

Thursday, November 29, 2012


After yet another election is history and it was yet another where it was that we saw the black community vote nearly en masse for the Democrat candidate, who this time around also happened to be black. And now we once again have those who claim to be in the know, and just so much smarter than the rest of us, saying that what the Republican Party needs to do, what it must do to survive, is to work a lot harder at coming up with improved ways to entice blacks to join the GOP. I would argue that instead, we need to be much more aggressive in combating the perception of the GOP that is essentially nothing more that a complete fabrication, created and very loudly disseminated by the true racist who call the Democrat Party home. Because if you listen to these Democrats, the Republican Party is said to possess a very dark history with regard to blacks in American, a history that is steeped in some of the most vicious and vile exhibitions of racism imaginable.

I say fabrication because that's exactly what is it. It's been made up out of whole cloth, and there is not a grain of truth in anything that the Democrat Party says when describing the events of the past especially when it comes to the Republican Party and blacks in America. As always, Democrats attempt to rewrite history in an effort to portray themselves as being something different that what a real examination of their history would revel them to be. So in an effort to shine a little truth on things and to review a little of the history about the Republican Party untainted by Democrat 'interpretation' of the facts, let’s see what we can find out about the GOP’s supposedly sinister preoccupation with racism. And the Democrat fairytale, and that's exactly what it is, is really quite easy to disprove if only one is willing to expend the necessary energy to look at what are the actual facts. So in an effort to put things into their proper perspective let us now depart on a little journey down memory lane, shall we?

What have those acting on behalf of the Republican Party REALLY done? Well let's see:

- Republicans passed the Thirteenth Amendment, ending slavery, with 80 percent of Democrats voting against it.
- Republicans enacted the Fourteenth Amendment, granting freed slaves the rights of citizenship. It was, by the way, unanimously supported by Republicans and just as unanimously opposed by Democrats.
- Republicans also passed the Fifteenth Amendment, giving freedmen the right to vote.
- Republicans passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866, conferring U.S. citizenship on all African Americans and according them "full and equal benefit of all laws", again unanimously supported by Republicans, who had to override Democrat President Andrew Johnson’s veto.
- Republicans passed the Reconstruction Act of 1867.
- Republicans sent federal troops to the Democratic South to enforce the constitutional rights of the newly freed slaves.
- Republicans were the first targets of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction.
- Republicans continued trying to pass federal civil rights laws for a century following the Civil war, most of which Democrats blocked, including a bill banning racial discrimination in public accommodations in 1875; a bill guaranteeing blacks the right to vote in the South in 1890; anti-lynching bills in 1922, 1935, and 1938 and anti-poll tax bills in 1942, 1944 and 1946.
- A Republican president, Theodore Roosevelt, invited Booker T. Washington to dine at the White House in 1901, making him the first black American to do so.
- Republican Party platforms repeatedly called for equal rights, demanding in 1908, for example, equal justice for black Americans and condemning all devices that disenfranchise blacks for their color alone, "as unfair, un-American and repugnant to the Supreme law of the land."
- Republicans called for anti-lynching legislation in their presidential platforms throughout the 1920s while the Democrat platforms did not.
- Republicans demanded integration of the military in civil services in their party platform in 1940; again, the Democrats did not.
- Republicans endorsed Brown v. Board of Education in their 1956 presidential platform, the Democrats did not.
- Republicans sent the 101st Airborne Division to Little Rock to enforce the Court’s school desegregation ruling to stop Democrat governor from blocking the schoolhouse door.
- Republicans fully implemented the desegregation of the military, left unfinished by a Democrat president.
- Republicans introduced and passed into law the Civil Rights Act of 1957 opposed and watered down by Democrats.
- Republicans reintroduced and passed another civil rights bill in 1960, maneuvering it past Democrat obstructionism, with all votes against the bill coming from Democrats.
- Republicans created the Commission on Civil Rights.
- Republicans voted in far greater numbers for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 than the Democrats, though this was the year Democrats finally stopped aggressively opposing civil rights bills.
- Republicans effectively desegregated public schools throughout the nation in the first few years of the Nixon administration.
- Republicans desegregated the building trades, introducing, for the first time, racial quotas and timetables for those doing business with the federal government.
- Republicans appointed the first black secretary of state as well as the first black female secretary of state.
- Republicans appointed one of two black justices ever to sit on the Supreme Court, over the hysterical objections of Democrats.

Well, well, well, so what do we have here? It would seem that truth is a bit stranger than the Democrat fictional account of things. And it would appear that their version of Republican Party history when speaking about race, doesn't quite ring true. Which should reveal quite clearly the lengths Democrats will go to hide their own past, and cause one to ponder just how much worse off blacks would be today, if it had not been for the Republican Party? And what exactly have blacks been the recipient of for their unswerving dedication and devout loyalty to the Democrat Party? Well it would seem not much that could actually be considered as being beneficial, that's for sure. Liberal Democrat policies have had a disastrous effect on the black community today. It is a fact that when the majority of black people were Republican they had strong black families and during that time 90% of homes were headed by two parents. Imagine that!

