

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


I’m sure most everyone is now quite familiar with the chorus of voices coming from those doing their best to convince anyone, who will listen, when it comes to what they see as being President Trump’s unfitness for office. And how he, for whatever reason, does not deserve to be re-elected. Hell, if you recall, they’re pretty much the very same voices that were screaming back in 2016 that Donald Trump did not deserve to be elected president. And it has been of late that one of the loudest voices decrying President Trump’s unfitness for re-election is that of she who is currently getting her ass handed to her in the polls, Nikki Haley. I know, shocking right?

And while she apparently views herself as being deserving of being elected leader of the free world, it would appear that millions of Americans disagree. And it was just this past Tuesday that Haley again took to the airwaves to plead her case, this time appearing on “The Hugh Hewitt Show.” And it was then that Haley went so far as to say that President Trump was “unhinged.” Now if memory serves there was a time when Hewitt was also not much of a fan of Donald Trump. Now whether that remains the case, I really don’t know, but I certainly would not be surprised to hear that was the case. After all, he did choose to provide Haley a platform from which to rant.

When asked about President Trump questioning where her deployed husband might be, Haley said, “This is about every military family who sacrifices and knows what it’s like to have their loved one deployed. And this is about a pattern of Donald Trump. I mean, he has said this before where he calls military members suckers or losers. We know that when he was at Arlington Cemetery, he said, ‘What was in it for them?’ He has never even been close to a military uniform.” So I ask you, does one really need any more proof that she’s a Democrat than her choosing to repeat debunked narratives like President Trump calling service members suckers and losers?

Anyway, she continued, “And for him to go and mock my husband or any of our men and women in the military, it shows how disconnected he is from the sacrifice, and what these men and women do every day not because they care for themselves, not because they do it for fun, but because they know that freedom isn’t free. And they’re willing to shed blood for it. And the idea that he’ll go and make light of something like this is exactly the reason we continue to have problems with him.” Haley added, “When he leaves the teleprompter, he is unhinged. And everybody can say whatever they want to say, in terms of, ‘Oh, he was a great president.'"

She went on to say, “An unhinged president is an unsafe president. And if you’ll go talk about those men and women who served us, you don’t deserve to be president.”  I think what we have here is yet another classic example of Haley being her own worst enemy. Right, President Trump is so “unhinged” that he is on the verge of sending her to an embarrassing and humiliating defeat in her own state. I mean, the last time I checked he was up over 30 points. Haley is now merely grabbing at straws and will say absolutely anything. What this country most certainly does not need, especially at this point in time, is a delusional, unhinged woman, from either party, as our president.

And she is quickly running out of bridges to burn. And in case she forgot how our ‘democracy’ works, it doesn’t matter who she thinks “deserves” to be President, we get to decide that not her or anyone else. And how is it that someone who has lost every primary contest so far, and is projected to lose her home state as well, get to be calling anyone “unhinged?” Clearly this woman has no political future. She’s just a backstabbing political hack. But still, when the dust settles, she’ll likely end up with a cushy job at CNN, or MSDNC, content to live out her days claiming how it should have been her instead of President Trump. Gee, does that ring a bell with anyone?

President Trump is outstanding at getting under people’s (particularly politicians, media hacks, and progressives) skin and getting them to show how thin-skinned and weak they really are. There’s a difference between complaining strongly about third world-style political persecutions, and the garbo-malarkey that those on the left insist upon spewing. It’s been indicative since New Hampshire that she seems to be headed for a breakdown. She hasn’t left herself much wiggle room. There’s been a strong undercurrent of ‘anti-fellas’ in her campaign, which was not about the country as she pretends, but about her social issues. A very mixed-up, misguided soul.

Personally, I thought she appeared as the one who was coming unhinged months ago, and now I think she’s making a spectacle of herself as she continues to come across as a disgruntled loser. The best thing for her to do at this point would be to get out. I’m over people telling us who can be elected and who should be, or not be, president. Poor delusional, deluded Nikki, appears to be utterly devoid of human decency, continuing to take money and pile it up from her beguiled donors. Sad, very sad. Haley would make a good democrat. Always accuse others of what they, themselves are guilty of. She accuses President Trump of being unhinged, when it’s actually her.

While t may not have been one of President Trump’s better moments, her husband, or his service, was not the target and she knows it.  And I hate to resort to getting personal here, but she does come across as being more than a bit hypocritical. After all she has apparently cheated on your husband, with two different guys, including at least one while her husband was deployed. So how does such behavior honor his service? And service members get leave, why isn’t he making campaign appearances with her to bolster her campaign. I know if my wife was running for any office, if I felt I could contribute to her success I would be standing with her. But perhaps I digress.

Contrary to the many claims made by Haley, and any number of other RINOs as well as Democrats, President Trump has proven himself worthy of the job and most certainly does deserve to be President. In fact, it’s at this specific time in our nation’s history that I can think of no other individual who is more deserving or is more needed by his country than Donald J. Trump. Least of all someone like Haley. And wouldn’t you think that if she truly loved this country as much as she claims she does, why wouldn’t she choose to abide by the wishes of most in her party and drop out of this race and throw her support behind President Trump. But she doesn’t love this country.

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