Well, apparently the Barry White House is out actively encouraging congressional Democrats to go on the offensive after the Supreme Court, courtesy of John "Turncoat" Roberts, upheld Barry's signature healthcare legislation Thursday. Members are being urged to hit the campaign trail and to enthusiastically "illustrate how the President and Democrats in Congress are standing up for the middle class." Standing up for the middle class? You gotta be kiddin me! This group has done more to decimate the middle class than anyone since I can't remember when.
The memo, written by White House senior adviser David Plouffe and sent to the House and Senate Democrat caucuses, stated that the party should be happy to debate Republicans on taxes. "After over a decade of watching the security of the middle class erode, Republicans in Congress are determined to return to the exact same policies that led to the economic crisis," Plouffe argues. "The President refuses to settle for a country where a shrinking number of people do really well, while a growing number of Americans barely get by." What a crock of sh!t!
Republicans, and rightly so, have been continuing to hammer away at Barry on the issue after the Supreme Court, again thanks to John Roberts, ruled that the individual mandate portion of the Affordable Care Act would be allowed to stand, but only if it were re-categorized as a tax. That has since prompted many in the GOP to taunt that Barry "Almighty" was now responsible for one of the largest, if not 'the' largest, tax increases in American history, and say Barry violated his campaign pledge to keep taxes down on the middle class. It was just one more on a long list of many lies.
“In the eyes of the court, that’s all that the penalty tied to the individual mandate ever was: a tax imposed by a Democrat Congress, primarily on the middle class. And let’s be very clear about that: the tax connected to the individual mandate is not primarily a tax on the rich but on the middle class Americans who will bear the brunt of it," said Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) in a statement Thursday. And regardless of what Mr. Plouffe may think, that's a fact. And it's those making $120,000 and under per year, or the middle class, who will be 'forced' to bare the brunt of paying for this Democrat debacle.
But as usual, this douche bag Plouffe accused Republicans of attempting to "deliberately misrepresent the President's records of cutting taxes for the middle class." He added, "On every issue, from reducing the deficit in a balanced way to paying for investments in education, Republicans refuse to ask the wealthy to pay their fair share all while cutting investments we need to grow the middle class." Again with all this fair share crap. And as I have asked before, what's the fair share of those parasites among us who pay absolutely nothing in taxes. What entitles these slugs to a free ride?
Plouffe's memo goes on to outline a series of talking points for Democrat leaders, saying they should emphasize tax cuts signed into law under Barry. The White House strategist also urges members to increasingly discuss the healthcare law as a settled issue, with the Supreme Court having provided "a clear and final ruling on this law." In other you're stuck with it so shut up and sit down! "Right now, Congress needs to work together on the economy and creating jobs," Plouffe continued. Don't you just love when these sleazy Democrats start demanding that we work together?
And as much as Plouffe may wish it to the contrary, Democrats could most likely face a pretty tough sell on the healthcare law. In a USAToday/Gallup polls released just last Friday, 44 percent had an unfavorable view of the bill, versus 37 percent with a favorable view. But, for whatever the reason, the country appears pretty evenly split on the Supreme Court's action, with 46 percent of those surveyed saying the law was either constitutional or unconstitutional. Personally, to my way of thinking this thing could not be any more unconstitutional. But hey, that's just me.
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