

Friday, February 23, 2024


It must be nice to be a Democrat politician, to be someone that people expect to be a crook, a liar, a cheat and, yes, even a pervert. Because when people expect that of you then such things tend not to prevent them from voting for you. But that said, as being one of those people who expects a bit more from our politicians, to expect them to be more than crooks, liars, cheats and perverts, I have absolutely no tolerance for those who, because of their own self-interests, can so casually look the other way as long as they get a little something in exchange. But there is really nothing new about this pattern, it has been playing out for many, many decades.

Now I’m sure most well-informed folks are very well aware of Joey’s most recent vote buying scheme, his little plan to “forgive” the college debt of over 150,000 individuals. Individuals who, or so the hope goes, will be so grateful they will be more than happy to vote for the man responsible, Joey. But these unpaid loans aren’t actually being forgiven, because there’s no real way to do that. Instead, the duty of repaying those loans has simply been shifted. Shifted to those who weren’t present at the time the agreement to repay the loan was signed and yet have somehow been made responsible, courtesy of Joey B., for the repayment of said loan.

And it was very recently that one of Joey’s more vocal cheerleaders made the rather ludicrous claim, the kind of claim that he has a reputation for making, that Joey really isn’t robbing Peter to pay Paul. You see, it was this past Thursday, during an appearance on the day’s broadcast of “CNN This Morning,” that Clyburn, who also happens to be Joey’s campaign co-chair, spewed what Joey himself would likely describe as being nothing more than malarky, when he made the claim that *president Joey’s student loan program “is not giving anybody’s money away” because the people who got “forgiveness” “have already paid back” their loans.

Clyburn said, “I think we need to explain to people what is going to happen going forward. It’s one thing to eliminate the loan, the debt that’s already been accumulated. What they did yesterday, about 1.5 billion, that’s added on top of the 137 billion that has already been forgiven. Going forward, every two months, for the next four years, another 75,000 people will become eligible for this forgiveness.” And Clyburn then went on to say, “And I want to say to your listeners, this is not giving anybody’s money away. One gentleman wrote the President a letter, sent me a copy of it. His original loan was $60,000, some 25 years ago."

Clyburn continued, “And with compounding interest and everything else, what happened with COVID, he ended up paying back $200,000 and still owed 119,000. So what the President did was forgive the rest of that 119,000. But he had already paid $200,000 on what was a $60,000 loan. That’s what has happened all over this country. And when the President, he forgave the loans that people made to go to these fly-by-night institutions like Trump University that took their money and didn’t give them the education and training that they said they would give them, and they still had to pay off the loan. The President forgave that."

He said, “And so, this is what the President is doing, trying to reconcile what had happened before, and trying to get people back on even footing. So, he’s not taking any money away from anybody. And so, when I hear people on these programs saying, well, I paid mine back, they ought to pay theirs back. They have already paid back, in some instances, ten times over.” The Supreme Court has already ruled against this scheme. Clyburn is a liar, as well as a fraud. It’s a vote buying scheme, plain and simple, using taxpayer dollars. Clyburn knows that, as do those in the ‘fake news’ media. So Clyburn is free to make such claims knowing he won’t be challenged.

Democrats clearly see themselves as being the ‘ultimate power in the universe’ and have no problem with disobeying a ruling of the Court. And riddle me this, how is it possible to “forgive” a loan that has already been repaid. The man speaks gibberish. Just how stupid does he think we are?  The fact that an elected official would make such an inane statement only shows just how low the bar now is and the lengths to which Democrats will go in their attempt to deceive. The perfect example of ‘gaslight’ and confirms Democrats have no idea about economics or where the money actually comes from. Once again, the taxpayers are left to foot the bill, all of it!

Clyburn can make all the idiotic, and patently untrue, claims he wishes, but it doesn’t alter the truth. Truth, something that Democrats are totally unfamiliar with. Because the truth is, what is being made to take place here is lifting the debt burden from those people who incurred it, to those taxpayers who did not. Perhaps Clyburn would kindly explain to us why it is, exactly, that any of us should be made to pay for someone else’s loan? So not only must we now worry about the debt our own children may incur for a college education, now we must also worry about the debt incurred by these losers. This is another cheesy election year ploy at our expense.

I am, for many, likely stating the obvious here but Clyburn has got to be one of the dumbest douchebags in all of Congress. I’m thinking that he’s been on the plantation far too long; he chooses to totally ignore the disaster for America that his own political party has become. Every time I think Clyburn has made the most ignorant statement possible, he manages to outdo himself. What a freaking moron Clyburn is, as are those South Carolinians who have spent decades sending him back to Congress to wreak his own special brand of havoc! That said, who would know better about how best to spend somebody else’s money than a Democrat, any Democrat.

Finally, the real problem here, and the real injustice of it all, is that Joey and his functionally illiterate goon squad of congressional members like Clyburn, are literally holding banks accountable for these ongoing large loan paybacks when it was our greedy ‘institutions of higher learning’ that are at fault. The proof is that once universities figured out that they could use a near unlimited pool of cash finagled out of fiscally ignorant students and parents, to then sign-up and hand over buckets of cash gotten from banks with loans backed by the Feds, it was “Katy, bar the door,” for the money train. Schools increased tuitions far beyond the rate of inflation.

These same institutions then proceeded to grossly inflate both salaries and fees, instituted all sorts of useless and, dare I say, blatantly idiotic courses, and hired for redundancy instead of need, bloating staffing beyond any sane levels. Look at the controversy at Harvard with their token and equity hiring practices, a mere glimpse into what has happened at most every other college. And if Joey is so “powerful” he can defy the Supreme Court, then perhaps he can also request these same colleges and universities to kick in some of their endowment money as well. But then that would likely not achieve the same result in this little vote buying scheme of his.

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