

Thursday, April 4, 2024


While the other side has James Carville it’s we on right who have our own version of a raving loon in Karl Rove. Both are essentially one hit wonders, and neither are worth listening to as both seem to be doing the best they can to return to their glory days. And when it comes to President Trump, both seem to be singing an eerily similar tune despite being, or supposedly being, on opposite ends of the political spectrum. Both seem to be willing to say just about anything, no matter how outrageous, about he who our best president since Ronald Reagan. But then, I suppose, that’s to be expected as Carville is a raving leftwing nut and Rove is a RINO turncoat.

And it was during Wednesday’s broadcast of MSDNC’s ‘The Beat,’ that MSDNC host Ari Melber aired a video of an interview with Rove at the Rancho Mirage Writers Festival. And it was during this particular interview that Rove was heard to say, “If they were smart, they’d take the January 6th and go hard at it. And they would say, ‘He wants to pardon these people who attacked our Capitol.’ I worked in that building as a young man. To me, the Congress of the United States is one of the great examples of the strength of our democracy and a jewel of the Constitution.” This commentary by Rove is as ignorant and biased as one you would likely hear on ‘The View.'

That said, Rove continued, “And what those people did when they violently attacked the Capitol, in order to stop a constitutionally-mandated meeting of the Congress to accept the results of the Electoral College, is a stain on our history. And every one of those sons a bitches who did that, we oughta find them, try them, and send them to jail. And one of the critical mistakes made in this campaign is that Donald Trump has now said, ‘I’m going to pardon those people because they’re hostages.’ No, they’re not. They’re thugs. There were people– some of them had automatic weapons at a hotel in Virginia hoping to be able to be called up,"

Rove added, “We had people saying, ‘Where’s Nancy Pelosi?’ We had people who were, you know, taking desks and sitting at the desk of the speaker of the House and attempting to find people in order to bring them to justice, and yelling at the police, ‘Kill them, Kill them all.’ And so, why Trump has done this is beyond me. If he had said, You know what? I trust our jury system, I trust law enforcement, anybody who assaulted the Capitol oughta be– I mean, he said it once or twice, but now he’s appearing in a video with people who assaulted police officers with an intent to take the Capitol by force.” It’s amazing he can say such things with a straight face.

He concluded, “It’s a mistake on the part of the Trump campaign to allow the president’s impulses to identify himself with the people who assaulted the Capitol rather than people who stand for law and order.” It’s been clear for some time now that if Republicans really want to win the last thing they need to be doing is following Rove’s advice. Karl the clown keeps spewing lies. We all saw the videos and heard much of what was said and done on January 6. ‘We the people’ simply want justice, and the non-violent political prisoners to be released. No one but the Trump haters care what this guy says. Rove is not relevant and hasn’t been for decades.

Thugs? Thugs? Is he talking about the January 6 folks who barely touched a thing inside the Capitol? The same ones that went inside when the doors were opened? The ones who didn’t kill any of the Capitol Police who were egging them on to do something bad. The same ones who have been sentenced unfairly. The same ones who haven’t been given a fair or speedy trial, even though it’s been three and a half years? The same ones who were tried with the video evidence withheld. Those thugs? Or the ones who killed Ashli Babbitt? Oh wait a minute, that was a cop killing an unarmed woman. Rove is pathetic. He’s nothing more than a sellout and a disgrace.

Rove continues to bark incessantly while furthering his irrelevance in the Republican Party. Another disgruntled hack who has yet to realize that the Republican Party is Trump’s party now, whether he likes it or not. And he hasn’t figured out that there is no longer any place for him in it. And his irrelevance is made painfully obvious by the fact that he’s now forced to appear on such venues as MSDNC to make his patently untrue accusations. He can continue to happily yap away if he feels that he must, but the only impact he’s making is with those leftist nuts who tend to tune in listen to the likes of Carville. Because it’s no one else who might care what he has to say.

Look, the entire purpose of the January 6 false flag was to prevent Congress from looking into the coup before the Senate certified the electoral votes. It was contrived to distract everyone’s attention and to put President Trump, and his supporters, on defense. The reason they’re still going after President Trump is not only to prevent him from becoming president again, but also to make an example of him in order to intimidate any future outsider from ever considering a run for the White House. The only people breaking the windows and kicking the doors open were the Antifa thugs and undercover FBI jackboots posing as supporters of President Trump.

This is but another attempt on the part of Rove to influence those few Republicans who are not, for whatever reason, fans of President Trump. And so it is that once again we have President Trump running against both parties in this election, Democrats and Bush Republicans. Few view Rove as trustworthy and recognize him as being nothing more than a self-serving political hack who would sell out his own mother. Rove has now removed any vestige of doubt that he actually cares about this country and the direction it is heading in with. No one but RINOs listen to Rove. He is forever tainted, and most certainly does not command the attention that he once did.

Who even bothers to listen to what this douche bag has to say? He’s been on the wrong side of every political issue for decades. He doesn’t care about right or wrong. He thinks elections are about manipulating people through polls. Rove is an establishment kook whose only claim of success in politics is how long he’s been in it. He’s part of the rot. That he calls the January 6 prisoners “thugs” tells you everything you need to know about him. Leave it to some washed-out politico to point only to patriots standing up to a corrupt election and not once discuss the Democrats in his beloved Congress who have done the very same thing numerous times.

Rove is nothing more than another of those establishment dinosaurs that need to be made extinct. Anyone who might have once cared, no longer cares about anything he has to say. And yet he continues to be invited onto venues for one very simple reason, to tell anyone who might listen that President Trump is the greatest threat we face. But the only one’s listening are those who won’t be voting for President Trump anyway. So, what’s the point here? Any rational person with two functioning brain cells knows what happened on January 6th was a deep state (including the media) setup to destroy President Trump, his allies, associates, and family members.

The injustices visited upon these political prisoners (for three years now) while looters and violent criminals are ignored, is a disgrace, just as Rove is. After the entire ‘Summer of Love’ with BLM and Antifa, and the only thing the elites can complain about is January 6? They brought it on themselves. They essentially endorsed the violence, the mayhem, the looting, the rioting, and the terrorism, and even gave it corporate sponsorship, but as soon as the elites got a very, VERY small taste of their own medicine they threw a fit. Rove is nothing more than a highly paid stooge, paid to trick the American people into thinking he is for them.

Rove is always looking for a way to stab conservatives in the back so he can then push his favorite big-state neocons to the forefront. People have absolutely no respect for RINO turncoats like Rove, those who would rather see this country destruct totally than to watch someone they dislike try to save it. Most Republicans now realize that those like have been enablers to the horrendous moves made by the Democrats. The January 6 ‘set up’ was more than proof of that. We’re not stupid, we understand exactly who they are and what they want. They would rather see the country destroyed than watch their rival pull it back together. We are sick to death of RINOs.

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