

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Democrat Rep. Larry Kissell has added his name to what appears to be a growing list of those who will probably pass on making even a brief appearance at September's Democrat National Convention, and that's even though he would only have to travel only a few blocks out of his North Carolina district to attend. The two-term congressman, who has already said he will not be endorsing Barry "Almighty", also just happens to be one of the GOP's prime targets in November's congressional election. His district has been redrawn to make it much more friendly to the Republicans, reports McClatchy. So part of his motivation may be out of nothing more than pure self-preservation. But it's hard to imaging that something like choosing not to attend your party's convention will him much good.

Anyway, Kissell, who was one to 17 Democrat who voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress and opposed Barry’s health care 'reform' bill, represents the 8th District, which runs from Mecklenburg County to Robeson County. His district ends just nine blocks away from the site of the convention, Bank of America Stadium. The Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee has reserved $1.1 million in television advertising for Kissell, the Kansas City Star reported, and the National Republican Congressional Committee has allocated $1.2 million to defeat him. But by his choosing to take the cowards way out, which is typical for any sleazy Democrat, and future money that would likely be coming from the DCCC will, most likely, be very slow in coming.

Some Democrats say he is doing what he has to if he is to be successful in holding on to his seat. Others see him as being a traitor to his party. “It doesn’t sit well with me at all; I will never support him again,” Ralph Bostic, former Democratic chairman in Montgomery County told McClatchy. “… He needs to change his party." So I guess when you're a Democrat it's ok to be a traitor to your country but what's really more than a little unseemly is to be a traitor to you party. Kissell joins fellow Tar Heel Democratic congressman Mike McIntyre in refusing to endorse Barry in the upcoming presidential election. McIntyre, who will be fighting in a newly re-drawn rural district in southeast North Carolina has said for months he has no plans to endorse in the November presidential election.

"We've always been steadfast in our work for eastern North Carolina and I'm grateful because we've had Republican and Democratic friends who have supported us because they know my heart is there and it's not about a party agenda or any other person's agenda," he said. And Hayden Rogers, a Democrat fighting the state's 11th district will also be a no-show at the convention, the Asheville Citizen-Times reports. "I have no plans to attend the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte and will not be endorsing in the 2012 presidential race,” Rogers said. So like rats deserting a stinking ship the number of those Democrats deciding to skip the 'big show' seems to be growing. Does it strike anyone other than me as being a little odd that so many don’t want to be seen as supporting Barry?

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