

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Barry "Almighty" once again attempted to lump together those of us who actually work and pay taxes with those who do nothing but to live off of us, when he made the claim that the American people "understood what they were getting" when re-electing him to a second term. With that statement I have no argument, because I knew exactly what I would be getting which is why I voted for Romney. But what I do take exception to is his now claiming that he possess a mandate to move forward on his "guiding principle" to make sure wealthy Americans are paying their fair share in taxes over the next four years. I would still like to know why EVERYBODY shouldn't be required to pay their fair share, why just the so-called wealthy.

At his first White House press conference in quite some time, on Wednesday, NBC’s Chuck Todd asked Barry, "Tax rates. Is there no deal at the end of the year if the tax rates for the top 2 percent aren’t the Clinton tax rates period, no ifs, ands or buts? And any room in negotiating on that specific aspect of the fiscal cliff?" Barry responded by saying, "With respect to the tax rates, I just want to emphasize I am open to new ideas if the Republican counterparts or some Democrats have an idea to raise revenue, maintain progressivity, make sure the middle class isn’t getting hit, reduces our deficit, encourages growth. I’m not just going to slam the door in their face, I want to hear ideas from everybody." What a bunch of BS!

When Todd pressed further on the idea of a red line, Barry replied in his typically arrogant fashion, "I’m less concerned about red lines per se. What I’m concerned about is not finding ourselves in a situation where the wealthy aren’t paying more or aren’t paying as much as they should. Middle-class families, one way or another, are making up the difference -- that’s the kind of status quo that has been going on here too long and that’s exactly what I argued against during this campaign." Going on to say, "And if there’s one thing that I’m pretty confident about is the American people understood what they were getting when they gave me this incredible privilege of being in office for another 4 years." But half of us voted against his dumb ass!

Barry claimed that middle-class families who voted for him did so because, by golly, they wanted to make sure that those greedy "folks at the top are doing their fair share." Look, any actual middle-class families that voted for this scumbag must have some sort of a financial death wish. Barry went on to say, "They want compromise, they wanted action but they also want to make sure that middle-class folks aren’t bearing the entire burden and sacrifice when it comes to these big challenges." Adding, "They expect that folks at the top are doing their fair share as well, and that’s going to be my guiding principle during these negotiations but, more importantly, during the next 4 years of my administration."

Barry stubbornly clings to this cockamamie claim of his that he possesses some sort a mandate from the American people to raise taxes, but the actual truth of matter is quite different. Granted the many slugs of our society, who currently don't pay anything in the way of income tax, are wholeheartedly behind his effort to make the rest us pay even more, the resulting consequences to the economy be damned! My only hope is the Republicans in Congress will have enough spine to stand up to Barry and call his bluff as far as this whole mandate thing is concerned. But I'm afraid that's only wishful thinking. They need to be completely united against what Barry is trying to do and I'm just not sure they have it in them.

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