

Saturday, July 7, 2012


I'd just love to have the opportunity to ask him, "Tried real hard at what, exactly?"  At wrecking our economy?  At killing jobs and at creating so many iditoic regulatiions that most private employers can't afford to hire new employees?  At wrecking the reputation of America throughout the world?  At expanding the range of the government's power into unprecedented areas, and area's that once were considered to be our most private?  At wrecking our military and therefore our ability to defend ourselves against a rapidly growing list of potential enemies?  Enemies, by the way, we didn't really have to worry about before Barry becamse president?  Are these the things that he's been trying REAL hard at?  He's a liar!  And for him to try to make the idiotic claim that he has, in any way, tried 'real hard' to be 'bipartisan' proves it.  He's been nothin but Mr. 'It's My way or the Highway' ever since that very first, and very black, day back in January 2009. 

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