

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Try to imagine just how differently our country, and perhaps even our world, would look today if we were actually to have a bona fide ‘news’ media that had any interest in being unbiased, honest and truthful, and chose to employ only those who possess a genuine interest in keeping the American people fully informed regarding what their supposed leaders were really up to. But such is not the case since it’s today that many of those in our media tend to look at their job a bit differently. Because they seem to see their job as being to keep hidden from the people, and to the greatest extent possible, what those in charge of our government are busy doing behind the scenes.

And so, as if we needed more reasons to distrust those of our supposed ‘mainstream’ media, word now comes that the White House is busy sending out its operatives to convince the establishment media into presenting the ‘Creepy Joe” & Co.’s frightful economic news in a far more positive, although patently untrue, manner. It was ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden, the presidential candidate who benefitted from the establishment media and Twitter censoring negative news about, is now reportedly asking the top lieutenants there at the ‘Communist News Network (CNN) to actually go about the “reshaping” of terrible economic news in a more favorable light.

As anyone who has been paying attention know, there has been plenty of bad news on the economy in recent weeks, creating a major challenge for ‘Creepy Joe’ & Co. On Tuesday, the Department of Labor said that labor unit productivity crashed at the worst rate since 1960. Last Friday, the Labor Department announced nonfarm payroll growth that was less than half of what economists expected. This Friday, the government will release the Consumer Price Index for November. It is expected to show prices rising 6.8 percent, the fastest pace of inflation since 1982. Real wages have been declining because wage increases have not kept up with inflation.

The establishment media’s news coverage of economic developments such as these has apparently angered a White House that has continued to argue that the “country’s economy is in much better shape than it was last year.” They like to point out how unemployment has fallen dramatically over that time, ignoring the fact that a fewer number of workers have returned to the labor force than economists had expected. Even the end of enhanced unemployment benefits, which paid out-of-work Americans an additional $600 to $300 a month, did less to prompt workers to return to jobs than expected. The economy currently has over 10 million job vacancies.

For the media’s part, news organizations have reportedly been very receptive towards the White House’s attempt at misdirection. Efforts to create a more positive spin in the establishment media may be less effective at shaping public opinion than the White House hopes. American families are suffering from ‘Creepy Joe’s economic policies that have raised inflation to a thirty-year high and created a supply chain crisis. And with Christmas just around the corner, prices of computers, toys, clothing, and televisions could be 17 percent more expensive than last year. People aren’t stupid and fewer and fewer are actually believing anything they hear on the ‘news.'

One could argue that those in the ‘fake news’ media are already providing *president ‘Creepy Joe’ with all manner of very positive coverage. For example, when they claim his approval rating is at 38 percent I think it safe to assume that it’s likely much closer to 10 percent. These supposed unbiased ‘journalists’ continually give him a free pass whenever given the opportunity to interview him, and when they do it’s nothing more than one softball question after another. They ask such imbecile questions as what his favorite ice cream might be. As if with the country going up in flames anyone really gives a flying f*ck what flavor of ice cream this moron likes.

Democrats are always about optics and propaganda over results and facts. Fake president, doing fake press conferences, on a fake set, to fake reporters, to generate fake news, because they've got nothing else. These idiots can ‘report’ whatever they want, but real Americans know that the socialist elites in ‘Creepy Joe’s administration are purposefully destroying the economy. All we have to do is look at our gas prices, utility costs, and grocery costs. Report away you fools, but we all know you are liars. And well, it’s those in the print media who publish out and out lies on page one, while their retractions are buried somewhere deep inside.

That’s one defining characteristic of this administration. They figure they just do whatever they want regardless of the impact the policies. If bad for citizens, all that’s required is the proper message, optics and spin. In other words, ‘gaslighting.’ Then keep doing whatever they want regardless of the impact. Obviously, they could not care less about the citizens. I can almost hear ‘Creepy Joe’ now, “C'mon guys. You lie through your teeth all the time anyway. What is a few more lies?” But, as they say putting lipstick on a pig does not alter the fact that what you still have is…a pig. And it’s every time we have a Democrat president, all we get is a pig.

We’ve gotten to the point where it no longer matters what our many frauds in the ‘fake news’ media say, because it takes more than one trip to the grocery store, a night out at a local restaurant, or one fill up of your tank for the reality of ‘Creepy Joe’s economy to smack every American squarely in the face. How dumb do they think we are? News says that about 38 percent of the people think ‘Creepy Joe’ is doing a good job. Imagine having a *president with a 38 percent approval rating and a vice president with a 28 percent approval rating even with 99 percent of the media on their side. More proof that very few are actually being fooled.

And you would think that not even the Democrat faithful are stupid enough not to notice that they are now paying over twice as much for gas, twice as much for medications, and three times as much for groceries. And so ‘Creepy Joe’ resorts to sending out his propagandists to change the ‘news’ in an attempt fool whose support he cannot afford to lose, but ‘Creepy Joe’ has a lying problem. No matter which way he turns, his radical leftwing agenda is encountering bad news. But it’s those in the ‘fake news’ who continue to be only too happy, even eager, to provide him all the cover he may need. But for many it is becoming increasingly all for naught.

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