

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Ok who, besides me, didn’t even know the CIA had a Climate Change Office. Well it does, or at least it did, because the Central Intelligence Agency has now decided to disband what was called its Center on Climate Change and National Security. Turns out this was a little a unit formed back in 2009 to monitor what was referred to as being the interplay between a warming planet and intelligence and security challenges. As expected the creation of this obviously bogus office drew fire at the time from many Republicans, who said it was an unnecessary expense and a distraction from the agency’s focus on terrorism and other more immediate threats. The agency did not say whether the closing was related to budget constraints or other political pressures. But whatever the reason, it was nothing but a waste of money that we don't have.

Todd Ebitz, some C.I.A. spokesman, said, in what I guess was supposed to be an effort at justifying that there remains a need for such information, that the agency would continue to monitor the security and humanitarian challenges posed by climate change as part of its focus on economic security, but not in a stand-alone office. "The C.I.A. for several years has studied the national security implications of climate change," Mr. Ebitz said in an e-mailed statement. "As part of a broader realignment of analytic resources, this work continues to be performed by a dedicated team in a new office that looks at economic and energy matters affecting America’s national security. The mission and the resources devoted to it remain essentially unchanged." The closing of the office was first reported Monday by some silly little outfit called Greenwire.

The C.I.A. did not conduct its own scientific studies on climate change, instead it chose to rely on other government agencies and supposed academic researchers. The National Research Council released what was referred to as an extensive report to the intelligence community last week on how it can better assess and respond to the impacts of climate change on vulnerable states. Senator John Barrasso, Republican of Wyoming, has been the most vocal critic of the C.I.A.’s climate change work. He welcomed the closing of its office. "Closing the Climate Change Center at the C.I.A. was the right decision," Mr. Barrasso said in a statement. "I offered an amendment on the Senate floor to eliminate the center because it was unnecessary, wasteful and totally out of place. It’s critically important for the C.I.A. to focus its resources on preventing terrorism and keeping Americans safe."

Sorry, but try as I might I'm just not able to make a connection here between climate change, even if it were real, and national security. And how, exactly, is it that something which does not exist can somehow effect our national security, while at the same time something that definitely does exist, that being Islamic terrorism, does not effect our national security? At least according to Barry and his intrepid team of incompetent national security boobs! Such is the upside down country that we now live in thanks to the Democrat Party and Barry "Almighty." Come on, really, this is nothing but pure nonsense. Apparently the only time that scumbag Democrats care anything about our national security is when they think that they can somehow link climate change to it. IT'S A SCAM FOLKS! IT'S BEEN THOROUGHLY DISPROVEN!!

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