Last night the most prominent pervert in the Democrat Party, and a man who, himself, played a pivotal role in the financial collapse of 2008, “Slick Willie” Clinton, nominated for re-election the man that has inflicted the most damage upon this country since the days of that imbecilic peanut farmer from Georgia. And once again the Democrat formula was made pretty clear: Except no blame whatsoever, blame everything on Barry’s predecessor and the opposition party. As usual “Slick” has the mental midgets there in the crowd, right in the palm of his hand. He attempted to frame the upcoming November election as a clear choice between Barry “Almighty”, who “Slick” argued would bring what he described as “shared prosperity,” and what Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney would bring about.
“My fellow Americans, you have to decide what kind of country you want to live in,” “Slick” explained. “If you want a you’re-on-your-own, winner-take-all society, you should support the Republican ticket. If you want a country of shared prosperity and shared responsibility — a we’re-all-in-this-together society — you should vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden.” And again in reverting to the same old and tired tactic of the blame game, old “Slick” said the GOP’s campaign argument is “pretty simple: ‘We left him a total mess, he hasn’t cleaned it up yet, so fire him and put us back in.” That was pretty good coming from the guy who helped lay the foundation for the “total mess” that he so cavalierly blamed on the other guys. And what struck me as being rather idiotic even for “Slick”, he said Republicans live in an ”alternate universe.”
Alternate Universe? Really? Now that’s what I would tend to say about those there in the hall specifically, and Democrats, as a whole, in general. I mean, you have to be living in some sort of “alternate universe” to look at the level of damage that has been inflicted on this country, and on such a profound scale, and not look at the man supposedly in charge as being at least partly, if not mostly, to blame. Barry has spent us into near bankruptcy, 100 million of us have now been forced into some sort of government assistance, 46 million of us are on food stamps, we’re $16 Trillion in debt, gas is once again approaching four dollars a gallon, and somehow we’re supposed to find it in ourselves to vote for this guy again? And WE’RE the ones said to be living in an “alternate universe”? No, I don’t think so there Bubba! Somebody might be, but it ain’t us!
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