

Monday, July 9, 2012


There have been several occasions in the not so distant past, where washed-up film director and sometimes actor, Spike Lee has either encountered, and/or created for himself, no shortage of controversy, most likely as an act of pure desperation in the hopes of being able to restart his flagging movie 'career'. I'm sure many of you may remember him as being the moron who tweeted the home address of the wrong George Zimmerman. Anyway, apparently besides his being someone who doesn't care all that much for white folks, he also seems to have a rather low tolerance for those of the Mormon faith. A sentiment that leads us to his most recent comments about Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney that could, I think, be said to add to his drama notable roster. In an interview with 'Vulture', the esteemed Mr. Lee demonstrated his political prowess by saying that he believes the presidential election will be “very, very, very close” but that Romney’s The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints membership could impact him at the polls.

Here are just a few of the questions and answers during which he made these comments, as published by Vulture:
Q: How do you think President Obama is doing?
A: I support him; my wife and I gave a benefit for him at our house. But I think this election is going to be close. Bottom line, there are many people in America who look at themselves and say, “Am I better now than I was before?” It is going to be tooth and nail, and I think it is going to get nasty. But, in my opinion, if they are trying to bring up Reverend Jeremiah Wright again, they are really reaching. I hope and pray that people are not going to go for the Willie Horton okeydoke.
Q: Do you think people will?
A: I got faith that they won’t. Honestly, though, the big question is, I think there will be a block of people saying, “I cannot vote for a Mormon.”
Q: Are those people voting for Obama instead?
A: That seems unlikely. They got a tough decision: Obama or a Mormon. Their beliefs got them between a rock and a hard place.

While there have been some critics in evangelical circles, in particular, who have stated a reluctance to vote for a Mormon presidential candidate, the issue seems to be dissipating. In January, the website 'The Blaze' examined the issue of Mormonism and its potential role in the 2012 campaign and concluded that the vast majority of evangelicals and religious conservatives would not allow theological differences to prevent a vote for Romney. In addition to sharing these views on faith and the presidential battle, Lee also spoke about meeting Romney a few years ago at Reagan National Airport. According to at least his account, the two exchanged pleasantries. Lee also went on to claim that, if Barry loses in November, it will be a very long time before another African American is elected president. “I will be dead before it happens,” he proclaimed. But I respectfully disagree with Lee on that point. Because, while hopefully it would be a very long time before a another black Democrat would ever be elected, I think a black conservative could very easily be elected president and even without receiving a majority of the black vote.

I say that because the majority of blacks have allowed themselves to be manipulated, to a great extent, by the Democrat Party. Convinced, in fact, to even turn on their own. Remember how blacks were talking about Herman Cain? Or how many of them talk about Clarence Thomas? Blacks in this country have been thoroughly brainwashed, even those who are educated and who you would think would know better, into only considering a politician to be truly black, if they are a Democrat. Hell, they even convinced themselves that "BJ" Clinton was the first black president and he was nothin but a horny old white guy. Personally, I would have no problem in voting for a black candidate, if his beliefs were centered around a conservative philosophy. Whereas most blacks would view such a candidate as being nothing more than an 'Uncle Tom" or an "Oreo". It's a sad fact that the Democrat Party has decimated the black community, and under Barry, black unemployment has gone through the roof. And yet, come this November, 99.9% of blacks will vote for him. And for no other reason than because he's black!

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