

Friday, February 16, 2024


I detest being thought of as being stupid enough to believe anything that I’m told by some dipshit of a Democrat politician. But what I detest even more is when said Democrat is spewing what he knows to be a lie to someone who professes themselves to be a serious journalist and yet who essentially refuses to ask this Democrat to substantiate his, or her, claims in terms that can be easily understood, and without any political mumbo-jumbo. Because, more often than not, what we see taking place in such a scenario is some Democrat saying what both individuals know to be untrue and yet all our supposed journalist does is to nod in agreement with all that is said.

And it was on this past Wednesday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” that Democrat Mike Quigley stated, during an interview with ‘journalist’ John Berman, that “the fact that this is an extraordinarily strong economy” is one key factor in recent wins by Democratic candidates in recent special elections in Ohio, Wisconsin, and New York. Quigley said, “I think you have to look beyond just that special election [in New York] to the recent elections in Ohio and Wisconsin. I think the fact that the economy is very strong, and the fact that, when choice is on the ballot, Democrats win, all add to this.” And, of course, Berman did little more than to sit there nodding in agreement.

Quigley went on to say, “And I do think the fact that Speaker Johnson (R-LA) shot down the opportunities to address the issue he said was so important. We had opportunities, the secretary and the president have asked for thousands of more border guards and changes in asylum policy, only, I think, under orders from candidate Trump, that Speaker Johnson shot down.” He added, “[A]s we remember, it’s the economy stupid. That was the line we always learned from. I think the fact that this is an extraordinarily strong economy, and, again, the issue of choice [is] out there. I think those are all factors in the American people leaning Democratic."

So, apparently, we’re also to believe that all of those people crossing the border to take jobs from Americans are only a figment of our overactive imagination as well. Look, clearly Quigley is nothing more than another typical Illinois Democrat with a big mouth and a small brain. He’s expert at taking the daily DNC talking point and parroting out the gaslighting and lies to one of many so-called ‘journalists’ who are essentially under the employ of the Democrat Party. I think we all know that those in the media would be saying all the numbers are bs and we’re in a recession if this was President Trump’s economy. All while pointing out the 30+ percent inflation.

Since neither of these guys likely have to buy their own gas, they really have no idea how much it costs to fill up at the pump. And since neither likely buys their own groceries or has pick up the check at their local restaurant, again they’re clueless about the increase in food costs. And since both likely have some form of private security that protests 24/7 neither are all that concerned about those nightly gun shots in DC or back in Chicago. And we continue to be told that if we elect Democrats, the next four years will be just like the last three. Democrat politicians, and their media allies, are so delusional they think they can lie their way to prosperity.

Democrat elites may think the economy is doing just great but the rest of us look at our grocery bills rising each week and understand that it’s just the opposite that’s true. Even the most clueless Democrat voter realizes that they’re paying far more for food, rent, utilities and everything else under the sun since Joey was installed as *president. But as long as they have reliable dolts like Berman in the media, doing their bidding, Democrats remain confident in their ability to continue to get away with being able tell what are nothing more than outrageous lies. But this alliance we see between the Democrats and the media is really nothing new.

But then, when you’re a reality-defying progressive, it’s necessary to keep repeating these untruths that then allows people such as these in their unique little echo chamber to feel good about themselves. The truth is that inflation is rampant and record low American workplace participation. Gasoline, utilities, housing and food prices remain dramatically higher than just three years ago, but don’t sweat it!! The stock market is doing okay for the moment, but since when has the stock market ever been used as an economic indicator? These people are grasping at straws and hope that there are still enough Americans who still buy their malarky.

Just more proof that our political elites live in a bubble that is far separated from the reality of the citizens whom they are supposed to be representing. Maybe, just maybe, if WE sent them home more often where they were forced to deal with the laws and regulations they pass while in office they would have a clue. You know, like the Founding Fathers intended? Neither party is willing to act like responsible adults and say “NO” to more spending and too many citizens in this country think that they somehow deserve to get taxpayer paid “benefits” that they expect other people to pay for. No, Congressman, this isn’t an “extraordinarily strong” economy.

And so, we’re now at a point where it’s become impossible to believe a single word uttered not only by any Democrat politician, but every member of our ‘fake news’ media. After all, they still expect us all to believe that Joey is sharp as a tack and in complete control of the administration, even with all of his very obvious cognitive slippage. I, for one, believe only what I see with my own two eyes, from my receipt at the grocery store, the price I see on the gas pump to the fact that Joey appears to be less capable of controlling the most basic parts of his own life with each passing day. And even less so when it comes to handling all the responsibilities of his job.

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