

Tuesday, February 6, 2024


I firmly believe that you would have a difficult time finding a bigger dickhead anywhere in all of Congress than Chucky Schumer, and that would be for no other reason than because it seems that his primary purpose in life is to fuck over as many hardworking, tax paying American as he can and in every way that he possibly can. And what makes him truly warped is the fact that he takes a great deal of pleasure doing it. His twisted agenda has nothing whatsoever to do with trying to improve the lives of all Americans and, instead, is all about ensuring that the Democrats will be in control of whatever is left of the country once he, and his party are done.

Schumer once again seemed to go out of his way to prove that yet again. This time it was this past Monday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Joe the Schmo” that Chucky accused those Republicans who are opposing the ‘bipartisan’ border deal are doing so because they’re “scared to death” of President Trump. The same old ‘ad-hominem’ attack. When the facts don’t favor you, attack the character of your opposition. Schumer was first elected to office in 1975, at the ripe old age of 25 years. The 49-year career politician is another example of all that is wrong with government. Time and time again we’ve witnessed how little this boob cares about our country.

Schumer said, “It’s a turning point. History is going to look over our shoulders and say did we rise to the occasion. To his credit Mitch McConnell did, but too many Republicans including Speaker Johnson are just scared to death of Donald Trump. Donald Trump has said he wants chaos. Donald Trump has said, well, wait till I become president. That will take at least a year. Ukraine could be gone. The border will get much worse. War in the Middle East will get worse, maybe bringing us into it. He’s doing it all for political reasons.” President Trump currently holds no political office, so why exactly would anyone care about his concerns. Schumer needs a new schtick!

He added, “I say to Speaker Johnson, don’t let the 30 hard right people in the House who are extreme, they wanted us to default, they wanted the government not to pay its debts, they wanted the government to shut down. They’re extremists, and they’re running your show. Do the right thing. You know what the right thing to do is. You know we need to fix our border. You know that it has to be bipartisan. The bill that you passed didn’t get a single Democratic vote in the House or the Senate. How are you going to get anything done? Or do you just want to make a speech. You say the border is in chaos. Do something about it. Don’t just politically posture."

Actually, I think it’s the Democrats are the ones who “scared to death” of President Trump and want to make it difficult, if not impossible, for him to put a stop to the ongoing Democrat sponsored invasion by millions of illegal immigrants if, or when, he gets back into office. And we can rest assured that those in the ‘fake news’ media, especially MSDNC and CNN, will do all they can to assist the Democrats to re-frame this argument and to blame its failure on President Trump. All we’ve continued to hear ever since this abomination started heading south was how a guy who holds no political office is to be blamed for the failure of this very bad piece of legislation.

This Immigration bill is a sellout! No way should we give one dime more to Ukraine. Not one Republican should vote in favor of any of these bad bills for America that come from Schumer. First and foremost, we do not need new border legislation. If Joey had the power to abolish all of President Trump’s policies on day one of his reign, he has the power now to put them all back into place! Problem solved. This bill is literally chock full of money for the security of nations, other than America, and money to expedite our current invasion by foreign nationals from all over the world and put them on the path to American citizenship after only five years.

And you know what’s truly nauseating? It’s that we continue to hear from so many supporters of this bill, in both Congress and in the ‘fake news’ media, is about how it is some grand work of bipartisanship. But it should be considered as nothing of the kind since the creators of it are Democrats and RINOs. This is just another stealth attempt to change our immigration laws, and hand to the Democrat/RINO coalition everything they’ve wanted courtesy of “comprehensive immigration reform” over the past two, or more, decades. This so called ‘border bill’ has absolutely nothing to do with the border, and everything to do with lining the pockets of those in Congress.

Schumer is nothing of not a despicable piece of shit. For one thing, the border should never have been linked to foreign aid. They are entirely separate issues and should have been dealt with as such. The Democrats have spent the last three years doing everything that they can to destroy our country. Now that an election year is upon us, they want to try to blame everything on the Republicans. This is a typical tactic of Schumer’s. Democrats really do believe that the American people are simply too stupid to know what’s good for them. It is my firm belief that they see the writing on the wall and so are going for broke in their effort for total control.

On a more personal level, what scares me to death is the thought that someone as stupid and/or dishonest as Schumer could attain a position of power in our country. It’s still a majority of the American people who fear the possibility ‘one party rule,’ something that Democrats, like Schumer, have been working hard to bring about for decades, and what Schumer has spent his entire political career promoting and attempting to achieve. Good government is one that is small and restrained. And it is that that President Trump is very much in favor of, and because of that he has earned for himself the wrath of so many elites here in America, as well as abroad.

These Republicans are not afraid of President Trump, per se, what they are afraid of are the millions of Americans who love their country and are tired of watching it be destroyed. In other words, those Americans who tend to support President Trump and whose votes they need to win elections. Republicans are scared to death that Americans are waking up. Republicans must now make a choice. No American sees 8500 illegals allowed into this country every day as a good idea. We don’t need outside cheap labor, outside visas holders overstaying their welcome, or outsiders wanting to vacation here for 10 years collecting all manner of freebies.

Schumer's perspective is incredibly wrong, but we can see from what he says that it’s impossible to reason with him. It’s Joey who brought chaos to America, where there was order under President Trump. Joey’s ineptitude brought about the chaotic, dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan, and this along with his weak talk about defending NATO gave Putin the green light for his invasion. And again, it was Joey’s appeasement of Iran that has only made that country bolder. President Trump made America strong, prosperous as well as respected across the globe by friends and enemies alike. And President Trump is who we need in the White House.

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