

Monday, August 14, 2017


Well it would seem that ‘The Swamp’ continues its full-frontal assault in its effort to overturn an election that they thought for sure their candidate had in the bag. They’ve tried recounts, they’ve tried turning Electoral College electors against Trump, and of course, for the last year and a half, they’ve pushed the charge of collusion between now President Trump and old Vlad Putin.  Now we who voted for Trump in the last election are to believe he is in reality, a white supremacist.

Again, in this past Sunday’s episode of ABC’s “This Week” that network ‘contributor’ Cokie ‘Kookie’ Roberts declared during a panel discussion about President Donald Trump’s reaction to the violence in Charlottesville, VA that Trump had to “share responsibility.”  Kookie said, “Well, the president has to share responsibility. The fact is, is that through hat campaign, he blew all kind of whistles that those of us who grew up in the Jim Crow South, like I did, recognized immediately.”

Kookie went on to say, “It was just calling out to these white supremacists who then felt empowered by it, and the president now not calling them out — you know, he should listen to Nikki Haley, his now UN ambassador,” she continued. “She’s the person who started bringing down Confederate monuments. And she did it so graciously and exactly the right tone after the killings of Mother Emmanuel Church.”  Personally, I for one, am against destroying any part of this nation’s history.

Kookie seems to ignore the fact that Jim Crow was the vehicle invented and used by Democrats, to control the freed black population, following the Civil War...it wasn't Republicans who were upset the slaves were freed, that would be her favored Democrats.  And it would seem that if we follow her rather bizarre ‘logic’, Obummer and Hitlery can be said to be responsible for Rep. Scalise getting shot.  This is really nothing more than yet another classic example of a Democrat Party false flag. 

Let’s face it, Kookie is a dinosaur, but still somewhat impressive is in her 70s. Although I would have sworn that the old girl was in her 80s.  She's always been a lightweight intellect.  And as I have heard said about so many others of her particular political persuasion, “She's lucky her parents were born first.”  The same could be said about many other news and political types who owe everything to the prominent parents who preceded them.  She needs to crawl back under her rock and die.

There are any number of videos available on Youtube of nearly every “protest” by those who identify as Antifa.  You know, those paid political goons who always show up to “protest” every conservative speaker and politician.  They are the modern brownshirts who show up to agitate and foment violence. They have their masks, helmets, sticks and chains. They bring their pepper spray. They attack anyone who disagrees with them, assault the police and destroy private and public property.

Amazingly, few are ever arrested, or even charged with a crime, and why do you think that might be?  More than likely it’s because all of the big city mayors are all liberal Democrats who support Antifa and their actions!  Yeah, I think that's it. What you don't see are conservatives attacking liberals when they are marching or protesting. You don't see conservatives destroying property or assaulting the police. You don't see conservatives chanting, “Pigs in a blanket, fry ‘em like bacon!”  Nope!

You certainly don't see conservatives murdering police officers. Try to remember everything is on video and on the internet. That is proof that cannot be denied, there is no argument when people can see it for themselves. Remember, “actions speak louder than words.”  We know what is going on, no one is fooled.  And yet I saw some moron, Judy Miller, make the idiotic claim while on Fox News the other night, that right wing groups are FAR MORE violent than those groups on the left.  REALLY?

Look, at the end of the day it can only be the American people who will be able to stop the madness.  But first they must come to understand that there is absolutely NOTHING that those in ‘The Swamp’ will not say about our duly elected president.  No accusation that they will not make against him, no name they will not call him and no claim they will not make about him.  If we understand that then we go into this battle armed with everything we need, because we will have the truth on our side.  

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