

Thursday, February 1, 2024


More and more Democrats are voicing their displeasure over the fact that many Republicans are resisting efforts by Democrats, aided by more than a few RINOs, to bail ‘Pedo Joe’ out of a border fiasco of his own making. All Joey had to do, upon assuming office, was to maintain those policies that had been put in place by President Trump. But because doing so would have run counter to his party’s ‘death to America’ agenda, Joey brought all of those policies to screeching halt. And now the Democrats want to whine about that which they themselves are responsible for and have the nerve to accuse Republicans of wanting to play politics.

Now I must admit that the most recent Democrat to crawl out of the woodwork to contribute to this chorus of leftwing whiners/accusers is someone that I’ve never heard of and who is likely unfamiliar to anyone outside of his Florida congressional district. But that certainly didn’t prevent him from attempting to place blame for our ongoing border crisis everywhere but where it rightfully belongs. But then, isn’t that what Democrats always do? After all, nothing is ever to be considered as being their fault, despite the fact that the only thing that Democrats do very well, is to fuck up everything they come in contact with and then blame their fuckups on others.

And so it was during an appearance on Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” that Democrat Jared Moskowitz criticized Republicans for rejecting the supposed bipartisan border deal while at the same time acknowledging that “the Biden administration and Democrats were slow” to act on the border. He said Republicans “have been highlighting the border for a long time, and we were late to start addressing it.” Purposefully proactively opening up the border and providing incentives to come here is neither late nor slow. What it is, is retarded. Three years later and 15 million illegals and ow they want to act because people are fed up.

Moskowitz said, “[T]he speaker said no because Donald Trump said no. Look, I’ll give Republicans credit for a second. They have been highlighting the border for a long time, and we were late to start addressing it. But now that we want to address it, now that we want to lower the amount of fentanyl coming in, now that we want to deal with nondocumented folks, now that we want to deal with supposed terrorists potentially coming into the country, now, the Republicans, controlled by one man, are saying no, we need this for the next ten months, we need more of it, in fact, for the next ten months, so that we can use it in an election."

He said, “Both things are true here. This is why people hate Washington. Both things are true, the Biden administration and Democrats were slow, but now that we’re here at the table, Republicans are like, no, no, let’s walk away.” What a fucking lying piece of shit this guy is. In other words, your typical, everyday Democrat. But the Democrats have already acted. They acted to cause the problem. They could fix it overnight if they really wanted to. Vote to re-elect this puke, and those like him, and all you’re going to get will be more of same anti America bullshit policies and more abandoning of our laws and more telling us that we need more new and improved laws.

Democrats now want us to believe that a business tycoon, turned quasi politician, three years out-of-power, somehow has sufficient power to dictate to Republican members of Congress how they should vote on certain legislation? Seriously? That’s what this imbecile wants us to believe?  Just how stupid does he think we are? The only reason Moskowitz and his ilk are now making a sudden pretense of caring about the border is the upcoming election in November. They’ll promise to do something about it but once safely in office any and all promises made will very conveniently be forgotten. They want the border open so they can get more illegal voters.

Democrats broke the border, and it’s the Democrats who should fix it, and could fix it if they truly wanted to. Why is a deal with Republicans even necessary? It’s just another way to shift blame. What they really want is to pass a bill that ties the hands of the next president, regardless of who it might be, so that they can keep importing new Democrat voters and more cheap labor. They will also use the new law to make President Trump look ineffective, if, or when, he takes office. The law will be in direct conflict to his pledge to start deporting illegals. Democrats are pure evil. Their goal has always been to destroy the republic and to erase the Constitution.

Any “border deal” that includes anything related to legal immigration is not a “deal.” Secure the border first, then work on actual immigration reform which includes, for starters, prison time for employers who engage in fraud to get their H1B indentured servants. Joey caused this problem on day one of this fraudulent presidency. And it should not now be up to the Republicans to bail him out. Let him face the voters or act within the laws that are already on the books. This is all nothing more than crocodile tears coming from this boob Moskowitz and every other Democrat and for no other reason than because they’re looking down the barrel of an election.

The Democrats would be happy to stop the invaders rushing to cross the border if they thought for one minute that those flooding into our country would be voting for Republicans once they got here. President Trump had everything in place for Joey. It was effective and all Joey had to do was to leave everything in place. All this crap about Republicans not caring is just that, crap. Everything was working when President Trump left office. Democrats own this fiasco lock, stock and barrel, along with any terrorist attacks, rapes, murders and human trafficking that results from it. And they need to be held accountable. Republicans have not caused this mess.

Now, of course, most of those who insist upon voting for Democrats will be happy to eat this shit up, but fortunately most non-Democrats are no longer buying the lies. They know that we didn’t have this mass invasion under President Trump. And we owe a debt of thanks to those like Governors Abbot and DeSantis for unmasking all of the “progressive” hypocrisy, and those “sanctuary” cities are now full of angry voters now. But the funny thing is that most are mad not at the Republicans but are instead angry at Joey and their own Democrat Mayors. The Democrats know this is backfiring badly and the ‘fake news’ media no longer able to provide them cover.

But election, or no election, the damage has been done, and it continues to be done. We’re at a point now where much more than merely closing border needs to done. And all thanks to Joey and to stooges like this Moskowitz guy. Many systems are quickly getting overwhelmed from health care to social services, and it is the Democrats with ‘Pedo Joe’ out front, that invited them all in, and continue to invite them in. If they wanted to show how much they care for Americans, and all those who became Americans legally, they would round up the illegals and return to sender. Instead, they lie in what is yet another attempt on their part to rewrite history.

Employee to employer, “I’m so sorry I was late getting to that crucial task, but other things came up like texting, football lottery, tabletop football, bullring encounters, checking in with stockbroker, Facebook updates, etc. I’m sure you can forgive me?” Democrats have been wrong all along, but now we’re suddenly supposed to believe that they’ll fix things. Their so-called border deal does nothing but to codify unrestricted illegal immigration into this country. They’re 5,000 a day limit, which should be zero a day, adds up to 1,825,000 illegals every year. Anyone actually suggesting that this is a solution is either lying or stupid beyond belief.

Clearly everything the Democrats have done has been done on purpose! The damage ‘Pedo Joe’ has caused, and continues to cause, by inviting these tens of millions of illegals invaders into this country in the first place may very well be beyond repair. And it was made worse when Joey stopped construction on the wall, opened the service gates, and even cut holes into it. Democrats are directly responsible for more than 100,000 deaths, last year alone, directly attributed to the drugs, diseases, crime, and violence, that these illegals brought with them. Yes, I would agree that they are late, and slow in addressing this issue. But then, isn’t that the whole point of it?

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