

Saturday, November 17, 2012


Now that Barry "Almighty" has been provided with more time, time that will enable to him to successfully navigate this country over the fiscal cliff, I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank those of you who made it possible for him to do so. But I do have a question for you. What’s your plan when the money is essentially gone? I’m mean, had we actually elected Romney we ‘may’ have been able to avoid our inevitable plunge over that cliff and therefore been able to keep your checks coming. But sadly, in your infinite wisdom, you thought your odds for doing so were better with Barry in the White House. However, I’m not so sure your strategy will prove successful.

Anyway, thanks to you we are all likely to be made to suffer. You could have chosen to take just a little responsibility for your own behavior, instead of constantly choosing to do what feels good while leaving the rest of us to pick up your tab. But apparently you have no interest in doing that. Imagine if the shoe were on the other foot? You have everything literally handed to you and still you bitch. It is said that you all are so religious, and yet you continually vote for those who are members of the political party that is anti-religion. You listen to those who endlessly preach racial hatred and yet it’s me, or those like me, who’s are accused of being racists.

And another thing. I really do get tired of hearing about how it is that it’s all up to me to somehow encourage you to see the benefits of joining the Republican Party. But I gotta tell you, to me that would seem to be a no-brainer. Were it not for the Republicans not one piece of legislation having to do with civil rights would have ever become law, not one. It was a Republican president that ended slavery. It was a Republican that sent National Guard troops to Little Rock Arkansas to escort nine black student to class at Central High School in that city. And for that the party is referred to as the party with the checkered past when it comes to racial equality?

All of that seems to have been forgotten, and replaced with some bizarre sense of loyalty to the one political party which does possess a history that is rather questionable, to say the least, especially when it come to the topic of race. It’s a history that involves such things as supporting the Ku Klux Klan, the advocating of all manner of segregation and the support of, as well as the authoring of, many of those vile restrictions referred to as the "Jim Crow" laws. But that all seems to matter very little because it’s that same party who has, over time, essentially bought the black, and to a certain extent also the Hispanic, vote by creating all manner of government "entitlement" programs.

It is the creation and implementation of these very same entitlement programs about which, I think it can safely be said, has allowed the Democrats to completely decimate the Black community. And still as you look around yourselves and see what a shambles the black family is in today and for some bizarre reason, refuse to take the necessary steps to begin any process that might actually begin turning things around. The voices of those like Allen West, Mia Love and Herman Cain, to name only three, are completely ignored in favor of those like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan. Oddly enough, all supposed men of God.

I guess what I’m getting at here is the fact that I would think that it painfully obvious the disservice that has been done to minorities by the one political party that claims to be their only advocate. Frankly I’m not sure what else the Republican Party can do to make itself more appealing to blacks and other minorities. I mean, are we expected to beg you all to join us in our fight to save America? Sorry, but if that’s what you all are waiting for, I’m hear to tell you that it’ll be a cold day in Hell before I beg anyone to do something that is in their own best interest. Either you want to take an active role in your own survival, or you don’t. YOU DECIDE!

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