

Wednesday, March 27, 2024


I am always surprised to find that Democrats are always surprised to find out that there are actually millions of Americans who would much rather live in freedom, free to make their own decisions, than to live under their very oppressive thumb, simply doing as they’re told. Democrats seem to think that we should all cheerfully allow them to dictate to us how it is that we are to live our lives and to trust them to make for us all of life’s more complicated, and important decisions. And odder still is how Democrats seem to be in utter disbelief when it comes to the fact that it is not all Americans who hate this country as much as they so very obviously do.

Take, for instance, MSDNC contributor, Democrat and ex-Senator Claire McCaskill. You see, it was this past Tuesday on MSDNC’s “Deadline” that McCaskill said, “You know, it is hard, I struggle with grasping the reality that our country elected this man in the first place. Then, January 6 happened and everything that went along with that. He then is indicted and repeatedly and investigated and indicted again repeatedly. Then he does this, which is so despicable and such a spit in the face of anyone who loves our Constitution and the rule of law.” And she added, “I think that the people that I served with, the Republicans, are taking a grave risk."

She continued, “I took some time today to read through the list of the most heinous offenders on January 6. The ones that took an electric shock to the neck of a police officer, the ones that gouged at the police officer’s eyes, the ones that body slammed police officers into marble statues rendering them unconscious, those are the people that he opened his rallies with, and promised to pardon. I would say to John Thune and John Cornyn, you’re wanting to lead the United States in the Senate, that is a great responsibility.” But each day I struggle with the reality that the leftist woke retards believe men can be women, but that’s a discussion for another day.

And it was from there that she went on to say, “The risk you are taking by not speaking out against this man is one that history will pay attention to because if he’s willing to pardon the people that did that, really, you know what he’s capable of doing. They know. The idea that they’re sacrificing all of that, rather than leading their party out of the wilderness, they’re cowering. They’re cowering behind trees. Saying, please don’t look at me. Yeah, I don’t want to say I endorse him, but if I have to, if I don’t my party will be mad at me. Claim your party and your values and integrity and stand up to this guy. It shouldn’t be this hard."

Personally, I struggle to understand how it is that these ‘elites’ can't see that most Americans were far better off when Donald Trump was President. On average we all had more money, more freedom, and more HOPE! Perhaps the answer is because they hate us and don’t want us to have any of those things. They take away as much from us as they think they can get away with, push past that point, and then keep working diligently to take away even more. We’re nothing more than their cash cow, we’re forced to provide them with cash to spend on those things that make them feel good about themselves and without them having to spend money of their own.

I’d call McCaskill a has-been but that would be overrating this no-talent never-was. All leftists struggle with reality. It’s what makes them leftists. They belong in prisons, asylums, anywhere where they can do no harm. It’s all those like her who are struggling with reality. Notice that every one of them acts as if it’s politicians in the Republican Party that are pushing President Trump onto voters that don’t want him when it’s just the opposite that’s true. It’s the voters who are pushing President Trump toward those politicians who attempt to do everything within their power to undercut those same voters. They’re angry because the voters are ignoring them.

And it’s I, myself, who have some struggles of my own. First and foremost, I struggle with what the Democrats have done to our once great nation. Democrats are sick, evil people. They have created the worst situation in modern American history. They have broken our society, filled it with hate and lies. And I struggle with how those like McCaskill can continue to be provided with a platform as if they have something relevant to say. Women like McCaskill are part of the reason the US is in the trouble it’s in today. And I struggle to grasp the reality of how anyone with even a modicum of intelligence would ever choose watch NBC News or MSDNC.

The recent Rona McDaniel clusterfuck exposed the truth that we all knew, that these people are ruthless leftwing political hacks possessing an insidious level of intolerance and from whom you will never hear the truth. They’re only intent is to stoke the base, spread propaganda and recruit the unaware. This is cultish mind control. I’m sure they’ll keep that core of rabid followers but for the remainder of us that had any questions of what these people were doing, they have all been answered. From the looks of it, at NBC News and MSNBC, the inmates actually DO run the asylum. Ronna tried and failed miserably to cash in with NBC. She didn’t fit the corporate culture.

McCaskill, on the other hand, fits the corporate culture perfectly. A whiny, nasty harpy who was long ago disposed by her state and who comes across as more than a little desperate in her attempt to remain relevant by throwing all manner of hate filled leftist rhetoric at the dwindling number of rabid lefties who still watch MSDNC. She doesn’t struggle with the fact that the last election was stolen. But let’s just say it wasn’t. Let’s say everything was on the up and up. She has no problem with the fact that the current occupant of the White House has done more to destroy our country than any sworn enemy could have ever hoped to. That’s all perfectly fine with her.

Most of the country is in disbelief that it our own *president that has proven himself to be the single most destructive force against this country in our history. Maybe she should carefully examine the many reasons why so many people chose to vote for President Trump in the first. I understand that the hate machine is now on an attack and destroy mission. But after seeing all of these scandals that they’ve manufactured against their political adversaries fail time and time again, it’s nothing short of astonishing that they actually believe all of the nonsense they’ve projected upon others. Or do they? Most of their belief system is derived from pure fiction.

Poor little snowflake McCaskill, what is she going to do if President Trump is successful in his attempt to get re-elected? I believe her “struggling to grasp” is all a weak ruse. Add the members of the January 6 committee who covered up the circumstances surrounding the only person who was shot and killed by police, Nancy Pelosi who received multiple offers for additional security days prior as intelligence indicated it would be needed to ensure safety, which she refused, the fact that the committee very conveniently lost a large amount of videotape evidence that was contrary to the story they were supporting, and so very much more. It was all a sham.

And if you remove the emotional inflection and reduce her commentary to disprovable statements it’s easy to see why there is not a shred of ‘journalism’ in our state-run propaganda outlets. I have said it before, the election of President Trump was the direct result of ‘BO’s presidency and elected officials, such as McCaskill, who are globalist and want to fundamentally change America in a manner not well received by the populous. Americans were sick and tired of being lied to by both Democrats and their RINO allies. They felt that had no choice but to vote for Donald Trump, and so they did in 2016 and 2020. And they will do so again in 2024.

And I fail to understand how, after watching everything the Democrats touch turn to shit, anybody can still bring themselves to vote for any Democrat, regardless of political office. What has any Democrat ever done that genuinely improved the life of even one American citizen? Democrats are a menace, they are a plague, they serve no useful purpose. Try to imagine what this country would look like if we were not forced to contend with these people whose only interest is causing as much misery as possible. And to be honest I have no idea what it might take for enough of the American people to come to their senses and to rid us forever of the Democrat Party.

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