

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Now here's a little statistic that should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone. I think we're all pretty much aware by now that Barry "Almighty", that same guy who has so often said that he's damn proud of his records and would put it up against anyone's, clearly isn't running on it. What he's doing instead of that, and where he very clearly leads his Republican challenger Mitt Romney, is in one category that just might come back to bite our 'Dear Beloved Leader right square in the derrière. And that category happens to be character attacks and personal insults. Which is really pretty standard fare for Democrat candidates like Barry and something they have relied upon as their tactic of choice for decades.

And it's quite ironic really, because part of Barry’s appeal last time around was his desire for civility, to at least appear to be above that sort of pettiness, and it represented a major part of his attractiveness way back in 2008. But this time around, it's a different story, the Barry camp is pulling out all the stops and is spending the majority of its time on nothing else but trying to denigrate, every way they can, Romney the man. “To make the case, Obama and his aides have used an arsenal of techniques — personal ridicule, suggestions of ethical misdeeds, and aspersions against Romney’s patriotism — that many voters and commentators claim to abhor, even as the tactics have regularly proved effective,” is how Politico describes it..

Romney, often time appearing much more presidential than Barry could ever hope to, has instead chosen to focus on Barry’s weak policies accusing him of a lowball strategy to keep his job. Look, Barry, as well as most of the sleazy characters involved with his campaign, has demonstrated any number of times that operating out of the gutter is where he's most comfortable. The former Massachusetts governor hasn’t called Barry a bad person or even questioned his personal values. The disparity in strategy between Romney and Barry hasn’t received much attention, largely because of the race’s negative overall tone. The fact that Barry has endured many personal attacks in the past also plays a role.

Another irony is that in the past it was always the Democrats who complained that their presidential candidates were on the receiving end of unfair personal attacks, including Michael "The Bobble Head" Dukakis, Bill "Slick Willie" Clinton, and John Kerry-Heinz. Democratic strategist Paul Begala, affectionately referred to in some circles as "The Forehead", admits Barry is running a 'different' campaign from four years ago. Different? Man, that's putting it mildly even for this clown Begala. Paul describes it this way, “[The year] 2008 was hope and change, and the president won on a largely positive message.” At least that's what he told he told Politico. Adding, “This is much more a choice than a referendum, and a choice is A and not B.”

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