

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


It’s in the upcoming election that there is nothing that should be considered to be more paramount than the thinning out of our current herd of RINOs that remain in Congress. And for the very simple reason that, and I’m likely stating the obvious here, very little is going to change in this country until that has been accomplished. Simply reducing the number of Democrats alone will do little to change the direction in which this country is now headed if we don’t also drastically reduce the number of RINOs. But that said, our cadre of RINOs does have their own chorus of cheerleaders who continue who portray President Trump as the one we should be worried about.

Take, for instance, RINO and ex-member of the U.S. House, David Jolly. This guy is a real piece of work. I say that because it was this past Monday, during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Deadline” that this guy, Jolly, said that there was a “unique shamefulness” to Republicans who “faceplant on the knee of Donald Trump.” His idiotic remarks came in reference to a discuss that took place on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ about comments that President Trump had made concerning NATO and that Rep. Mike Turner, a Republican, described by saying, “This is what I know. Donald Trump’s political rallies don’t really translate into Donald Trump’s actual policies."

And it was one of the resident bimbos there at MSDNC, Alicia Menendez, who said, “Except the problem is, David, they often do.” Jolly said, “I think there is a unique shamefulness to see Mike Turner, Tim Scott, Lindsey Graham, and others engage in this type of apologism, if you will, for their own political interest. To faceplant on the knee of Donald Trump. They do it very well, from Graham to Scott to Mike Turner to Elise Stefanik — name them. There is a unique shamefulness to it.” He said, “I think what we also can’t overlook, though and this is a little bit of what we see from Mike Turner there, is the orthodoxy of the Republican Party has shifted over the decades."

And he went on to say, “I don’t believe the Republican Party today sees Russia as an adversary. I don’t believe they see Vladimir Putin as uniquely evil. And that is a pivot from GOP orthodoxy. I think what is so fascinating about that, as concerning as it is, sure — there are national security interests for the U.S. and the West to no longer see… Vladimir Putin as an adversary if Republicans take control, or if Donald Trump ends up in the White House.” Jolly added, “Today’s Republican Party has embraced American weakness.” This guy is another of those who demonstrate that there is really nothing they won’t say in their attempt to do damage to President Trump.

He said, “They are okay looking the other way and giving equity to Vladimir Putin and Russia, and that’s not just a pivot of orthodoxy, that’s a new chapter of republicanism, this chapter of American weakness that they are willing to run on. Hopefully, voters do see a distinction there.” So says a member of the establishment. How weak is your vision of America when it can’t do simple things, like secure its borders? Manage its budget, provide public safety or protect gender confused children? American strength isn’t starting unnecessary wars. It’s Jolly’s vision for the country, and its people, that defines American weakness and capitulation.

No wonder he and his fellow RINOs hate both President Trump and those of us who continue to support him. And once again we have yet another ‘former’ Republican, getting his 15 minutes by trashing President Trump on the most radical of all radical cable ‘news’ networks that provides that which is not actual ‘news’ by anyone’s definition. And you know, it always disappoints, but does not surprise, that these putrid ‘fake news’ outlets can always find a genuine loser has-been RINO like Jolly willing to do their best to slander the only genuine leader able to reverse our headlong slide into the abyss of tyranny that we find ourselves in today.

Clearly, if you’re a ‘Republican’ and choose to appear on CNN for the sole purpose of talking smack about President Trump, you’re clearly a RINO and therefore there is a reason that you’re now an ex-member of Congress and not a current member. And what is “uniquely shameful” is the slobbering love affair that these RINOs seem to have with an incompetent, dementia addled fossil and the shadow government behind him that continually elevates underqualified, incompetent sexually perverted ‘affirmative action’ types to positions simply because they will mindlessly do what they’re told to so by their radically leftwing, America hating overlords.

This guy is another of those who is a Republican only for purposes of convenience. He became an Independent in 2018, and in 2020 he became the head of the ‘Serve America Movement’ which was started by followers of former President G.W. Bush. To claim that Jolly is a bona fide Republican is nothing more than ‘fake news.’ But on CNN they can put the (R-FL) after this shmuck’s name to trick their dumb viewers. On the contrary, it’s RINOs like Jolly who faceplant in the crotch of the those in the ‘fake news’ media and don’t care that the country is being destroyed. We’re tired of them projecting the evils of the left onto those of us who love our country.

People like Jolly have spent decades hollowing out this nation, bleeding the middle class out of existence and stripping every ounce of wealth they could from the people. All as they funneled that money into their own pockets, their corporate friends’ pockets, and the pockets of other nations. Now, after decades of slowly bleeding out the nation until it's industry, infrastructure and political power are almost spent entirely, they look at those saying, “We need to fix our country,” and say we’re the ones “embracing weakness.” Just another reason why I continue to say that these RINOs pose a far greater threat to this country than does any Democrat.

These are the same people who, when you point out that we’re rapidly on our way to $40 trillion in debt, say we’re a “rich nation” that can continue to funnel even more money overseas and take in ever increasing numbers of illegals. Quite frankly, people like Jolly are evil. Not metaphorically, they are truly evil. They would destroy this country and drive it fully into collapse, and the entire time they would be telling you how ‘rich’ you were. Everything these idiots said about weakness in the Republican Party, and how Putin behaved when Trump was president, is in stark contrast to the truth and what actually happened, or didn’t happen, when Trump was president.

Jolly can say what he wishes about President Trump, but what we say is peace in the Middle East and Russia NOT invading Ukraine for the entire four years of the Trump administration, the ‘rocket man’ in North Korea stopped his stupid behavior and Marines that didn’t die in a botched pull out from Afghanistan. We say the Abraham Peace Accords were signed between countries bringing peace by countries that hate each other. We say a secure southern border, not millions of illegal aliens freely crossing into our country, no military age Chinese men crossing a wide open border and no terrorists simply walking into our country across the southern border.

And we saw a president who could think and put together complete sentences without mumbling and stumbling. We didn’t see a president get lost on stage not knowing where to go next. Their complaint, it seems, is that President Trump holds huge rallies where he says things that he then often follows through with in policies from office. That sounds like their core complaint is democracy itself, that a politician would be popular, say things the People want to hear, and then honestly follow through with them. Their preference seems to be someone who can’t fill a Denny’s, does nothing but lie, and never follows through on what the People want.

What is truly shameful is the fact that we have 535 members of Congress who have done little more than to simply sit on their hands as those whose stated mission has been, and continues to be, the “fundamental transformation the United States of America” continue their work. Five Hundred and thirty-five people men and women who swore an oath “to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” And yet ‘We the People’ find that our biggest threat to our survival as a nation comes from the very people who stood and swore this Oath of Office.

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