But sadly, all of that was before that grand illusion that came into being back in the 1960s . Something fondly referred as being the "Great Society", which was a set of domestic programs that was more of a monumental con job, and one that has proven, over time, to be a very costly one. What it was, however, was essentially nothing more than a thinly disguised effort by the Democrats to buy the black vote. It was then that the Democrats came out with welfare, food stamps and government programs that literally crippled black people and made them nearly completely dependent upon government. It was at that point in time that we then started seeing the break down of the black family. Now today most black people reliably vote Democrat, but they may have kind of outsmarted themselves, because they don't seem to have done themselves any favors by deciding to faithfully remain in the Democrat camp over the course of the last 50 or so years. Here's just a little of what they have to show for their unending servitude:

1. 70% of black kids are born to unwed parents.
2. Black women now lead in abortion, for the size of their population.
3. Blacks have one the highest high school drop out rates.
4. Even though blacks are 12% of the population, blacks make up 50% of the prison population.
5. As of now blacks have the highest unemployment rate in America at 14%. Actually it's a lot higher.
6. As of now blacks have the highest poverty rate in America at 27%
7. Black business ownership is the lowest out of every group in America.
8. And the sad part is blacks are still thinking that the government is going to one day save them, and make their lives better.

All that has been suffered by the black community stems from the plight that has been put upon them, and is a direct result of, liberal Democrat Party policies. The Democratic Party in its effort to deny what is its own racist past and to capture the black vote for generations, implemented a carefully crafted plan consisting of various family aid policies the net result of which has been to, quite literally, destroy the black family. Today, well over 70% of black children are born out of wedlock. Democrat family assistance policies, implemented nationwide led to fatherless homes, which led to the ruin of the black community. The absence of a father in the home, or involved at all has been a disaster for the community. Statistics show that when two parent families are used as a basis for comparison, then on education and crime black and white are equal. But, when considered as a group, crime for African Americans is totally out of all proportion to numbers and education achievement is dismal - The one and only reason? Destruction of the black family.

The grandmothers are all gone and the gangs have now moved in to fill in the void created. Like they say, nature abhors a vacuum, and only bad things can happen as a consequence. And as hard as it might be tried, there's simply no way that money, no matter what the amount, can't put this right. In fact, the money spent on the poverty industry by both the government and any number of private foundations more often then not only ends up the pockets of Democrat community 'leaders,' who get wealthy off the misery of those right there in their own community. You know, the typical sleazy characters like the Al "Bull Horn" Sharptons and Jesse "The Extortionist" Jacksons who presume themselves to be the representative voices of the black community. These guys have made careers out of throwing their own people under the proverbial bus in exchange for they're aiding in what has been, and continues to be, nothing more than a massive propaganda campaign designed to prevent blacks from ever managing to escape from the Democrat plantation. And for decades it has worked, and worked very well.

According to an American Community Survey, conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, the top 10 poorest cities with populations of more than 250,000 are Detroit, with 33 percent of its residents below the poverty line; Buffalo, N.Y., 30 percent; Cincinnati, 28 percent; Cleveland, 27 percent; Miami, 27 percent; St. Louis, 27 percent; El Paso, Texas, 26 percent; Milwaukee, 26 percent; Philadelphia, 25 percent; and Newark, N.J., 24 percent. Now, and I'm sure this comes as real shock to people, there is common thread here that runs through all of these cities and it is that for decades, all of them have been run by Democratic and presumably liberal administrations. Some of them, such as Detroit, Buffalo, Newark and Philadelphia, haven’t elected a Republican mayor for more than a half-century. And the mayors of six of these high-poverty cities have been black Americans, in some cases it has been that way for decades. Personally, I think the most fitting analogy for any of these cities would be to compare them to rat experiments that have gone horribly, horribly wrong. Because that's essentially what they are, experiments in social engineering.

Crime is one of the results of the liberal agenda. Blacks are 13 percent of the population but are more than 50 percent of murder victims. About 95 percent of black homicide victims had a black person as their murderer. Blacks are not only the major victims of murder but also suffer high victimization rates of all categories of serious violent crime. Most often, another black is the perpetrator. But in such cases is it rare to hear from the perpetual race clowns like the previously mentioned Sharpton or Jackson. It was during the 1960s, that academic liberals and hustling politicians told us that to deal with crime, we had to deal with its "root causes," poverty and discrimination. It has been pointed out that in 1960, the total number of murders in the United States was lower than in 1950, 1940 and 1930, even though our population had grown and two new states had been added. The liberal agenda, coupled with courts granting criminals new rights, later caused the murder rate to double, and the rates of other violent crimes also began to skyrocket.

Realistically speaking, it has been the Democrat Party that has managed to do more long-term damage to the black community than the KKK ever did, or would have dreamt was even possible. And when looking back at the Democrat's rather dark, and ominous history when it comes to all matters having to do with racism, it becomes pretty obvious, pretty quickly that the party also played a very significant role in creating this violent little group as well. Because it is also very true that while not every Democrat was a member of the KKK, very member was, in fact, a Democrat. The Democrats created the nanny state where women are rewarded with more welfare money with every child they have as long as the father isn’t living with the mother. Therefore, kids grow up without a positive male role model, drop out of school, get into trouble, end up dead or in prison and some see the welfare state as their only option and the cycle starts all over again. This has destroyed the family unit in the black community.

Look, I think it's pretty obvious what the bottom line here is. And that would be that in order for Democrats to continue their winning ways it is absolutely essential, even imperative, that they work to have as many people as possible totally dependent upon government. What they have done to achieve that is the disgraceful, almost genocidal, using of taxpayer money to promote illegitimacy, broken homes and generational dependency, and all so they can have a reliable pool of very dependable voters come every Election Day. Because we all know everyone getting a government 'paycheck', votes for Democrats. Blacks stubbornly refuse to make a break for the fence. And you would think that they would be doing so in droves if for no other reason than that natural instinct for self-preservation. And because of their continuing refusal to come to grips with the root cause of their continuing to remain in poverty as well as their unwillingness to detach themselves from the government teat, the rest of us are made to suffer the consequences of the policies conceived by very liberal, and dare I say Socialist, Democrats.

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