

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Working to avoid in anyway admitting the fact that Americans are not “better off today than they were four years ago,” David ‘My Mommie Was A Commie’ Axelrod instead declares that because of Barry “Almighty”, Americans ‘are’ in a “much better position than we were four years ago.” I’m curious though, a better position to do what exactly. To go bankrupt? To become unemployed? To loose our homes? What? It’s all nothing more than his using semantics in an attempt to fool us. But does he really think we’re really stupid enough to fall for it? Really? Granted, the majority of those who repeatedly vote Democrat are some of the most ignorant folks you’re ever gonna meet. And this line of drivel may work well with those people. But for those of us out there in the real world, working and actually paying taxes, and actually “building” small businesses, we aren’t so quick to believe what is such an obvious act of deception.

Oddly enough, Barry “Almighty” seems to have been able to convince many of us of the ‘benefits’ of committing national suicide. And if we allow Barry to succeed in that little endeavor, we will have succeeded in doing something that no other nation has ever been capable of doing. We need to look past all of the flowery rhetoric so eloquently delivered and look at the man behind it. And what we see is man who does not love this country as we do. We see a foreigner, of sorts. No I’m saying that he wasn’t born here, what I’m saying he never experienced what so many others of us did actually growing up in this great country. Instead he has a hatred for this country, and since assuming office has done everything in his power to tear it down. And yet he leads in the majority of polls. Which I would argue says much more about us that it does about him. And we need to snap out of whatever stupor we now find ourselves.

I think most Americans realize that they are in no way, what Axelrod describes as being, a “better position”. Our disposable income has all but evaporated because of Barry’s policies. Axelrod makes the imbecilic claim that Barry has somehow created 4.5 million jobs. But how does such a claim make any sense, whatsoever, when we have had unemployment above 8 percent for 42 consecutive months? Both numbers can’t be true, and only number that we can prove is the unemployment number, which if the truth be known, is artificially low. How can anyone possibly describe a time when 100 million Americans have been forced into accepting some form of government assistance, with 43 million on food stamps and millions more now see their homes worth less than what they owe, as a time that that has us all being in a better position than before this disastrous presidency began? It’s nonsense!

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