

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


The reasons to thank all of those many millions of 'entitlement class' voters who again voted for themselves and not for the country, as well as all of those 14 Million folks who thought it would be so clever to sit this election out continue to grow. The fact that our country is quite literally being destroyed right before our very eyes, I guess, wasn't deemed as being important enough for these morons. So in their infinite wisdom they took it upon themselves, albeit for different reasons I suppose, to make sure the main culprit in our continuing decline was handed another four years to finish the job that he started four years ago. I guess I can, in a way, understand those who voted for Barry, after all they have a nice little racket going here and I suppose it would have been too much to hope for that they would maybe see the insanity in it all, and vote for the voice of reason. But such was not the case. Those 14 Million that simply chose to stay home, I have a little harder time understanding. For the life me I just can't figure out what it is that they must have been thinking. Was it a protest of some sort, or did they not like Romney? Either way, they’ve really screwed us!

And now with the players in this bizarre little political opera being moved around and with some new faces being added, we now have news that would seem, at least to me, to indicate that now might not be a very good time to be joining the military. Also, if you’re presently a member of our armed forces it might be just the right time to start considering other options and about making an exit if it's at all possible. Because should what's currently being discussed actually take place then we would not only have an inept Commander-In-Chief, but we would also end up with a gutless coward who spent a very brief, but yet very personally rewarding, time in Vietnam as our Secretary of Defense. And a guy that is even more incompetent than Leon Panetta is. Yes folks, as much as it pains me to say this, it is becoming quite possible that John Kerry-Heinz could actually wind up as the nation’s next defense secretary as we see Barry’s administration move forward with a substantial personnel shake-up regarding Barry's continuing 'Keystone Cops' operation hilariously referred to as a national security team. Well, we asked for it, right?

While it has never been much of a secret that Kerry-Heinz has long coveted the job of Secretary of State, he may end up having to settle for Secretary of Defense since it as been reported that Susan Rice, our current boob of a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and who remains under fire for her early explanations of the Sept. 11 attack on the Libyan consulate, may be selected as the one to take over from Hitlery Clinton. That even though Rice has repeatedly demonstrated that she possess neither the aptitude nor the mental capacity for holding any position that does not require asking the question, "Do you want fries with that?" Which, I might add, goes for most of those in the current administration And coming to us courtesy of the Washington Post, it's said that John O. Brennan, the president’s less than impressive 'chief counterterrorism adviser', is a strong possible replacement for David Petraeus, who resigned as CIA director on Friday after admitting to an extramarital affair. But if Brennan leaves government service, as he has planned, then Michael Morell, the acting director CIA director, is most likely to get the job, also according to the Post.

And of course officials who should be in the know have cautioned that no decisions have yet been made, at least according to the Post. Rice’s idiotic and inconsistent comments on the attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans remain controversial. But hey, she's a Democrat and as such she's not to be held accountable for any of the stupid things that she may have said in the past. Her Sept. 16 remarks on Sunday talk shows that the attack began as a peaceful protest against an anti-Muslim film that later was "hijacked" by militants is seen by some congressional Republicans that Rice was either participating in a cover-up or was incompetent, the Post reports. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham said on Sunday that Rice "would have an incredibly difficult time" being confirmed by the Senate as Secretary of State, or so says the Post. But knowing old Lindsey as I do, I'm pretty sure that those on our team aren't going to be willing to really put up too much of a fight to prevent this obviously ill equipped boob from moving into yet another position where she can possibly do even more damage.

So apparently we're not going to see much in the way of change as we head into the next four years, except, I think it fair to say, that we can expect to see things get even worse. We'll have the essentially the same incompetent crew at the helm, the same twisted cast of characters, with only some slight changes, just playing different roles. Supposedly Kerry-Heinz is not a shoe in for the job at Defense because, I guess, he does have some competition in the form of Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter and Michele Flournoy, former undersecretary for policy at the Pentagon, have also been mentioned as possible replacements for Panetta. But I'm pretty sure if Kerry-Heinz is interested it will probably come his way and, if so, like I said I would not want to be a member of our military. I mean can you imagine Barry as Commander-in-Chief and Kerry-Heinz as Secretary of Defense? For those of us who can remember, that would be worse than the Carter/Brown duo that we had from 1977-81. I was there, I remember. Morale sucked and the use of drugs was rampant. But back then we were rescued by Ronald Reagan.

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