

Monday, February 5, 2024


Democrat politicians are a most despicable species of politician. And yet, within their ranks there is a subspecies of politician that even more vile, and more treacherous than is even your average, everyday piece of shit Democrat politician. And that would of course be the black Democrat politician. And so, you make ask, just what is it that makes these folks lower on the evolutionary scale than your average white Democrat? Well, I suppose that would be their willingness to do whatever is necessary if they are to have any hope of being admitted into the party’s hierarchy. And it is more often than not that they are eager to prove just how badly they want it.

And just what task is it, do you suppose, that they are most often called upon to perform in order to achieve that which they are so desperate to attain. Take for example James Clyburn, member of the U.S. House from South Carolina. Clyburn has been assigned the same task in 2024 that he had in 2020, that being, of course, to ensure that blacks remain on the plantation at least long enough to vote for Joey B. Once that’s been achieved Jimmy’s job is done until 2028, if he’s still around. And it was this past Sunday, during an appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Jimmy proceeded to do what it is that he must in order to maintain his status in the party.

It was then that Clyburn confidently declared that *president Joey “has not lost any support among African-Americans.” Host Dana Bash said, “President Biden picked up his first official primary win last night in South Carolina. What did we learn about his strength with the key part of his base? Here with me is Jim Clyburn of South Carolina. Thank you for being here. The Biden campaign, with your help, went into South Carolina last night hoping for a show of force in a state where there’s, of course, a large black vote. There had been some concern about whether he has maintained his standing with black voters. Based on what you saw last night, what’s the answer?"

Clyburn said, “Thank you very much for having me. I think the answer is an emphatic yes. The best illustration of that, he got 96% of the vote in this primary. But his largest percentage, over 97%, was in the town of Orangeburg where there are two HBCUs and a community college. And he got the largest percentage of the whole state. That demonstrates to me what I have been saying all the time, that Joe Biden has not lost any support among African-Americans. You can go out and talk to ten people, publish the comments of one, and maybe give off a different thought. He has not lost support among African-Americans."

If that’s true, then blacks are even more foolish than thought to be. All they need to do is to look at their schools, their neighborhoods, and the number of murders that take place in their community with little or no action taken by those like Clyburn. Not to mention what the millions of illegal immigrants has done, and continues to do, regarding their ability to get, and to keep, a job. Joey wants to grant them all amnesty and to allow them working rights, and Clyburn supports him in that endeavor. And instead of being voted for once again, Clyburn, as well as Joey, should be run out of town on a rail by the very constituents whose votes they so desperately need.

Clyburn is nothing if not a faithful plantation Democrat. Clyburn represents South Carolina’s 6th Congressional District, specifically gerrymandered back in 1992 in order to give Democrat Party politicians, such as Clyburn, a lifelong federal job. Clyburn is the only congressman ever to represent the 6th in its 30+ year history. Clyburn is a career politician by forfeit, nothing more. And in Clyburn we have yet another of those bogus civil rights ‘leader’ who has managed to finagle himself into public office. And it has been for decades that Clyburn has faithfully done all he was asked to do in order to prevent black from escaping the Democrat dependency plantation.

The one consistent element of Joey’s campaign is to convince those suffering the most in believing they are actually better off under his rule. They must be convinced to believe what the Democrats are telling them and to disbelieve what it is that they are living each and every day. Clyburn is further proof that chronic pathological lying is what these leftists do best. Clyburn continues to support the party of slavery because it’s so good for him personally. Clyburn would have made a fine overseer back on the plantation. Personally, I don’t care what color you are. Who wants more of Biden’s policies and outcomes? He sets fire to absolutely everything he touches.

Now granted, Clyburn may be able to lie with a straight face, but I seriously doubt that he’s able to fool as many folks as he was once able to. It’s sad, really, that a guy who can so casually cry racism all the time, would still be able to insist that Blacks, and other minorities, vote for a guy who’s a known racist. But each day I become a bit more convinced that many of the black, Hispanic and other minorities are able to see what has happened over the last three years and will not vote for Joey again. Blacks have continually voted against their own best interests on the word of people like Clyburn, and he wants them to do so again. He's a villain, nothing more, nothing less.

Clyburn recommends to blacks that they vote for Joey despite knowing full well that racism, primarily generated by Democrats, has hurt so many of those in the black community for decades. You would think that blacks would finally realize this and want nothing to do with the Democrat Party, but overseers like Clyburn are sent out to ensure that blacks stay put, all in the name of power, money and prestige. That’s wicked. The good people of South Carolina listened to this stupid fuck four years ago and have been living in an unstable state of flux since. He insults the intelligence of both the people of South Carolina, and the nation, with such statements.

If Black voters don’t yet realize that the immigration issue will come to affect them, they had better think twice. Clyburn should take the time to go talk to the residents of the black neighborhoods of Southside Chicago and see they are realizing that the Democrats have kicked them to curb and now want to take care of illegal migrants instead of them. These neighborhoods could very well become large President Trump strongholds come this November. Blacks aren’t as stupid as Clyburn thinks. They’re finally beginning to realize that Democrats take money from their pockets while conservatives make it easier for them to keep money in their pockets.

Yup, whenever the party needs a black stooge to spew stupid lies Clyburn is always their go to idiot. Clyburn is lying through his ass, as usual. Joey’s basement level poll numbers are reflective of all races, states, and gender, so to say that there has been no loss of support among blacks is denying the facts on the ground. Clyburn would rather be a pathetic house servant than be a man and stand up to the true racism which comes from his own Democrat Party. Blacks need to ask themselves if they are genuinely better off after their decades long support of Democrats. So where’s the motivation to vote for the same party again?? And whose fault might that be?

The Democrat Party fears the rise of those who may tries to be their own person or who wants to think for themselves and goes to great lengths to prevent it. Democrats no longer use ropes to lynch their former slaves, these days it’s government freebies. When it comes to those blacks seeking to leave the plantation Democrats see only uppity slaves that must be made an example of. Democrats must make sure that all of their slaves remain convinced that it is a hard cruel world out there and staying on food stamps, welfare and all the other government inducements will be a better life then being a free person. And that’s where those like James Clyburn come into play.

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