

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Little Jimmy Clyburn, who has this rather peculiar little talent of being able to hear something racist in just about everything that someone who is not a Democrat says, is apparently once again hearing something that, at least to him, appears to be quite racist in nature. Now keeping in mind that Barry "Almighty" hasn't even said yet whether or not he intends to nominate the very incompetent Susan Rice to be Secretary of State, the debate over her has already become quite intense with boneheads like Clyburn leading with charges of racism. Which is what scumbags like him always fall back on when they have nothing else.

So James "The Tea Party is just chock full of racists" Clyburn, told CNN on Tuesday that some Republican claims that Rice is "incompetent" may, in fact, be racial in nature. "These are code words," Clyburn said, adding that "these kinds of terms that those of us — especially those of us who were born and raised in the South -- we've been hearing these little words and phrases all of our lives and we get insulted by them." Man, talk about a case of some pretty severe paranoia. What is it with these people? I'm sorry there Jimmy, but there are stupid black folks just like there are stupid white folks, and Ms. Rice is clearly one of those stupid black folks.

Rice, our current, and very inept, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, has been criticized by Sen. John McCain, and other Republicans over comments, comments that she knew were false when she made them, she repeatedly made following the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. An attack that resulted in the death of the first American ambassador, a white guy, since the days of Jimmy Carter, who’s one of those stupid white folks I was talking about earlier. Both McCain and Lindsey Graham have attacked Rice for her Sunday show appearances in the days following the attack, criticizing her for not calling the assault a terrorist act.

On Monday, 97 House Republicans sent a letter to Barry saying that Rice is unfit to succeed Hitlery Clinton. I guess to Clyburn's way of thinking that can only be because Rice is black. The administration has attempted to provide some cover for the incompetent Rice, saying that Rice she was simply using talking points supplied to by those intelligence community during her several television appearances. Hitlery is expected to announce her retirement soon, and as hard to believe as it might be, Rice appears to be on the short list to replace her. Only in government could incompetence be seen as a resume enhancer.

And as always whenever pathetic morons like this ass Clyburn think they can score some cheap political points they always do what Jimmy did during his recent little CNN appearance. Clyburn said of McCain: "He told us that Sarah Palin was a very competent person to be vice president of the United States. That ought to tell you a little bit about his judgment." This coming from a guy, who the Democrats deemed as being not smart enough to hold any kind of a real leadership position so they had to dream one up for him just to keep him quiet. Yup, I bet old Jimmy thought he was being oh so freakin clever with his quip about Palin.

But I tell ya what, I'd put Palin up against this idiot Rice any day of the week. At least Palin has been a governor, and being white has never had anything handed to her on a silver platter because of her race. I doubt we can say the same thing about Rice, who if she was white, would have most likely been asked to resign some time ago. But in the world of rabid political correctness, a black can never be asked to resign, instead the rest of us are either forced into covering up for them or made to ignore their incompetence. So she gets promoted up the ladder, what, because she's black? Yup, these days that's all it takes.

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