

Tuesday, May 10, 2022


It was coinciding with the arrival of Barack Obama, as a major political figure within the party back in 2008, that the Democrat Party began to be a bit more open about the hatred that all Democrats seem to hold for our country. And it has been ever since then that Democrats have continued to demonstrate a willingness to tell what are outright lies to the American people in what has been, and continues to be, nothing more than an attempt on their part to convince more Americans to become willing participants in the destruction of their own country. And those lies have become much more insidious and diabolical in the effort to accomplish that goal.

And it was with the election of Donald Trump that Democrats seemed to become all the more desperate, deciding to come fully out into the open regarding their desire to bring about the end of America, morally, socially, economically, fiscally, even militarily, and to make it into something totally unrecognizable from what it has always been. And even with their successful effort to remove President Trump from office Democrats remain undeterred from the telling of increasingly bizarre lies. But more than likely that may be driven by their fear of President Trump being able to engineer a very triumphant return to the presidency. A very real possibility.

And it was recently that we heard from none other than Howard ‘The Screamer’ Dean who was again putting forth more lies in an effort to convince the American people that their future will be the brightest if they choose to support those in the Democrat Party. And if they, instead, choose to stand with the Republican Party it will be only darkness that awaits them. Now granted, I have no doubt that there will be those who believe such drivel, but not anyone with any amount of commonsense or intelligence. They will know that those like Dean are lying, because they are now being made to live what it is that the Democrats are so determined to do to their country.

You see, it was this past Monday, during another routine visit to MSDNC’s ‘The Beat,’ hosted by faux ‘journalist’ Ari Melber, one of the many resident morons there at MSDNC, that Dean made the rather hilarious claim that Democrats are the party of hope and Republicans were the party of fear, anger, and pessimism. When asked why Democrats are not good at demonizing people, Dean said, “It’s one of the problems with the Democrats. It’s essentially a problem because we are optimistic. The Republicans are pessimistic. The Republicans don’t have values that are encouraging to humanity. They don’t believe humanity is any good."

He added, “The Republican Party fundamentally has a pessimistic view of mankind. The Democrats don’t. That makes us weaker because we have to fight with one hand tied behind our back. We can’t give in to pessimism. We can’t give into anguish about the future of humanity. We have to be hopeful. We are the party of hope. They are the party of fear, of anger, and frankly, they are the party of pessimism. They, frankly, believe that there is no future for human beings, and they are creating an America or trying to, where there is no future for the United States of America. I think they are going to lose because of that."

The “party of hope?” Would that be the same party that is now threatening Supreme Court Justices and their families? The “party of hope” that opened the border so more will die from Fentanyl overdoses, while millions of illegal aliens commit crimes, drive up rents, and work for less than Americans? The “party of hope” that has turned our cities into war zones? The “party of hope” that openly sticks their collective middle finger up at God. The “party of hope” that is comprised of nasty, vile, hateful, violent heathens and criminals. That “party of hope”? Dean speaks like the true Democrat that he is. Accuse the opposition of that which you are so very obviously guilty of.

Howie the loon is right, Democrats are “the party of hope.” You hope you have a job, hope to have gas to run your car, hope you have enough food to eat, and hope that you don’t end up under a mushroom cloud because of their arrogant stupidity. What Democrats are, are the party of high inflation, high crime rates, high homelessness, high illegal immigration, high taxes, high energy prices, high poverty rates and more. The Democrats are also the “party of hope,” in that they hope enough people remain stupid enough to vote for them. The Democrats are the party of Kooks, Commies, Crooks and Queers, with Howie being the main representative of the Kook division.

The “party of hope?” But hope for whom, exactly? Certainly not for the estimated 62 million babies who have been butchered in the womb since 1973, certainly not those who are held down in a vicious cycle of welfare, drugs, prostitution and death, certainly not those Americans now seeing their life savings being rapidly siphoned away by runaway inflation, certainly not those who see liberal leftist Democrats for what they are, which are nothing less than election stealing, nation destroying, crime loving, perverted, God hating, disgusting people. How is it that anyone of even minimal intelligence can look at those in the Democrat Party and see hope?

How can the Democrat Party be the “party of hope” when every one of their policies makes it all the more difficult more Americans to achieve the American Dream? High taxes, high energy prices, high food prices, high crime rates, their disastrous policies are unending. And that is what they want. They want everyone to be dependent on the government for their existence. I miss the days when the mentally ill were confined for their own protection and for the protection of the public. Now they are given platforms from which to spew their insanity. We need to realize that these people are mentally ill so that we can then address the problem head on.

Dean has obviously not spent much time listening to his fellow Democrats. They are always telling us that all white people are horrible racists, white supremacists and selfish. Democrats constantly tell anyone willing to listen that they’re going to suffer greatly, and even die, if Republicans get elected. If anything, the Democrat Party has become the party of death, as the party that supports killing babies and killing elections. The party has become a gathering ground for an assortment of far-left radicals and perverts. Radical leftist who burn down businesses and brutally assault small business owners desperately trying to protect their life work, their businesses.

So let me see if I have this right. The Democrats hijacked our government, forced our military, medical, airlines and manufacturers to give an experimental medical treatment to everyone, censored our communications on the internet, dumped untold trillions of dollars of our tax money in remote locations around the world, printed, and is continuing to print, trillions more to rob us of all our wealth, and cut off U.S. energy production to send fuel prices into orbit. In short, Democrats have done everything possible to frighten all of us, make us all angry, and cause more of our kids to commit suicide because they feel like they have no future left.

This guy, Dean, holds no elected office, no position of any responsibility or authority, was laughed out of the Democrat Party presidential primary back in 2004 for losing his marbles in front of a national TV audience, and has done nothing since. And now he’s out shooting off his big mouth, calling the Republicans the party of fear, anger, and pessimism? This dude is a clueless idiot, we went from ‘the best numbers of our lives’ to what we have now. Our cities have been decimated, our jobs have been sent to Red China and their biggest concern is how to teach our first graders about transexual crap. These people have lost their minds and deserve to be voted out of office ASAP.

And finally, it’s every day that I wake up hoping that this terrible national nightmare will be over. But it never is. What these radical Democrats continue to put this country, and her people, through must be made to come to an end. Democrats care nothing about the pain and suffering they’re causing the American people every day. They are bunch of sociopaths who possess such a skewed view of reality that all hope for positive change goes right out the window when any of them open their mouths. Dean is delusional if he believes the Democrats are the “party of hope.” We’ve never needed so much Hope, not until Democrats took over and ruined everything.

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