

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Growing up in New York State and listening to my dad bitch about being forced into having to subsidize the very liberal enclave that was very firmly attached to the opposite end of the state, I grew to have very little use for 'The Big Apple'. I saw it, and still do, as serving no useful purpose other than to bleed the rest of the state dry of valuable resources, wasting a rather exorbitant amount of tax revenue that could have otherwise been put to much better use anywhere throughout the rest of the state. And now comes news that that perennial blowhard, and paparazzi accosting, Alec Baldwin's apparent flirtation regarding a possible run for New York City mayor may not be all for show.

At least that’s according to one of the other rather dimwitted Baldwin boys, in this case, Alec's little brother Billy, who said as much in an interview with CNN powerhouse of an interviewer, Piers Morgan on Tuesday night. It was then that Billy said that the “30 Rock” star’s on and off political aspirations could actually be “very real.” “I think on one level it’s very real. I think he’s very committed and extremely bright and knowledgeable and I think he could do it and he could run,” Billy Baldwin said. Only a brother could describe Alec Baldwin as being bright. Billy continued, “On the other hand, I’m not quite sure if he’s cut from the proper cloth because it requires a lot of tolerance and a lot of patience and …"

When Morgan cut in by noting that Alec Baldwin has quite the reputation for being somewhat “temperamental” and “a bit hot-headed,” his guest quickly jumped to his older brother’s defense. “Let me remind you that John McCain and Rudy Giuliani are quite the same and they are very successful and highly effective politicians,” he said. And that may be the case, but let's be real here for just a second shall we. I can't seem to recall one specific instance where I've seen or heard where either McCain or Giuliani took it upon themselves to beat-up a photographer for trying to get their picture. Apparently it's safe to assume that Billy's as much of dumbass as is his big brother.

And going on to prove that stupidity must run pretty deep in there in the Baldwin clan, Billy also went on to proudly proclaim to Morgan his enthusiastic support for Barry "Almighty" — “I would most definitely like to see him elected” — saying that he is still “disappointed” by the president’s performance on a number of levels. “Environmentally. I’m disappointed with public education. I’m disappointed with — certainly with how quickly the economy’s recovered. I think maybe they could have handled things differently,” he said. “I’m not a fan of [Larry] Summers and [Tim] Geithner." So here we have another Hollywood type who fancies himself qualified to comment on the workings or our complex economy.

But, you know, I guess if that flaming imbecile Al Franken can get himself elected as a Senator, albeit with a little help from the dead, Baldwin should have very little trouble getting himself elected mayor of New York. And let's face it, how many folks who actually reside in New York City that would vote for anyone other than some crazy as a loon liberal like Baldwin? The entire city is one huge booby-hatch, which, like my dear old dad used to say, should be severed from the rest of the state and allowed to float out to sea. It's a vast, deadly cesspool that's only serving to drag the rest of the state down with it. It is a blight on a state that would otherwise be a great place to live.

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