

Thursday, January 6, 2022


You know, it’s to this very day that I can remember exactly where I was on the day that President Kennedy was assassinated, even though I was only in the 6th grade at the time. And I can also remember exactly where I was on the day that the space shuttle Challenger exploded. And, like most every other American alive at the time, I can remember exactly where I was on September 11, 2001. But no matter how hard I try, I simply cannot remember where I was on the day that so many on the left, and sadly even some on the right, seem so very determined to compare to the events of 9-11 with some even going so far as to compare it to Pearl Harbor.

And to hear every Democrat, along with most everyone in the ‘fake news’ media and even some Republicans, speak of the events of that day, one would surely think that it would be something that we could all very clearly remember, and with rather stark clarity. But that just doesn’t seem to be the case, at least on my part. But never fail, there seems to be no shortage of those who will seek to use that which they continue to claim to have taken place that day for their own political gain. And so, I’m sure no one was at all surprised when they heard ‘Creepy Joe’ and ‘The Ho,’ when marking the day, claiming how democracy is now so very much at stake.

It was on Thursday, in their speeches marking this the first anniversary of the January 6 protests it was both *president Creepy Joe’ and his slimy sidekick Kamala ‘The Ho’ Harris who took it upon themselves to actually demand that the Senate work to pass legislation that would effectively federalize American elections. And, it was ‘The Ho’ and ‘Creepy Joe’ who both used the occasion to warn that the future of American democracy was very much at stake. It was ‘The Ho’ who chose to refer directly to the multiple Democrat-led bills the purpose of which are to federalize local and state elections and overturn election security laws passed around the country.

She said, “Here, in this very building, a decision will be made about whether we uphold the right to vote and ensure free and fair election.” And then went on to declare, “Let’s be clear: We must pass the voting rights bills that are now before the Senate.” And she argued that the violent protests of the 2020 election on Capitol Hill were evidence of how fragile American democracy had become. She said, “The fragility of democracy is this, that if we are not vigilant, if we do not defend it, democracy simply will not stand. It will falter, and fail.” She claimed that the January 6 protesters were trying to overthrow democracy by protesting the 2020 election.

She said, “We cannot let our future be decided by those bent on silencing our voices, overturning our votes, and peddling lies and misinformation.” And she went on to add, “By some radical faction that may be newly resurgent but whose roots run old and deep.” But it was ‘Creepy Joe’ who was a little less direct regarding election legislation, but he did condemn Republican efforts secure future elections. It was ‘Creepy Joe’ who said, “The former president and supporters have decided the only way for them to win is to suppress your vote and subvert our elections.” And he added, “It is wrong. It’s undemocratic. And frankly, it’s un-American."

And ‘Creepy Joe’ then proceeded to present himself as being the great defender of democracy against the “mob” fueled by Trump. He said, “I will stand in this breach, I will defend this nation, I will allow no one to place a dagger at the throat of democracy.” And he said, “We will make sure the will of the people is heard, that the ballot prevails, not violence.” Perhaps the most remarkable thing about what both of these pathetic individuals said was that they were able to get through their little speeches with a straight face. What they are attempting to do here it to use a fake ‘insurrection’ to change the rules, so that their party can stay in power forever.

Despite the comments made by our supposed ‘leaders,’ this isn't about democracy, it’s about the Republic. The Republic is built on a federal system. Through the Constitution, the federal system ‘mandates’ that each state run their own elections, not the Federal Government. To have a federal takeover would make the US nothing more than a banana republic, where federal elections are routinely stolen according to the dictator in charge. Venezuela, and others have no choice, other than to vote for the party in power and the current dictator. This is the Democrat plan. Once they get in power, they never, EVER, relinquish it. And you can take that to the bank!

Not being one who still watches ‘Fox News,’ it was on Wednesday’s broadcast of ‘Fox News’ ‘Special Report w/ Brett Baier’ that Baier noted, during the nightly segment ‘Beyond Our Borders,’ that protesters protested high gas prices and set fire to the parliament building in Kazakhstan. He said the protest was suppressed. But Baier, also just last night, reported again on the ‘riots’ of January 6, 2021 in which ‘insurrectionists’ stormed the U.S. Capitol. So, when Kazakhstan does it it is mostly peaceful protests, like a BLM night out. But Americans protesting the Democrat takeover of our elections is an insurrection! Got it! Thanks, Bret!

Democrats are missing the root cause of why the events of January 6th happened, thus it is likely to be repeated. Calling the majority of Americans racist, censoring opposing opinions, all the while excusing thugs and gangs the likes of Antifa and BLM and allowing them to loot, burn, pillage and kill pretty much at will and with little to no accountability, all the while punishing those with light skin who dared to question why? They continue to call it an insurrection, but if so it was the first in world history with little to no blood shed, no weapons no military, no plan of action to install a new government, and we are supposed to believe this, without question. Not me!

If there is one thing that we know about the Democrats it’s that they we will say, or do, anything in their effort to maintain their power. And it’s become painfully obvious that the Democrats will do everything within their power to slant the mindset of as many Americans as they can in their favor. BUT, regardless of how much they lie, or posture, or scam, or cheat I’d like to believe that there is an increasing number of Americans who are beginning to move away from them and their growing number of failures. And, God willing, in 2022 we successfully remove Democrats from power not only in the House, but the Senate as well. It’s absolutely imperative that we do so.

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