

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Well it would seem that, at least in the case of Timmy Kaine and his number two son ‘Woody’, the nut doesn’t fall very far from the tree.  Because word comes that ‘Woody’ was arrested in Minnesota over the weekend for rioting against President Trump.  Linwood Michael Kaine, aka ‘Woody’, was arrested with four other malcontents and charged with second-degree riot for his activities during a pro-Trump rally held in the rotunda of the Minnesota state capitol in St. Paul on Saturday.

According to the St. Paul Pioneer Press, around 400 Trump supporters and 50 protesters were gathered at the “March 4 Trump” event.  And apparently ‘Woody’ was with a group of morons who set off fireworks in the rotunda, as well as a smoke bomb.  When ‘Woody’ was being apprehended, he reportedly “turned around and squared up to fight” with the arresting officer,” and I’d like to think that, maybe, in the ensuing tussle, ‘Woody’ took a tumble and maybe ‘bumped’ his head.

Anyway, it apparently took three cops and a chemical spray to subdue ‘Woody’, after he was identified as one of the rioters who used fireworks to disrupt the rally.  ‘Woody’ and four others were arrested on suspicion of second-degree riot and a sixth person was cited for disorderly conduct.  Rioters clashed with Trump supporters in the Capitol rotunda after they disrupted the proceedings with air horns, whistles and chants.  And at one point, someone even set off a smoke bomb.  Woody?  Maybe!

It was according to a St. Paul police spokesman that ‘Woody’, a Minneapolis resident who attended Carleton College, chose to resist arrest when confronted by officers outside the Capitol grounds.  He was later released from the Ramsey County jail on Tuesday morning pending further investigation, law enforcement officials said.  No charges were filed against him or his four compadres who were arrested by St. Paul police.  I guess it pays to have good connections, like daddy.

Timmy, as to be expected, later issued a statement on Tuesday expressing support for his son.  It said, in part, “We love that our three children have their own views and concerns about current political issues.”  And it went on to say, “They fully understand the responsibility to express those concerns peacefully.”  So is that was ‘Woody’ was doing, expressing his concerns peacefully?  Just with pepper spray, fireworks and a smoke bomb?  Timmy did such a wonderful job of parenting.

Now as it just so happens it was the Students for a Democratic Society, the radical left-wing group, that advertised it was holding ‘counter-protests’ at the capitol building.  And while it’s unclear whether or not ‘Woody’ was part of that group, knowing his father as we all do and his rather questionable history of cavorting with some rather unsavory characters while on what he refers to as being a ‘mission trip’ to Central America in the 80s, I think the answer is pretty clear that he was. 

Students for a Democratic Society, which launched violent protests all over the country during the Vietnam War, was supposedly dissolved in 1969.  So were young Woody and his imbecilic friends perhaps trying to take us all back to those bad old days by digging up the rotting corpse of SDS?   So while I am delighted that Hitlery is not now running the country, I am now doubly delighted that the moron who raised this pathetic little creep isn't sitting in the number two chair either.

And from what I’ve been able to find out, the Trump supporters had permission to have the rally in the Rotunda of the State Capital while ‘Woody’ and his fellow miscreants did not.  They should have all been arrested when they showed up to cause havoc.  Many of the Trump supporters were sprayed with pepper spray by the protestors who should also be charged with assault.  The police were far too nice to these anarchists who claimed to be protesting but were simply rioting. 

And so it is that I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank Timmy for helping Hitlery lose the most crucial election in my lifetime.  He definitely contributed to the justification to vote for Trump.  Along with ‘Chuckie’ Schumer, ‘Raghead’ Ellison, Perez, Fauxahontas, Hitlery, Barry, Maxine Waters, Pelosi and a host of others who strongly made the case for voting Republican.  While we can only hope that the Democrats are heading into oblivion, it’s still far too early to tell.

But the Democrats are reaching total desperation as their "Party" would seem to be disintegrating right before our very eyes.  All the Democrats have going for them is Pelosi, Schumer, Ellison, and Waters making absurdly crazy comments with no logic involved, and Franken is doing his best to look like a complete idiot, which for him comes naturally.  And while everyone I know has been turned off by the slime and corruption of the Democrats, so far we’re less than impressed with the Republicans. 

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