

Friday, July 13, 2012


Ok. So I ask you, what do you do when you're the most secretive president since Richard Nixon and one who has absolutely no record on which you can run for re-ection? Well, apparently, if you're Barry "Almighty" one of the first things that you do is to accuse your opponent of, first, being a felon, which, quite frankly, strikes me as being more than a bit odd coming from someone known to have done drugs, and secondly, I guess, you then accuse that same opponent of being more secretive that you are. And who's more secretive than Barry? At least that appears to be the game plan here of the imbecilic bimbo, Stephanie Cutter, who is the Barry "Almighty's" spokeswoman recently hit by Team Romney for making “out of control” charges that the GOP candidate is a liar.

She has since stepped up her assault on Romney, now charging that he is using a “pattern of secrecy” to hide critical details of his finances from American voters. Far from backing off, this sleazy character, Cutter, has since doubled down in the form of an email designed to raise questions about Romney’s offshore bank accounts and whether he has been honest about detailing his time at Bain Capital. “The more everyone finds out about Mitt Romney's finances, the more questions they have. Perhaps that's why he's hiding as much as he thinks he can get away with,” she wrote. I'm just curious here, but is this bitch the least bit intrested in what 'off shore' accounts that DNC chair Debbie Wizzerman Schultz might have? Or are we just to be concerned about what Republicans do with their money?

It was just this past Thursday that Ms. Slime was rapped by the Romney campaign for suggesting that the candidate had violated federal law by not properly reporting the time he was in charge of Bain. He has said he left in 1999, but the Boston Globe reported on documents that showed he stayed until 2002. The impact: It was after 1999 that the Barry campaign claims Bain pushed investments to ship jobs overseas, making Barry’s case that Romney outsourced jobs, a key fight between the two campaigns. Romney rejects the charges. And if I'm not mistaken, I think it was the Washington Post that prety much shot down this entire scheme. And wouldn't you think that if Barry was just so darn proud of his 'record' that's what he'd be talking about? Maybe he's not quite so proud of it after all.

Anyway, Cutter’s email also included a graphic listing the “five facts about Romney’s secrecy.” The email is below:
Friend --
The more everyone finds out about Mitt Romney's finances, the more questions they have. Perhaps that's why he's hiding as much as he thinks he can get away with.
Today, The Boston Globe reported that Romney was still running Bain Capital two years after he claims he left the firm, directly contradicting his campaign's denial that he was involved in deals that led to layoffs, bankruptcies, and American jobs getting shipped overseas.
It's a pattern of secrecy, and this is just the latest example of him trying to hide the truth from voters. There are a number of issues in play right now -- and voters deserve answers:
1) Mitt Romney refuses to release multiple years of taxes, ignoring decades of precedent.
2) He won't disclose his "bundlers," the people raising millions for his campaign.
3) He is the sole owner of a questionable shell corporation in Bermuda.
4) Until recently, Romney kept cash in a Swiss bank account.
5) According to the Globe, he hasn't been honest about when he was running Bain Capital, even though legal documents refute his claims.
Please forward this email and share this with everyone you know who cares about the outcome of this election.
Everyone deserves the right to judge for themselves whether Romney's motivations, experience, and perspective are what they want in a president. But Mitt Romney doesn't want people to have the information they need to make those judgments.
More to come,


Stephanie Cutter
Deputy Campaign Manager
Obama for America

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