomed to fail.  My dad worked for 40+ years and never took one dime of assistance from the government and it pisses me off when I see people as healthy as I am doing nothing more than to sit on their butt or making more babies they can’t support, thinking that the rest of us owe them something.  I see 30-somethings still living their parents, even though they are capable of working.  When did we get to the point where we have no expectation of people being forced to GROW up?

In watching ‘Slick Willy’s’ speech in 1992 regarding illegal immigration, one would think he was a Republican.  I note this only to show just how far to the left the Democrats have now moved. ‘Slick’s’ support for DOMA and his work for welfare reforms would be rejected out of hand by today's Democrat Party.  On top of that, it’s their stance on many social issues that have alienated many ‘moderate’ Democrats, if it can be said that such an animal even exists anymore.  If they don't see that, then they’re BLIND!  It’s the policies advocated by the Democrat Party that makes their brand toxic.  What makes any particular individual toxic is the level of enthusiasm with which they push for policies that they KNOW are harmful to the American people.  And the ‘Democrat brand’ has been made ‘toxic’ because of their Obamacare disaster, their vile hate and intense rage, their idiotic Russian/Trump conspiracy drumbeat, their leftist ‘fake news’ media, coddling illegals, importing terrorist-infested Moslems, tax and spend ideology, political correctness, men in the ladies’ restrooms, taxpayers forced to fund leftist causes, and today's liberalism pushing radical anti-American socialism.

No one can deny that the Democrats are in disarray!  And neither can anyone deny that they did it to themselves.  They allowed their lust for power to simply get the better of them and in so doing forgot that they were elected to serve all of America, not just part of it.  They forgot what democracy is and why we are not a communist country.  They started believing their own lies and have spent millions of dollars in the effort to try to make a Russia collusion hoax stick.  They don't know what they are doing anymore and the more the media tries to help them, the more they make them look foolish.  They have no message other than ‘Trump is Bad.’  That won’t solve anything.  They have also only succeeded in broadening the chasm between themselves and the voters by their constant spewing of hate.  They need to ditch the identity/victim politics and lose the term ‘white privilege’ or they won't win anything in the middle of the county for a very long time. They have lost 1000 legislative seats at the local, state and federal levels since 2009 and are 0-4 in special elections since losing to candidate Trump last November.  And yet still they have managed to learn nothing.

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