

Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Why is it always only after an election that those in the ‘fake news’ media decide to finally come clean about whatever it is that they should have been telling us about, but weren’t, before said election? And they never accept any responsibility, instead they simply claim ignorance telling us that they were somehow fooled just as the rest of us were. All of which has become further proof of how it’s become such a waste of time to listen to anything that these people may have to say. They’re never going to tell us the truth, they’re only going to tell us their perception of what the truth is in the hope of being able to convince us that it’s an accurate portrayal of things.

Take, for instance, how it was that everybody, and I do every-fucking-body, in both the party and in the ‘fake news’ media, that was very much aware that old Joey had most definitely gone round the bend. And not only did they all know, but they worked very hard to prevent the American people from catching on. Even after the abysmal debate performance there were still those stubborn hold outs telling us it was just nothing more than a bad night for Joey, and who is it that hasn’t ever had a bad night. But now that the election is over it’s the same ones who worked so hard to convince us that Joey was as sharp as a tack that are now fessing up that he wasn’t.

And it was during an appearance on Sunday’s broadcast of CBS’s “Face the Nation,” that supposed network legal correspondent, and resident bimbo, Jan Crawford did as much when she said *president Joey’s “obvious cognitive decline” one of the most undercovered and underreported stories of 2024. But let’s just call it what it was, shall we Ms. Crawford, it was the biggest lie told from 2020 to 2024. But hey, all is fair in politics, right? Especially when one is running against Donald Trump. During his half-century in Washington Joey was never known for possessing a keen intellect, he’s always been as dumb as post. As were the folks who kept voting for him.

Anyway, it’s a partial transcript of the idiotic discussion that took place that follows:

Major Garrett: One of the things we also do in the year-end correspondents roundtable is dig into what was undercovered or underreported. Jan?

Jan Crawford: Undercovered and underreported, that would be, to me, Joe Biden’s obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate.

Garrett: At the presidential debate with Donald Trump.

Crawford: Unquestioned. And it’s starting to emerge now that his advisers kind of managed his limitations, which has been reported in The Wall Street Journal, for four years. And yet he insisted that he could still run for president. We should have much more forcefully questioned whether he was fit for office for another four years, which could have led to a primary for the Democrats.

It could have changed the scope of the entire election. Yet still, incredibly, we read in The Washington Post that his advisers are saying that he regrets that he dropped out of the race, that he thinks he could have beaten Trump. And I think that is either delusional or they’re gaslighting the American people.

So, she actually admits that Joey’s cognitive decline was the most undercovered and underreported story in 2024. Ya think? Talk about dishonesty. And they couldn’t be more blatant about it. They all knew exactly what they were doing, and why. What a crock. Even discussing this is ridiculous. And it was every one of them who lied to anyone who would listen. They knew in 2020, they knew in 2021, they knew in 2022, they knew in 2023 and in 2024, which makes it a very purposeful and deliberate lie. And to come out now and act shocked is as transparent as all the jabber after the ‘debate’ performance. They all knew, and they all lied. So, what’s to discuss?

What are we doing here? Everyone with a brain knew the media was ignoring Joey’s cognitive decline. Everyone with a brain knew they were ignoring it because they’re not really journalists, they're nothing but partisan propagandists. Do they think because they admit it now it will somehow make it alright? And another thing, if no one in all of the ‘fake news’ media was unable to recognize Joey’s obvious cognitive decline until 2024, that makes these supposed ‘journalists’ some of the dumbest fucks on the entire planet. And if they try to claim in any way that they are not that dumb, well then, that makes them liars. Either way, we can no longer afford to trust them.

So here we have more lies being told in an attempt to explain their total lack of ethics. The ‘fake news’ media ‘under reported’ Joey’s decline and ‘over reported’ the Russia-Trump hoax and in the process receiving Pulitzer Prizes, which they have yet to relinquish. The worst part is that they tried to lie and gaslight people and expected everyone to believe it. And what’s the point of now acknowledging what any sane person has known for at least the past five years? Are they seeking redemption and forgiveness? Maybe they can win another ‘journalism’ award for not reporting the biggest story, leaving the country in peril because our president was/is incompetent!

The Democrats are famous for their lies of omission. It was a complete coverup by the ‘fake news’ media not just in 2024 but throughout Joey’s entire four years in office. And we know they will now concoct every lie they can against President Trump to try to destroy him. They were all complicit in the cover-up of Joey’s cognitive state that went on for four plus years and they continue to be complicit today, by soft-pedaling his decline as he exits the White House. The true story about Joey’s decline can be written by anyone who has been in the presence of a family member who had dementia and struggled with trying to perform simple, everyday chores.

The ‘fake news’ media worked to cover up stories of Joey’s corruption and incompetence. Any time a Republican attempted to mention Joey’s corruption or incompetence, some ‘fake news’ media shill would immediately interrupt them, talk over them or try to change the subject. And they weren’t just gaslighting us, they were trying to blow smoke up our asses. And Joey is obviously delusional if he actually believes he would have defeated President Trump. That’s why they lost, it was all just a ruse. And by ignoring it they succeeded only in getting President Trump elected. They had plenty time to primary Joey and get a worthwhile replacement, but didn’t.

Undercovered and underreported? This is pure obfuscation. It was not covered and not reported. The White House, the Democrats, and the ‘fake news’ media all lied about Joey’s cognitive decline. He bordered on being in a vegetative state, coming off as a moron, a mental incompetent. What’s more, the shady dealings of the Biden Crime Family were not covered as they should have been. And now those in the ‘fake news’ media wonder why the people don’t trust them! Give me a break! The press, which has certain constitutional obligations, has failed us beyond miserably for decades. And why they are coming out of the closet now is beyond head scratching.

Joey’s dementia and lifelong stupidity and corruption was the most ignored, covered up story from 2019-2024. This slob reporter is patting herself on the back for saying this now, when they all knew about it from the time he announced his decision to run. The most important thing for Democrats, and their media sycophants, in 2024 was to stay in power and ensure President Trump stayed out of power. It didn’t matter to them that Joey was demented, and Cumala was incoherent. They weren’t going to be making the decisions anyway. The left was fine with that arrangement, until they got thumped on November 5. Now, they point fingers and make excuses.

Look, this is why the ‘fake news’ media will very soon go the way of the dodo. When your stock in trade is credibility and you choose to betray that trust as often as these people do, it’s not long before there simply becomes no value in what it is that you provide. And I have no doubt that there is going to be much more the will eventually come out, one way or the other, about Joey and his corrupt administration after he leaves office. And, trust me, it ain’t gonna be pretty folks. And you can take that to the bank. And you can also take to the bank the fact that there will be those in the ‘fake news’ who will ignore all that comes out and pretend none of it ever happened.

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