

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Without a doubt President Trump’s single greatest accomplishment was not the creation of the most dynamic American economy in decades, was not the making of our southern border more secure than it had been in decades, was not making America energy independent, nor was it that he brought relative peace to the Middle East. It was not that he got America involved in no new wars or that he created a military that truly was second to none, nor was it that because of him America was once again respected and, yes, even feared in the world. Now, as great as all those accomplishments were, his greatest accomplishment was none of these things.

You see, President Trump’s single greatest accomplishment was to show the American people that the greatest threat they face, the existential threat, is not some foreign power but is, as it has been for some time now, right here at home. The enemy is already here, the Democrat Party. We’ve known for decades that those on the left have been hanging by a thread when it comes to their ability to maintain any level of sanity, that it is a daily battle for these people to prevent their inner wackjob from ever seeing the light of day. And it was with the arrival of Donald Trump onto the political scene these people seemed to become little more than raving lunatics.

Chief among those lunatics is none other than Howard Dean. Dean, you’ll recall, once actually thought himself qualified to be our president, a dream of his that came to a rather abrupt and unceremonious end. But Dean never really went away, popping up every now and again to spew his drivel. And it was this past Tuesday that Dean again popped up on MSDNC’s “The Beat” where he made the claim that President Trump would gladly bring down the United States. So says the guy whose party is actively bringing the U.S. down right now!  Democrats only get away with projection to their lapdog Democrat media outlets who never question anything Democrats say.

Dean said, “Trump is incapable of not running, though. He will not do what Johnson did. Trump is tied up in running. Trump lives off attention. So, for him, it almost doesn’t matter whether he wins or loses as long as he’s the center of attention. That’s not true of Lyndon Johnson and wasn’t true of Dick Nixon. It’s a very different situation. Trump will gladly bring the Republican Party, and for that matter, the United States, down with him as long as he’s the center of attention. That’s his illness.” By all means, how dare we choose to compare what has taken place during the last three plus years to what took place during the previous four?

And Dean then went on to add, “Haley’s hope has to be that she can present herself well as an alternative to Trump so the convention can accept her should Trump have a health problem, which he’s as likely to have as Joe Biden, maybe more. I bet Joe Biden could beat the daylights out of Trump in a pushup contest. Although if it was a cheeseburger eating contest, it might turn out differently. It’s a very different situation. You have a guy here who I think is unstable and requires attention. So he can’t let go of this.” Dean concluded his idiotic rant saying, “He’s in it for the long run because he has to be for his psychological impairment."

And so there they go again, busily accusing President Trump of doing exactly what they themselves are guilty of doing, and of having done for decades. And it’s insane how so many Americans have been convinced to ignore so much of what they see with their own eyes and to blame the man who has played no role in where they are in their life. I think it fair to say that Democrats are genetically inferior people, they simply aren’t wired up right. And it’s these same people who vote to put more Democrats into office that do so because they believe those like Dean. They’re convinced that they have been cheated, that life has somehow been unfair to them.

Of course, Dean, and those like him, will never admit that it was the skyrocketing cost of energy that has taken place under Joey that caused inflation to rise to highest level in over 40 years. To do so would ruin the little charade that the Democrats have going for themselves. While President Trump’s tax cuts helped offset at least some of negative effects of Joey’s disastrous economic policies, Joey has been a dismal failure across the board when it comes not only to the economy, but to foreign policy, immigration, and our porous, nonexistent southern border. Without question, Joey is the worst president in American history and is clearly the most dangerous.

Just listen to how insane Democrats already are. And imagine, if your can, just how truly crazed they will be if President Trump is successful in his attempt to be re-elected. I don’t think most of them could take it mentally. You see they consoled themselves the first time with the statement that, “The people didn't know what they were doing.” Now if they lose, they will have to face the fact that we all know what they’re voting for, and it just might be too much for them. These people are like children, incapable of facing reality, and spending half their time throwing themselves on the floor kicking and screaming to try and get people to do what they want.

Dean has been a political hack his entire political life. He doesn’t care what’s best for the country only what’s best for him and his party. He is a liar and a fraud. The problem with Deans assessment of where we are today as a country is that we already have four years of receipts of nothing that even came close to what he is talking about. America under Joey stand in stark contrast from America under President Trump! Have you ever noticed they never give specifics about how President Trump will bring the country down or how is he is a threat to their ‘democracy.’ He is a threat only to their fake version of democracy and their America-last agenda.

Dean, the former presidential candidate before becoming Democrat Party Chair, is famous only for the maniacal scream that ended his dream of becoming president. Sadly, far too many voters are scammed into voting for Democrat politicians. Their gullibility is then rewarded with political incompetence and fecklessness; policies that result in hyperinflation and an open border; U.S. citizens being sexually assaulted, raped and murdered by criminal illegal aliens. And calls for defunding the police; woke prosecutorial discretion; no bail; political show trials to persecute political opponents; the jailing of political dissenters and so much more.

These same lies were floated prior the 2016 election and by pretty much the same clowns now trying to not only bring down President Trump, but America as well. Whatever they threw at him, no matter how they conspired against him, no matter the spying, wiretapping, fake impeachments, these lunatics failed to “get Trump.” Now they’re back, all of these liars and conspirators are back again trying to bring President Trump down while their friend and leader, Joey, and his handlers from behind the curtain provide them with talking points to spew as Joey continued in his effort to bring down America and to advance the globalist agenda.

I'm pretty sure the reason President Trump is doing so well in the polls is because more Americans are waking up to the fact that it’s Joey’s policies that are bringing America down . An energy policy that stopped U.S. drilling and enabled Russia, Iran, and OPEC to dictate oil prices. A border policy that is stretching us to the breaking point by filling the country with millions of illegal migrants who have no ability to support themselves, and enabling human traffickers and drug cartels that profit from it. Inflation, crime, and all manner of perversion that we’re supposed to accept as normal. President Trump is not perfect, but his policies are far better than Joey’s.

Again, Democrats blaming Republicans for their crimes. We must Judge Joey only by his actions and never by his words. Clearly Joey has been sabotaging the U.S. under the name of the Green Agenda which everyone in their right mind knows is nothing more but a scam. And there’s Joey’s war on truth, justice and the American way. And Joey is very supportive of today’s DEI and trans crap in an effort to cause division among Americans. And it’s too many Americans that are simply trying to navigate through life that Joey has made increasingly more difficult for them that tend not to look at things too closely because they’re too busy just trying to survive.

And so in closing, electing Joey come this next election, or any Democrat, would be like committing national suicide. Granted, President Trump is a flawed man, a man with faults, just as we all are. But no one is perfect. God often uses the most flawed individuals on Earth to do His Will. And despite his many flaws, Donald Trump has a remarkable amount of commonsense. And he is a rational man willing to face the truth about EVIL in the world. He knows that liberal policies are what is taking America down, way down. God Bless the man for his rational wisdom and his huge patriotic heart. He loves this country, and he knows what is best for it.

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