

Saturday, July 7, 2012


During a recent campaign stop in Sandusky, Ohio on July 5, during the little speech that he gave, our ‘Fearless Leader’, Barry “Almighty”, the exalted, narcissistic one, used the first-person pronouns “I” and “me” a combined total of 117 times in a speech that lasted just over 20 minutes. While this is definitely something we’ve come to expect, Barry’s use of “I” 98 times and “me” 19 times, at least according to a transcript of the speech posted by the White House, was high even for him. A video of the speech posted on YouTube shows that Barry spoke for about 25-and-a-half minutes. During this speech, used “I” or “me” approximately once every 13.09 seconds. Near the end of his talk in Sandusky, Ohio, Barry looked his audience in the eye telling them he had made a commitment to think about them every morning when he arises. “I want you to know that when I ran in 2008, I said I wasn't going to be a perfect man and I certainly wasn't going to be a perfect president, but I'd always tell you what I thought. I'd always tell you where I stood,” Barry said. “And, most of all, I would wake up every single day thinking about you…” Ya, sure he would.

Meanwhile, while Barry has been so consistently stuck on himself, and proudly boasting about how it is that he wakes up every single day thinking about the difficult times that most Americans a forced to contend with, there has been a net decline of 406,000 in the number of Americans age 25 or older with a bachelor’s degree or higher who were working in the United States in June, that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A net of 309,000 in this demographic simply dropped out of the labor force, which means they neither had a job in June nor actively tried to find one, according to BLS. The number of Americans age 25 or older with a bachelor’s degree or higher who were “unemployed”—meaning they did not have a job but did actively try to find one—increased by 96,000 in June. According to the new seasonally adjusted numbers that BLS released on Friday, there were 46,355,000 Americans age 25 or older with a bachelor’s degree or higher who held jobs in May. In June, that number fell to 45,949,000—a decline of 406,000.

In May, according to BLS, there had been 48,232,000 Americans with a bachelor’s degree or higher who were in the “labor force”—meaning that they either had a job or were actively seeking one. However, in June, that number fell to 47,923,000—meaning a net of 309,000 college-educated Americans age 25 or older had left the labor force in and were no longer even seeking a job. From May to June, the number of college grads who were counted as “unemployed”—meaning they did not have a job but had tried to get one in the past month—climbed by 96,000, from 1,877,000 in May to 1,973,000 in June. According to the Census Bureau, there has been a dramatic increase over the past four decades in the percentage of Americans who attain college degrees. In 1970, according to the Census Bureau, only 10.7 percent of Americans age 25 or older had a bachelor’s degree or higher. In 2010, 29.9 percent of Americans age 25 or older had a bachelor’s degree or higher. In May, the unemployment rate was 3.9 percent among Americans age 25 or older with a bachelor’s degree or higher. In June, it rose to 4.1 percent.

And how about this little Barry job statistic. The number of women unemployed in June was 5,785,000, an increase of 780,000 from when Barry “Almighty” was inaugurated in January 2009 – at that time, the number of unemployed women in the United States was 5,005,000. Yet has there ever been any reference made to Barry’s apparent war on women? The number of unemployed for women ages 16 and older in the civilian work force and is seasonally adjusted, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS data also shows that the unemployment rate for women in June was 8.0 percent, up from 7.9 percent in May. That’s also up from 7.0 percent in January 2009 when Barry became president. The overall unemployment rate (men and women), at least as it’s being reported by Barry’s Labor Department, is 8.2 percent. For women, the unemployment rate has gone up fairly consistently since January 2009, with a few ups and downs, but reaching as high as 9.0 percent in November 2010 and staying in the mid-8 percent range for most of 2009, 2010 and 2011. The unemployment rate for women in January of this year was 8.3 percent, or 5,997,000 unemployed, an increase of 992,000 since Barry was inaugurated.

Yup, the first thing that Barry does every single morning is to think about the American people and all that they are made to face every day. And what has he really done over the course of the last 3+ years that has accomplished anything other than to make things more difficult and more people worse off? Ah, that would be nothing. His prime objective since day one has been to set about working very energetically toward his goal of destroying our country. And in so dong, along the way he has done his best to convince us that it’s all for our own good. And it’s absolutely amazing to see just how many people have actually fallen for it, albeit most likely, for purely selfish reasons. They seem to have no objections whatsoever to what Barry is proceeding to do to our country as long as they continue to be on the receiving end of any number of government ‘benefits’. So, is that what it has all finally come down to? Is Barry’s America the same America that lives in the hearts of millions of Americans? Well, I think it very safe to say that that question will be answered come this November 6. Both sides best be ready for an answer that they may not like.

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