

Saturday, February 12, 2022


I have long wondered why it is that blacks in this country continue to pay any level of attention to that preacher of hate like Al Sharpton. And what they continue to be oblivious to is what it says about them that they do. Blacks, for the most part, simply refuse to accept the fact that this guy is a walking, talking piece of human excrement who could care less about them. He sees them as nothing more than an asset to be used, to be taken advantage to the greatest extend possible in order for him to increase both his wealth and his stature within the black community. And it’s not because there is any shortage of worthy examples within the black community, most certainly enough that should result in this racist boob being forever shunned.

And it was again, very recently, that Sharpton again demonstrated exactly what a useless, and dishonest, piece of sh!t he truly is. You see, it was just this past Friday during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Deadline,’ that Sharpton claimed President Trump’s reported mishandling of classified documents was, in part, because he “knew he didn’t belong in the office” and would show off documents to feel like he was important. While discussing Hitlery’s email scandal, Al said, “I think the thing that’s even more troubling to me than the obvious hypocrisy and the obvious attempt for a double standard is they literally were able to use the smear campaign against Hillary Clinton to get hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of voters to doubt her."

And he said, “Independent voters that may have gone her way they have swayed the election on a misinformation campaign. That’s how dangerous this is.” He continued, “As well as the fact that you have the president of the United States so reckless that staff members were afraid of him having classified information that could have led to things to endanger this country. Let’s not forget not long after he was in office. He was showing the Russian leader, referring to classified documents on his desk, bragging about his new power. Because he was a guy who knew he didn’t belong in the office. He was insecure about the power, and he always had to prove to people how powerful he was. Real powerful people don’t have to prove that."

Sharpton added, “When you put someone this that position, you put us in danger. Now mocking the rules because, again, he does not rise to the level of president or former president. He is not even a good person at covering the tracks after he does such obvious illegal acts and unethical acts.” Ok, so now we have a clown like Sharpton lecturing us about “obvious illegal acts and unethical act?” Seriously? And it says much about the supposed ‘journalists’ there at MSDNC that his idiotic comments go completely unchallenged. Every time this turd opens his mouth he gives intelligent people another reason to cast him aside. And yet there are still those who continue to be fooled by this toady leftwing sycophant who only cares only about his next grift.

Personally, I have just two questions for mentally blunt Sharpton: 1) Is it legal and ethical not to pay one’s taxes? And, 2) Have the economic circumstances for the majority of Americans of African descent, that he supposedly claims to represent and to be the champion of, improved under the supposed ‘leadership’ of his guy, ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden? And I can only assume that Al has no issue with the fact that illegal immigration is doing such wonders for the job prospects, and therefore the livelihoods, of those blacks that he professes to care so much about and, for those that work, earnings must have received a rocket boost with the increase in blue collar labor supply? All which seems to bother him no more than a cloudy day. Pretty sad!

And further proof, as if any was actually needed, that Sharpton should not be a voice for the Black Community is the fact that Blacks actually prospered more under President Trump than they did under Sharpton’s bro, ‘BO.’ But we all know the truth, Sharpton actually believes that he’s part of the elitist class but fails to realize he’s only allowed through the door because he works very hard to keep Blacks convinced that what’s best for them is to remain on the plantation, something for which he is very well paid. Sharpton is the equivalent of those in Nazi Germany who turned in their fellow Jews for genocide while working with the Nazi’s. When has Sharpton ever spoken out to stop the violence in Black urban Communities? That would be…Never!

President Trump was not political, but rather was, and continues to be, a straight shooter. Hence the reason for his continuing to remain so popular with ‘We the People.’ With him, what you see is what you get, such is not the case with the race-pimps like Sharpton. Frankly, I found it rather refreshing to have him as my President. He did more good for America in four years, and while under constant attack from then Democrats and many within own party, than any other recent President had managed to do in eight years. I suspect Sharpton feels far more comfortable with a racist *president like ‘Creepy Joe’ that way he can continue to do that which he does best. Which is, of course, continuing to stir up all manner of hate and discontent.

And finally, I’m sure even ‘Creepy Joe,’ in his more lucid moments, realizes he’s an illegitimate *president and does not belong in the White House. But I fear those moments are now coming far less frequently. What we have, even when he’s at his best, is a spiteful, vindictive tired old man, still unrepentant for a career marked by greed and corruption. And I have no doubt that as the pressure builds, it will be ever more difficult for his handlers to control him. A fraud and a cheat will always be a fraud and a cheat. ‘Creepy Joe’ will go down in history as the man who stole the 2020 presidential election. People will long remember how it was that the Democrats stole the presidential election, no amount of time will wipe that from our minds. 

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