

Monday, November 19, 2012


So, riddle me this you morons who thought that re-electing the worst president this nation has ever seen was a good idea. How is that when the percentage of Americans who think America will be worse off in four years has more than doubled in the four years since Barry was first inaugurated as president, he get still re-elected? At least those are the figures according to the Gallup poll.  In a survey conducted Jan. 9-11, 2009--concluding just nine days before Barack Obama's first inauguration as president--Gallup asked American adults: "Do you think the country will be better off or worse off four years from now?"

It was back then, after buying all the "Hope and Change" drivel, that over 72 percent, said the country would be better off, 20 percent said it would be worse off, 4 percent said it would be the same, and 4 percent said they had no opinion. Despite the deep recession America was in at that time (GDP declined by 5.3 percent in the first quarter of 2009), a super-majority of Americans were clearly optimistic about the nation's future. Now fast forward to Nov. 9-12 of this year, just after Barry was reelected, and we have Gallup asking American adults the same question it had just before Barry's inauguration/coronation four years ago.

This time around when the question was asked, the answers were a bit different. In 2012 it was only 54 percent who said they believed the country would be better off in four years, while now 41 percent said they believed it would be worse off, 3 percent said it would be the same, and 2 percent, which I can only assume are the morons among us, said they had no opinion on the matter. The 41 percent who said just after the Nov. 6 election that they believe the country will be worse off four years from now is more than double the 20 percent who said the same thing four years ago, just before Barry's inauguration.

After having made it through the first four, rather abysmal, years of Barry as our 'Dear Beloved Leader', now, at least according to Gallup, the number of Americans who believe the country is headed toward being worse off has doubled. And yet, there remained enough of us who thought he was worthy of being re-elected. Or, I suppose, there were not enough of us of the opinion that he was clearly unworthy, who felt it necessary to take the time to go to the polls to vote. I can't quite figure out how it is that so many people seem to be aware that we're going head first down the crapper, and yet still re-elected the guy responsible.

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