

Monday, July 9, 2012


I think it very safe to say that unless the preacher at the church you regularly attend borders on being completely insane, a recent little tirade of Jeremiah Wright's would not be one of the more typical Sunday sermons that you'd likely find yourself being subjected to. But then again, as most of us have come to know, Jeremiah Wright is far from being your typical 'reverend'. And I use the term 'reverend' quite loosely, because, at least from my experience, this is not how you would expect a man of God to speak. We were again recently exposed to level of insanity possessed by Barry's preacher of 20 years, as he was speaking within miles of the White House at the 100th anniversary of Washington, D.C.’s Florida Avenue Baptist Church on Sunday. It was there that the esteemed Rev. Wright was heard to accuse some of America‘s most prestigious academic institutions of infecting black people’s brains with “white racist DNA,” or at least as Politico reports.

Supposedly the good 'reverend' started out his most recent hateful diatribe by quoting from the Book of Isaiah and using its message of the value of foundational stones as a metaphor, imploring parishioners to teach their children the 'real' African-American history and not the one being taught by “our enemies” who “distorts our history, disses our history.” He then reportedly, proceeded to rattle off a list of some of the most important black figures in all of history, including Nat Turner, Emmett Till, Rosa Parks, Paul Robeson, Zora Neale Hurston and others and said their stories must be passed on. Oddly enough, however, Wright managed to leave Martin Luther King, Jr. off the list, or so 'The Daily Caller' reports. It seems unclear whether Wright 'error' was intentional or merely and 'oversight'. When dealing with this loon you just never really know for sure.

“They are the foundation,” Wright explained. “These stones of memory shall serve as a sign among you so that in the future when your children, who only know Oprah and Obama, when our children who speak the language of Nas, 50 Cent, Lil Wayne (Weezy) and Ludacris. When your children ask you who are these people and what do these stones mean, these stones mean, you can tell them what it is that God did to get us from where we were to where we are.” Continuing his rather incendiary drivel, Wright added, “We need to tell our children… how we got from a black congressman named Adam Clayton Powell to a black president named Barack Hussein Obama,” Wright continued. “But we also need to tell them how we have black politicians who steal money.” Not sure who it was that he might have been referencing there as I have a rather difficult time interpreting his 'sermons'. I don't speak crazy.

Anyway, Wright went on to blast some of the country’s top universities for turning black people into “sheep dogs” and “biscuits” – what he calls African-Americans raised in white America. He also warned that attending these schools causes black people to get “that alien DNA all up inside their brain.” Wright explained the process like this, “Take that baby him or her away from the African mother, away from the African community, away from the African experience … and put them Africans at the breasts of Yale, Harvard, University of Chicago, those trinity schools, UCLA or U.C. Berkley. Turn them into biscuits then they’ll get that alien DNA all up inside their brain and they will turn on their own people in defense of the ones who are keeping their own people under oppression,” Wright said. Even educated blacks hate this country. If they don't upon entering college, they most certainly do upon leaving.

Wright continued: “There’s white racist DNA running through the synapses of his or her brain tissue. They will kill their own kind, defend the enemies of their kind or anyone who is perceived to be the enemy of the milky white way of life." Now keep in mind here, Barry "Almighty" himself attended Harvard and Columbia University. It is also unclear whether Wright considers the president to be a “biscuit,“ infected with ”white racist DNA,” but he apparently never came right out and said it. And old Jeremiah made sure not to waste an opportunity to attack the tea party and suggested that the movement was somehow against the black community. “This is not a time to romanticize because we have the first African descended president in the White House,” he said. “You see what the tea party is trying to do. This not the time to romanticize or fantasize."

'The Daily Caller' reports that Wright also quoted Frederick Douglass, who in his famous 1852 “The Meaning of July Fourth to the Negro” speech said: “ The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and man must be proclaimed and denounced.” “Frederick Douglass’ words sound curiously like a controversial preacher preaching 150 years after Douglass,” he said before reading an excerpt of the speech. For Wright to actually compare himself to Douglas, or to quote from Douglass, I think, does a grave injustice to Douglass. While I am by no means an expert on Frederick Douglass, I don't recall having ever read or heard where Douglass may have actually advocated, or supported, anything that would have even remotely resembled Wright's vile form of hatred.

I think it's pretty common knowledge, by now, that Wright operates at the outer reaches of sanity. He is a man who has, apparently, been quite literally consumed by what can only be described as being the darkest form of hate. And one cannot help but wonder about those in his audience who are, most likely, sitting there nodding their heads in agreement. And I'll tell you what, you can see that same hatred burning very brightly in the eyes of Barry "Almighty". We seem to have elected ourselves a president who possesses a very deep and seething hatred for the country that he leads and he seems Hell bent to destroy every last vestige of all that this country stands for. And he's hoping that we're stupid enough to give him another four years to finish the job that he has started. The question that remains, and it's a big one, is will we grant him the extension that he seeks? I hope not, Lord I hope not!

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