

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Barry "Almighty" seemed to have his panties in a bunch regarding fact that Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have been rather pointed in their attacks on his rather grossly incompetent boob of a U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Susan Rice. Barry said, "If Sen. McCain and Sen. Graham want to go after somebody, they should go after me." Personally, if it was me, I'd be telling this arrogant SOB to go screw himself! But hey, that's just me. I doubt that either one of these guys would dare do such a thing, they'll probably just skulk off into the nearest corner and do as they're told. That's the problem with our side.

At his first news conference in over eight months, Barry was asked by one those supposed journalists whose job is supposed to be keep this guy honest: "Sen. John McCain and Sen. Lindsey Graham both said today that they want to have Watergate-style hearing d on the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and said that if you nominate Susan Rice to be Sec. of State they will do everything in their power to block her nomination. As Senator Graham said, he simply doesn’t trust Ambassador Rice after what she said about Benghazi. I’d like your reaction to that and would those threats deter you from making a nomination like that?"

Barry replied in very typical fashion saying, "Let me say specifically about Susan Rice: she has done exemplary work." Exemplary work? Who does he think he’s kidding? He must mean that by Democrat standards, she’s doing exemplary work, because it’s certainly not by anyone else's. "She has represented the United States and our interests in the United Nations with skill and professionalism and toughness and grace," Barry added.. He went on to say, "As I’ve said before, she made an appearance at the request of the White House in which she gave her best understanding of the intelligence that had been provided to her." What a crock!

And finally our 'Dear Beloved Leader" spouted off saying, "If Senator McCain and Senator Graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. And I'm happy to have that discussion with them." Adding, "But for them to go after the U.N. ambassador, who had nothing to do with Benghazi and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence that she had received, and besmirch her reputation, is outrageous." That Barry is even considering nominating this pathetic boob, Rice, to replace Hitlery Clinton as Secretary of State demonstrates very clearly that our foreign policy is only going to continue to get worse.

This bimbo, Rice, who's really not qualified for any job outside of the fast food industry, stirred up quite the controversy when she lied to a number of Sunday talk shows on Sept. 16 that the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, five days earlier had been a "spontaneous reaction" to an online video clip denigrating the Prophet Mohammed. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed in that attack, which was subsequently dubbed a terrorist attack. Immediately after the statement, Sen. Graham tweeted: "Mr. President, don’t think for one minute I don’t hold you ultimately responsible for #Benghazi."

This past Sunday, while on CBS "Face the Nation," Graham said: "I think Susan Rice would have an incredibly difficult time getting through the Senate. I would not vote for her unless there’s a tremendous opening up of information explaining herself [on Benghazi] in a way she has not yet done." McCain said Wednesday that he "will do everything in my power to block her from being the United States Secretary of State." But I guess we'll see if the change their tune on this issue. This "Keystone Cops" approach to our foreign policy has been nothing but a complete disaster and has only succeeded in making the world even less safe.

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