

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


How many of you outside of this moron's district have ever heard of Rep. Hank Johnson, who is, what else, a Democrat, and one who happens to be from Georgia? I've mentioned this guy before, only because he's probably one of the least intelligent individuals currently roaming the halls of Congress. But who ever said you gotta be smart to be in Congress? Look at such sterling examples of the brain-trust in Congress, we have folks like Bawny Fwank, John Kerry-Heinz and Chuckie Schumer to name just three. I could go on but in the interest of space, I won't, but you get the idea, I'm sure. Anyway, this dolt Johnson makes the claim that members of Congress actually "earn" their $174,000 per year salary (plus benefits) and that this compensation is "not elaborate." Now some may believe this cockamamie bullshit, but not if they have a brain.

"The benefits and salary that we get, we earn," Johnson said at the Annesbrooks HOA Candidate Forum in Georgia in October. "It’s not elaborate, it’s just a bunch of poppycock that a lot of people have spread around trying to get us to hate our own government and our government representatives." According to a Congressional Research Services report compensation for most representatives and senators is $174,000 a year. Additionally, our hardworking members of Congress are eligible to enroll in health and life insurance plans, can opt into a pension plan and are offered a variety of reimbursements and allowances to support them in their representational duties. So while I don't have the final sum these hardworking folks actually take home, I think it fair to say it's a bit more than the base pay of 174 grand.

The Congressional Research Service has reported that the average annual Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) annuity was $69,420 in 2010. The Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), which went into effect in 1987, averaged a retirement annuity (not including Social Security) of $38,460 in 2010. Depending on when they began their service former lawmakers may choose to participate in either plan. And what get's me is that scumbags like this Johnson clown get for themselves a nice fat retirement while those in our military continue to get screwed over on their retirements. What exact does this imbecile do that actually makes him think that he earns what we the taxpayers pay him? And not just him, any of these egomaniacs that go on television in the $1000, or more, suits or dresses.

This serving in Congress gig is a pretty good one if you can get it. Of course Barry has them all beat with his million dollar vacations, weekly trips to the nearest high-dollar golf course and date nights in New York City. But that's a topic for another time. But getting back to these schleps in Congress, I really don't see how any of them can justify the money they make, and the entire setup does nothing more than to breed corruption. There should be no salary involved at all, or at least nothing more than an token one and absolutely no retirement benefits. Career politicians are one of those oxymoron's like criminal justice or Great Depression. And there shouldn't be any such thing as benefits for these people who go to Washington and more often that not leave town much richer than they were when they first arrived in town.

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