

Saturday, July 10, 2021


Let me start by saying that you would have to be either a complete moron, or incredibly naïve, not to recognize that it’s the Democrat Party that now represents the most serious threat that America faces today. And, it’s those in the business of generating ‘fake news’ who essentially work for them, and who gaslight us on a daily basis. Because it’s an uninformed, and/or a misinformed, populace that cannot cast an informed vote or even to hold those who would sabotage our Republic as founded, accountable. The argument against these saboteurs is not rocket science.

I generally don’t put much stock in polls and I don’t want to imply that I am selective when it comes to supporting only those polls that I agree with. But, it was recent Rasmussen Reports that found 58 percent of likely voters agree “the media are truly the enemy of the people.” Which means 42 percent of Americans are stupid. The mainstream media is about political propaganda. It’s today’s ‘fake news’ that can no longer be referred to being the harbingers of truth. Instead, it’s every day that they make very clear they are firmly in the back pocket of our Socialist Democrats.

The poll did not mince words and asked people, straight out: “Do you agree or disagree with this statement: The media ‘are truly the enemy of the people?'” Thirty-four percent strongly agreed, 24 percent somewhat agreed, 13 percent somewhat disagreed, and 23 percent strongly disagreed. And it’s in delving a little deeper that we find that a whopping 76 percent of Republicans know the media is our enemy, along with 37 percent of Democrats. Responses to additional questions in this same poll are just as devastating for our ‘fake news’ media, if not more so.

Questions such as, “Do you trust the political news you are getting?” In answering it was only 37 percent who said yes, while a plurality of 43 percent said no. And it was 20 percent who apparently were not sure. When that same question is broken down by party, only 26 percent of Republicans said they trust the news media. Surprisingly it was only 56 percent of Democrats who said yes. While that’s a majority, it’s a small one, which tells you that even though the media are left-leaning and eager to tell Democrats what they want to hear, only 56 percent believe what they hear.

And when asked, “How serious is the ‘fake news’ problem in the media?” it was 83 percent who said very or somewhat serious. Only 14 percent said not very or not at all serious. A full 92 percent of Republicans agree that fake news is a very or somewhat serious problem; and it was 74 percent of Democrats who agreed, with 44 percent saying fake news is very serious and 30 percent saying somewhat. In fact, only 24 percent of Democrats said fake news wasn’t very serious or not at all serious. These are numbers that the establishment media have worked very hard to achieve.

Decades ago, in my much younger days, media bias was also significant, but it was much more subtle. Now the bias is straight-up radical left-wing propaganda, undisguised and relentless. At one time the three broadcast networks plus the nation’s major newspapers dictated public opinion. And it was once upon a time that Walter Cronkite was anointed by them as being “The Most Trusted Man in America.” But it was this “most trusted man” who once said in support of globalism, “To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty.”

Cronkite supported globalist world government and spoke out against Christian fundamental opposition to world government. He maintained that any attempt to achieve world government before the return of the Messiah was the work of the Devil. And it was Cronkite who said, “Well join me... I’m glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.” The internet has opened up the avenues of information that has exposed the insidious intent of the Marxist media. And that’s why 58 percent of likely voters view them as enemies. And the media is in a white-hot rage against them.

Let’s be honest, our ‘fake news’ media is no longer, even remotely, about true ‘journalism,’ period. It’s today’s ‘journalists’ who are really nothing more than provocateurs. Not a single talking head, at any of our major ‘media’ companies are journalists, not a single one. The problem is that those people gathering the “news” at these same media corporations and news organizations are not ‘journalists’ either, at best they are biased leftists, at worst fascist, communist or socialist propagandists. And they have virtually zero interest in the truth. Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nada!!

You would have to be a total moron to believe that those in today’s ‘fake news’ media view their job as making sure you know the truth! They are there to get you to believe, and/or trick you into believing, that what you want just so happens to be exactly what the radical agenda of the Democrat Party will provide to you. The verbatim talking points spewed 24/7 over the last few years should have been all the proof needed but, evidently, ignorance continues to know no bounds! Democrat, and those in the ‘fake news’ depend on ignorance, so they do all they can to foster it.

This has been going on for a very long time. ‘BO’s radical ideology was consistent with that of the Democrats, and it really emerged from the shadows during his tenure with much assistance coming from allies in the ‘fake news’ media. The media is simply no longer the watchdog of our government, responsible for keeping the American people aware of what their ‘leaders’ are up to. It is now nothing more than a tool of the Democrats, spewing nothing more than pure propaganda. A great deal of honest education is needed by those who continue to trust the media as a source of truth.

At times it almost seems as if the various media outlets are in some sort of a competition to see who can print the bigger exaggeration or more blatant lie. The Media wants to control our everyday lives by sensationalizing the news. If it wasn't for the media, I would never had known who the heck the Kardashians were, but the media has made them filthy rich and they did nothing to earn it. Media is run by the Big Tech and the Democrat Party and it is in no way independent news. Sadly, today we have fewer and fewer options when it comes to sources of the unvarnished truth.

Today’s media has become more about creating drama, creating the news, not merely reporting it. Too many ‘journalists’ insert themselves into their stories, making it far too personal to be objective. And it’s those at the top who are either pushing this mindset either for ratings or because they see nothing wrong. News should be told in a dry objective manner, otherwise it is just tabloid commentary, full of opinions, and as seen through the eyes of emotionally and intellectually challenged preteens. But that is how the typical leftwing thinker now views the world around them.

And it’s today’s ‘mainstream media’ of which it can safely be said is now either dying or is already quite dead. And yet, there are those folks who still think that most of those in the media work with some modicum of integrity and that they remain the last line of defense against tyranny and the preservation of our rights. Yet everything they push as a solution to our greatest problems, is a government solution, rarely do they talk about individuals stepping up and doing the right thing. And even then, they find some way to link it to some future or present governmental program.

All of which is interesting when you consider that these people, who are part of the establishment in this nation, keep saying the system is inherently racist when they helped build the current system we have to deal with. Especially in strongholds of rabidly leftwing radicalism in cities like Chicago, where they have been cheerleaders for leftists for more than 60 years as that city has descended into a virtual war zone. Still, they refuse to examine the policies that lead them there. Instead, it is the fault of a gun or conservatives, or those who haven’t held power there in over 60 years.

In the modern era there are no longer any standards for ‘journalism.’ When so-called ‘journalists’ purposely lie or intentionally misstate facts, you would think they would be fired or at least demoted. But nope! And it’s these same ‘journalists’ who comprise a remarkably untalented group, completely lacking objectivity and believe that an echo chamber is all that is needed for validation. They truly are the “enemy of the people” and not even a worthy adversary because they are too mentally deficient to fool anyone. They may think they’re clever, but they certainly are not!

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