

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Like just about everything else he claims is in urgent need of attention, Barry likes to spend a great deal of his time talking about, as well as to spend billions of our tax dollars on, that which he claims to be is the next great threat to be faced by our world. And has his way of combating that threat, he has effectively declared war on any and all fossil fuels, unleashing his rather overzealous EPA to go after any potential ‘offender’, and by handing out billions of dollars to every green energy scammer that may come along.

And in the marking of such an auspicious occasion as the 44th Earth Day, Barry has decided to do so in a big way. You see, Barry will mark this year’s Earth Day by making what can only be described as the making of a rather impressive carbon footprint. Barry will be spending more than 15 hours on Air Force One and 15 minutes aboard the Marine One helicopter. Not including his motorcades in Oso, Washington, the site of a recent devastating mudslide, Barry’s trip will consume an estimated 35,565 gallons of fuel.

Now, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the statistics arm of the Department of Energy, the burning of each gallon of fuel produces 21.1 pounds of carbon dioxide. That would bring Barry’s Earth Day carbon grand total to more than 375.7 tons. The White House, of course, choose not respond to any questions about what measures it might be taking, you know like the planting of trees, for instance, to offset those emissions. So once again we see another example of, do as I say, not as I do.

Boeing's specifications for its 747 aircraft, which serves as Air Force One, include an estimate for fuel consumption of 5 gallons per mile. Tuesday's presidential travel will span more than 7,100 miles over two continents. Sikorsky, whose HV-3d Sea King helicopter flew Obama from the White House to Andrews Air Force Base, burns an additional 176.7 gallons of fuel per hour, requiring more than 44 gallons – about four times the size of a modern economy car's fuel tank – for the estimated 15-minute trip.

Oddly enough in celebration of Earth Day the White House issued some stupid little essay calling for renewed awareness of threats from global warming. It said, 'Our health, our economy, our security, and our planet’s future are once again threatened by pollution and environmental degradation.' And went on to declare, 'Our climate is changing, and that change is being driven by human activity. Every year, the United States pumps millions of tons of carbon dioxide pollution and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.' 'Earth Day is about taking action.'

But Barry's trip will have far more than simply an environmental cost, draining $228,288 from the taxpayer-funded U.S. Treasury for every hour it's in the air. The Air Force's estimate brings Barry’s total airfare to $3.47 Million. Barry is visiting the town of Oso, Washington, the site of a deadly March 22 mudslide. He will meet with victims' families as well as first responders before continuing on his trip to Tokyo which is scheduled to include a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, and a visit with the nation's emperor and empress.

So once again we see who it is that are really the ones that must made to adjust their lifestyles because of some nonexistent threat ginned up by the likes of Barry. I mean he certainly hasn’t allowed it to interfere in his life. After all, he’s still taking family vacations, jetting wherever it is that he wants to go. He hasn’t been slowed down in the least by the fact that gas is now twice as much as it was when he first became president. And I’m quite sure that the thermostat in his residence is set wherever the bitch wants it set. So spare me the idiotic rhetoric.

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