

Friday, February 9, 2024


One of the most frightening individuals, for any number of reasons, in all of American politics, and has been for decades now, is none other than that woman I refer to as Hitlery. She truly does view herself as being special and, oddly enough, she has also managed to convince millions of women that she is special. Which I would argue says far more about them than it does her. Which in itself is more than a bit frightening. And when she ran for president back in 2016 it was many of those same women who viewed the most important reason for voting her was because she was a woman. And Hitlery was sure that adoration would carry her all the way to victory.

Lucky for us that that didn’t happen. And it was that humiliating defeat that caused something within her to snap because it has been every day since that fateful day in 2016 that Hitlery has been on what can only be described as nothing other than a vendetta against the man who defeated her. And what adds to her humiliation and therefore feeds her need for revenge is the fact that the man who defeated her, one Donald J. Trump, while being a very successful businessman, was a complete political novice. One could argue, and very reasonably so, that this loss succeeded in driving her totally over the edge. And yet she is still treated as a political celebrity.

And such was the case just this past Wednesday when Hitlery made an appearance on MSDNC’s “Alex Wagner Tonight” during which she claimed that President Trump’s hold on the Republican Party was “frightening.” Wagner said, “As someone who ran for the presidency and won the popular vote, can you even wrap your head around arguing in court that you should be able to assassinate your political enemies using SEAL Team Six? How did that argument land with you?” Hitlery said, “He says so many outrageous things that I think a lot of people have stopped listening, and they shouldn’t.” But who is it in American politics that has done more outrageous things than Hitlery?

Anyway she went on to say, “They should pay very careful attention to what Trump says because if they do, they can see the linkage between what he says and what he tries to do. In his first term, on many occasions, he was rained in and even stopped by the people around him because there were people who he put into an important position who had served in government under prior Republican presidents who understood the rule of law, who understood the constitutional system, and so much more. They were able to stop him. He will now fill those positions if ever given a chance, which I hope never happens, with people who are totally members of his cult."

She added, “I do not say that lightly because when I look at people who I know were horrified by January 6, who were Republicans in the House and the Senate, who have come around to dismissing it and discounting the horror that they themselves felt as they put themselves under desks as they ran down hallways, as they tried to escape the mob coming at them. There is something about Trump’s hold on the Republican Party that is frightening.” She still refuses to believe that she stopped being relevant back in November of 2016. As apparently it’s those like this bimbo Alex Wagner who think there are more than a few diehards who still care what Hitlery has to say.

It was back in 1996 it was a columnist for The New York Times, William Safire, who first correctly diagnosed Hitlery’s real problem. He called her a “congenital liar. And she has really done nothing since to prove that diagnosis wrong. If anything, she has only served to reinforce that initial diagnosis. Hitlery is a lying phony. She bought the Steele Dossier, knowing it was a pack of lies but used it to deflect from her disastrous performance in Benghazi, and allowed the farce to continue all the way to Impeachment. So ask yourself, just how much does she really care about our country? The only thing she cares about is herself, and trying to make herself relevant again.

Those on the far left seem to believe their fantasy that President Trump is some sort of a Svengali who has managed to hypnotize America. But facts are facts, he gave us four years of NO WARS, our allies worked with us and admired our President, our enemies feared us, we had cheap and plentiful gas and he completely got immigration under control. No one crossed our border without first having been fully vetted and we controlled the flow of people coming into our country. Joey undid that policy on his first day and now cries that our broken border is somehow now all President Trump’s fault. Most of America remembers three years ago, even if Hitlery doesn't.

I think it safe to say that Hitlery will never get over losing to Donald Trump. He stole her thunder and now she is forced to watch Joey muddle through trying to finish off our Republic. What is frightening is that there are still those Democrats willing to lend this public parasite any credibility at all. Hitlery remains convinced that her opinion still somehow matters so she remains willing to continue her attacks on President Trump. No, President Trump does not have a hold on the Republican Party, the fact is we all love this country and simply cannot tolerate anyone who does not! And there is no way on God’s green Earth that I can be made to believe Hitlery loves this country.

Hitlery’s concern for the Republican party is touching. She only wants the best for we Republicans! But I disagree that President Trump has a grip the Republican Party. His grip is on the American people who love this country and it’s the RINOs, as evidenced by this recent boondoggle piece of immigration legislation, who have been forced into following along kicking and screaming. President Trump has no “hold” on the Republican Party and it’s the people who oppose her party’s agenda that scares her. President Trump represents those people, and will implement the dismantling of Democrat attacks taken on our country and against our Constitution.

The thing is, if the Democrats, and more than a few RINOs, didn’t suck so bad, there would be no President Trump, there would simply be no need for him. But alas, they do suck, and suck bad. President Trump is their own creation, so they have no one to blame but themselves. All any of them had to do was to make good on the many promises they made to the American people. They repeatedly lied to get into office and once safely ensconced in the office sought, they conveniently forget all of those pesky promises. Donald Trump was different, sure he made promises like every other wannabe office holder, but when he won, he actually kept the promises he had made.

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