

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


In an "open letter" to his bud, Barry "Almighty", everybody’s favorite fat slob of a "1 Percenter", Michael Moore, offers up what can safely be considered a typical wish list for just about any nutty liberal. It's a list of items that Moore thinks Barry "Almighty" needs to tackle during his second term. Moore also urges Barry to "get some fight" and "drive the rich right off their fiscal cliff." Now I must confess here that such a request does confuse me a bit, since old chubby here is also a member of the same rich that he so desperately wants Barry to drive off the cliff. I dunno, maybe Moore has all of his money hidden offshore somewhere well out of government reach. Isn't that usually how these hypocritical slugs operate?

Anyway, in this stupid little letter that was published this past Monday on his idiotic little website, Moore first, of course, congratulated Barry on his reelection victory, but then "respectfully" asked that Barry second term not resemble the first. "It's not that you didn't get anything done," Moore exclaimed. "You got A LOT done. But there are some very huge issues that have been left unresolved and, dammit, we need you to get some fight in you." Moore went on to say, "Wall Street and the uber-rich have been conducting a bloody class war for over 30 years and it's about time they were stopped." A "bloody class war?" For over 30 years? This is the type of alternate universe crap that we always hear from morons like this.

In his letter to Barry, Moore proposed that a far-left agenda now be put into action, one that includes letting the entire Bush-era tax cuts expire: "Drive the rich right off their fiscal cliff," Moore says. "The ‘fiscal cliff’ is a ruse, an invention by the Right and the rich, to try and keep their huge tax breaks," he said. "On December 31, let ALL the tax cuts expire." "And for God's sake, man – declare Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid untouchable," Moore adds. "They're not bankrupt or anywhere near it." Ah, the voice of insanity! Now I'm not a medical expert, and I didn't stay in a 'Holiday Express' last night, but I'm thinking that old Mikey here, has slipped a pretty sizable cog. I'm not sure how else to explain the bizarreness of it all.

Continuing his rather bizarre, albeit typical for a modern-day Democrats, rant, he went on to advise Barry that he should "just go for it" in his second term. Moore actually demands that Barry "end all the wars now," saying the U.S. is becoming "addicted to war." Moore also suggests expanding Obamacare into a single-payer health care system ("Medicare for all"), declaring a moratorium on home foreclosures and evictions, reducing student debt, restoring "rigid controls" on wall Street; and getting the money out of politics. I've heard this guy spew some pretty nutty stuff in the past, but this most recent diatribe goes beyond even that and is some of the most incredibly idiotic drivel that I've ever heard?

Moore also asks that Barry free Bradley Manning, the Army Private facing charges of aiding the enemy for leaking national security documents to WikiLeaks, whom he calls an "American hero." Moore concludes by urging Barry to "ask us to do something." Saying , "You can't go this alone," he goes on to say, "You need an army of everyday Americans who will fight alongside you to make this a more just and peaceful nation… Need a bill passed? Text us and we will mobilize! The Republicans are filibustering? We can stop them! They won't approve your choice for Secretary of State? We'll see about that! You say you were a community organizer. Please – start acting like one." I hardly think everyday Americans would join Mikey.

Moore says the nation has "rejected the crazed ideology of this Republican Party and we insist that you forcefully proceed in bringing about profound change that will improve the lives of the 99%." "We're done hoping. We want real change," he says. I gotta say, what I personally define as "crazed ideology" it's not what I've been hearing from the Republican Party. As always it's what I hear from loons like Moore, and even from many of those in the Democrat Party. I just can't understand how it is that someone can hate their country to such a degree as to actually wish to destroy it. And what must it be like to possess such a level of hatred? This is what we're up against folks, and it's also, at least for right now, what appears to be winning! God help us!

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